Biden begs OPEC, Russia to boost oil output after hurting U.S. oil sector

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  • 03-02-2022, 07:50 AM
So let’s get this straight.

Biden’s stupidity destroys our energy independence.
Putin invades Ukraine.
We are sending arms to Ukraine to help them defend against the Russians.
We are buying oil from Russia so they can more afford to invade Ukraine.

Is this the new definition of stupid? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oil is a worldwide commodity....our refineries buy it from where they can turn the best profit.

We have talked about oil in this forum for decades, yet many still do not seem to have a clue how the market works.
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  • 03-02-2022, 07:52 AM
A barrel of oil hit $112 this morning. Oh well. Originally Posted by bambino
It will come back down...

I remember when it hit 140.....but can't remember when. Folks were going nuts
Some people still think oil pumped from American wells ends up in American refineries, rather than sold on the global market with American refineries and gas resellers buying the cheapest oil they can from the global market.

The same idiots believe somehow that Canadian oil was going into pipeline and into their gas tanks rather than onto a ship to be sold on the global market.
its a simple matter

the more oil produced, the cheaper it is

and the money flows into this nation if its our oil and our refineries doing the work

you're setting up idiotic strawmen and then "expertly" tearing them down
Some people still think oil pumped from American wells ends up in American refineries, rather than sold on the global market with American refineries and gas resellers buying the cheapest oil they can from the global market.

The same idiots believe somehow that Canadian oil was going into pipeline and into their gas tanks rather than onto a ship to be sold on the global market. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... And you STILL don't understand. ... Net Energy Independence
is a BETTER solution for America... Trump surely understood
the concept - YOU don't.

But IF Biden was doing the ANWAR drilling - you'd be
supporting it in a heartbeat... And YOU know it.

... So that's what makes you a phony there, mate. ...

### Salty
Our oil is not what our refineries are set up to refine.

Especially here on the Gulf Coast.

You're talking out your ass mate. Originally Posted by WTF
Why can't we refine our own oil?
... And you STILL don't understand. ... Net Energy Independence
is a BETTER solution for America... Trump surely understood
the concept - YOU don't.

But IF Biden was doing the ANWAR drilling - you'd be
supporting it in a heartbeat... And YOU know it.

... So that's what makes you a phony there, mate. ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You have no clue what you’re talking about. I have no issue with drilling. I live in a gulf state. A major part of the south Louisianna economy is related to drilling and refining oil.

I also understand how the oil market actually works. It doesn’t get drilled in the gulf and brought to Baton Rouge for refining. It gets loaded on ships and goes elsewhere. If cheaper oil was available on the market, that oil comes to Baton Rouge for refining.

Just because your understanding is simple is not my fault.
Precious_b's Avatar
Considering that BP and others want to unload their Russian petro interest, this would be a good time to buy them.

And with Soviet oil still being sold at a discounted rate, I don't mind that kind of dependence. Time for all you keyboard traders here to buy in on the cheap.

Again, *I* like the high price. Remember the $4-$5 for ImpGal in the '60s. Americans have always been spoiled by cheap energy and food.
"Americans have always been spoiled by cheap energy and food." ??

Your statement there is also the same sentiment that most of
the Democrat politicians believe.

And one of the reasons they'll be SCHELLACKED come November.

### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Americans have always been spoiled by cheap energy and food. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Yet here you are. You could relocate to Venezuela. They don't burden themselves with spoiling their citizens with anything.Eh Comrade?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Remember the $4-$5 for ImpGal in the '60s... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Price of gas in the '60s was around 30 cent in the States mate. It shot way, way up during the Carter years ('77-'81), which some might refer to as the O'Biden 1.0 years

Gas Price History
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  • WTF
  • 03-03-2022, 09:55 AM
... And you STILL don't understand. ... Net Energy Independence
is a BETTER solution for America... Trump surely understood
the concept - YOU don't.

But IF Biden was doing the ANWAR drilling - you'd be
supporting it in a heartbeat... And YOU know it.

... So that's what makes you a phony there, mate. ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Trump had little to nothing to do with our drilling....he was the recipient of prior administration.

And you can't even give the prior administration credit... oil companies were drilling like crazy.

I hate that there are follow Americans stupid enough to believe that Trump was responsible....opps almost forgot the phoney Aussie
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  • 03-03-2022, 09:57 AM
You have no clue what you’re talking about. I have no issue with drilling. I live in a gulf state. A major part of the south Louisianna economy is related to drilling and refining oil.

I also understand how the oil market actually works. It doesn’t get drilled in the gulf and brought to Baton Rouge for refining. It gets loaded on ships and goes elsewhere. If cheaper oil was available on the market, that oil comes to Baton Rouge for refining.

Just because your understanding is simple is not my fault. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You can always tell the people who actually invest in oil....they do not make all these ignorant assumptions folks like Salty and LexusLover make.
Precious_b's Avatar
"Americans have always been spoiled by cheap energy and food." ??

Your statement there is also the same sentiment that most of
the Democrat politicians believe.

And one of the reasons they'll be SCHELLACKED come November.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Hey Salt Lick!
How's it going?

You must be waxing about that sentiment since I was in the country *your* head of state is at.
Precious_b's Avatar
Yet here you are. You could relocate to Venezuela. They don't burden themselves with spoiling their citizens with anything.Eh Comrade? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Yes. Here I am. You don't here me complaining about it. But maybe you can act upon your suggestion if the price of oil means that much to you. Sì duce?