Average age of providers and hobbyists

JnR82's Avatar
  • JnR82
  • 04-06-2010, 12:06 PM
27 over here.
Most of the providers I see are 40something but I guess the average would be 30something, I do know some 50something providers and they are hot.
tsrv4me's Avatar
OOPS I missed out on the appointment today(I remembered tho) .....mind isn't going as fast as I thought.......Maybe she will see me tomorrow morning ....LOL .....and I know I will be in good hands and be in other good places also ...I will
NEVER forget those places ....T
yaddayadda's Avatar
I would of said a few years ago that the average provider would be around 30, but with all the 18-22 year olds coming out of the woodwork...I dunno...I think a woman is the best around 32-37, but there are a LOT of exceptions.
I am 57 by the way.
42 here and have been told I look like I'm in my early to mid 30's. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Yes you do
  • 69
  • 04-06-2010, 06:05 PM
Wow - really?! I hope to be able to still see and drive when I am 80 Originally Posted by Suite270
Hell, I don't care whether or not I can see or drive at 80, as long as I can still "lick it and stick it".
Haha I got you beat at 25 Originally Posted by dallasfanboy
FINALLY someone younger than me somewhere. I tend to roll with an older crowd oddly enough.
Sasquatch's Avatar
Now at 51, I tend to enjoy ladies between 30 - 55. Any younger and I feel like the dirty old man that I really am.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Most providers I've seen range anywhere between early twenties on up to early thirties. Guess now that I'm older I like them significantly younger than me.
drez63's Avatar
Ive always thought this formula works well for me.....within 5 years to older side.

Best age for a provider = (Hobbyists age / 2) + 3
CoHorn's Avatar
42 here and have been told I look like I'm in my early to mid 30's. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I'm 44 and have days where I look and feel 70.

I typically try to see ladies from the mid to late twenties to the mid to late forties. I have and will make exceptions to those parameters if someone interests me.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The French has a formula that says the idea age for a woman is half the man's age, plus 7.
Yeah, well the French also think the perfect breast size is one that fits in a champagne glass.
I'm sure I'm "trop grande" in both of those categories: age and breast size.

(If you're not French, feel free to write me to arrange a date. Freedom Fries could be served.)
mikahranae's Avatar
I would say the average age of my clients are mid 40's. I am 31 and turning 32 in july....woo hoo!