Incall Awkwardness

You know what? As long as no one is disturbing the peace, it's none of their buisiness. On the flip side-I do outcalls to hotels, and I must say I know what you guys feel. Sometimes theres a wise ass clerk (usually a young guy) who sais good night to me, or something like that. One time I asked a man how to get upstairs because the elevator was out of order, and you know what he did? He asked me to tell him who I was there to see. What a wise ass. MIND YOUR OWN BUISINESS!
NeedingMore's Avatar
Um, DL, I would like to know the location of the least I'd get a nice looksy
I have been a little self conscious abouy this a few times myself. I don't really like walking through the lobby, I feel like i have a sign on my back who Iam going to see, lol. One thing I don't do is stop or ask anybody a question. to make myself seem a bit discrete I'll stop at the coke machine or walk towards the bathroom. I often take the stairs too. If cleaning personnel are in the hall way I'll stall or walk in a different direction or slip into the bathroom for a moment, just any small thing to not draw any attention to myself or the providers room.
Romostar's Avatar
Lots of great comments! I like the idea of using an old key, but that might not work at that hotel since there were so few people there during the day. The computer bag would have worked great for me, but of course I forgot to bring it.

Having appointments spread out would have helped and not caused undue stress on everyone. Sometimes it's better not to be greedy, but then again, that is the American way.

Now that I think about it, Hotels are businesses too, and in this down economy with a glut of hotel rooms vacant, they may just look the other way for the revenue they collect.
From having friends who have worked in hotels for many years, I can tell you the majority of hotel workers don't care what goes on the rooms. As long as you aren't disturbing the other guests, they don't care what you do. They are in the business of renting rooms and trust me, that is all they care about.

If you are a high volume provider, then naturally having men coming in and out of one room all night long will draw attention. Just hope you have a cool guest assistant who doesn't care and will let you get your rocks off. On the flipside, there are those "vigilante" guest assistants that will probably have a provider escorted out if they have just cause.

Ways of dealing with it, use the side door. If you walk in the lobby, walk in there like you own the hotel. Visit the hotel during "normal" hours. People come in and out of hotels all the time, so as long as you keep cool about it you wont draw any extra attention.
Guest071315's Avatar
Take food!! The ladies wouldn't mind a snack.

And as for visiting hotels as a provider... I seem to get the "I know what you were doing.... You just got here a little over an hour ago" look.... May have to take food or luggage on my next one!!
Take food!! The ladies wouldn't mind a snack.

And as for visiting hotels as a provider... I seem to get the "I know what you were doing.... You just got here a little over an hour ago" look.... May have to take food or luggage on my next one!! Originally Posted by RyansFun

Yeah, I get that look also from the clerks. But I don't look at them. I have tunnel vision. But then they often say "HAVE A GREAT NIGHT" -it's usually men who do that. They just do it to be wise azzes. Often times, I don't look or respond. I ignore them completly. For some reason it makes me mad, I'massuming they know why I'm there. So they should just leave me alone. I'm tempted to say GO **** YOURSELF but usually all I do is give a dirty look. The point is, do not draw attention to yourself. But I swear, I think some of these clerks want you to know they know why your there. Creeps if you ask me.
Guest071315's Avatar
major creeps. LOL. but oh well... atleast i will have had food!!
Guest071315's Avatar
as in a dinner guest!
Lauren Lane's Avatar
I have at least once or twice left very nice hotels that were already paid for and went to another due to just not enough other guests in the hotel and even though I only had a few clients booked, it just seemed to obvious for me.

And when going to an outcall at a hotel, I have a smaller rolling bag I carry along with a computer bag that I carry. The computer bag has a plastic kids laptop in it. LOL. Would not want to have trouble and have my work laptop in it but want the case to appear full.

And I always tip. Also put my trash in a grocery bag or whatever because the hotel trashcan liners are clear.
True story: the week of the Super Bowl, I visited a pretty nice hotel for some fun. At the end, she walks me to the door, we open it, she gives me a big smooch, I say I had a great time (or something way cool like that) and start walking out the door.

I froze as I noticed a fully dressed out DPD cop standing right outside her door, looking out a window but with his head half-turned so he could hear us. He had to have heard everything. Guess he was doing security that day for a convention the hotel had going. So yeah, I'm cooling to hotels a bit. I can laugh now, though.....
cowboyesfan's Avatar
From having friends who have worked in hotels for many years, I can tell you the majority of hotel workers don't care what goes on the rooms. As long as you aren't disturbing the other guests, they don't care what you do. They are in the business of renting rooms and trust me, that is all they care about.
Originally Posted by bayou_bengal
Having worked in several hotels, providers are great guests. They are very quiet and don't complain.

Families in town for soccer tournaments were by far the worst guests ever.
Romostar's Avatar
So true... Large packs of kids running wild down the halls is far worse than any trouble a provider and client would cause. It still amazes me that people think it is OK to scream down the hallways. Rude. I was worried about the loud sex, but nothing is as bad a wild kids
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 03-25-2011, 12:45 AM
I didn't enjoy the snickers I got from the Holiday Inn Express gals the last time. But then again, I got a piece of that ass and they didn't.
This is the exact reason I meet in the lobby with a business suit on and a folder in my hand. After our greeting we depart to my private location away from the hotel. When traveling I also may ask my date to bring a folder of sorts to the lobby. Even if we only sit there for five is easy to stand up and loudly say..."Sure, if you don't mind running to my room I can get you the rest of the documents" then walk to my room while the client follows. I also NEVER am seen wearing anything but business attire in front of the hotel staff. This works well for me and my clients.