Accidents and help in the hobby family.

  • YSD
  • 08-11-2009, 11:10 AM
Kayla, I really like your idea. Perhaps it would be a good idea to mobilize a group of folks willing to help (count me in) without specific assignments and then triage the tasks as needed (someone to make calls, someone to coordinate blood doning, someone for transportation etc...). That way the group is on call and ready and jumps into action based on the specific situation and what is needed to get done.

Gentlemen, BJ,LD,FM

I''m glad you got it out of your system, now we are back to what the OP intended.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Kayla I think this is a wonderful idea.

Unfortunately I contracted a case of malaria while working in Indonesia many years ago and am forever banned from donating blood to another person.

I don't know why that is, but when the question comes up I would never lie about it, if there's even the slightest remote chance that my blood still has one corpuscle of malaria in it I don't want anyone else to have it.

That's not an illness I would wish on even my worst enemy.

Guest101610-2's Avatar
If you can't donate blood, that's ok, people always need stuff too.

This would be an emergency sort of thing. A provider gets in an accident and needs blood within the hour or she dies and there is nothing at the hospital that she is compatible with, then you call me. I can give to everybody (no really, O- is the universal donor.)

If you take nothing away from this thread except the knowledge that there is access to blood in the metroplex that's perfect.

I also have a wooden futon, a comfy chair, a ton of kids clothes (size 4, 5t), and pots and pans (even some cast iron) that is ready to ship out to anyone that needs it. Please just ask me and it's yours.

I'm moving so any of this stuff that you all want please let me know. It's easier to move only a little bit of stuff.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Hey Kayla I love cast iron pots and pans and don't cook on anything else. And my grandfather showed me a surefire way to keep them clean.

If possible could you PM me with a description of what you have and how soon you need to get rid of it? I would gladly make the drive to North Dallas, especially if you have one of those big cast iron griddles that covers two burners.

In my opinion you can't beat pancakes cooked on one of those big daddies, and they are extremely hard to find nowadays.

Also if you want me to help with a list of donors close to Harris Hospital or John Peter Smith for emergency blood donations I'll be pleased to do so. I always have my cell phone turned on and close to me, and I'm a light sleeper.

One of the providers lost recently was right over here, but unfortunately all the blood in the world couldn't have kept her alive.

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Oh I agree about the cast iron. I even have a dutch oven that I love. These pans have been around for about 50 years. It's not that I want or need to get rid of them, I just have more than I honestly need and it would be a wonderful gift and way to start someone's kitchen over.
Introuble's Avatar
I would think if a need was there and that person stated the need publicly as they do for car notes, rent, computers, and diapers.....some would step up. I assume they do step up for the other stuff too...right?

I think a list is a bit much as then you eliminate a lot of others that might help if they knew about it. Then you say that we post the need publicly too, but aren't we back to square one?

It doesn't matter whether the person has a disease or not. You are not going to get THAT blood anyway as a donation simply replenishes the stock. Only in rare cases is blood given direct to the individual from the donor. So having a disease will either get screened out or tested out but either way you will not receive THAT blood.

Just post the need. No need for a list.
St.Mateo's Avatar
Great idea but sadly cannot give blood anymore.

Was diagnosed with melanoma in 2004 no problem there but once you havr that you cannot give blood...
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Interesting!!! I have had a few of those annoying melanoma skin cancers cut off too. Did not know that meant I could never give blood again. But I was already excluded I thought due to malaria.
Really? That excludes you? I have had some cut off also.