dilbert firestorm's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 05-11-2019, 07:40 AM
Valued Poster
Quote: After the administration announced tariffs on a host of Chinese goods this spring, Beijing responded with levies on U.S. products. Those included 62 percent tariffs on U.S. pork products, according to the U.S. Meat Export Federation, an industry group.

Is China losing the battle against an incurable pig virus?

he latest threat comes from African swine fever, a highly contagious virus with no known cure, and a near zero survival rate for infected pigs.The good news is that the disease is not harmful to human health. The bad news is that it will probably hurt our wallets.
The epicentre of the current crisis is China, the world's biggest producer and consumer of pork. It alone accounts for more than half of the world's pig population.
China is struggling to contain the disease, which has spread to every part of the country since August last year.
After months of claiming the situation was under control, Beijing is now warning that pork prices in China could rise by more than 70% in the second half of this year.
This in turn would have a knock-on impact on China's economy, given that pork prices are an important contributor to its inflation levels.
Official data released over the past week reinforce the seriousness of the situation.
China's National Bureau of Statistics says the country's pig population has fallen by nearly 40 million to 375.3 million from a year earlier, because of the swine fever outbreak.
however some analysts believe that China has been under-reporting the situation, partly due to local farmers withholding information about outbreaks.
Looking ahead, the epidemic could decimate around 200 million pigs in China, according to a grim report by Rabobank.
It forecasts that China's pork output will fall by 30% this year, creating implications for global commodity markets.
"To give you some context, the decline here in China is now almost as much as the total amount of pork produced in the EU as a whole," says Rabobank global strategist Justin Sherrard.
He says that China cannot import enough pigs to make up the shortfall.
"We don't believe there's enough animal protein available in the world to make up the difference.
"And so it will be disruptive in those other markets. You will see prices increase in those other markets.
"At one level you can say a shortage in one region is good news for another region. But the magnitude of these changes are such that this is going to be disruptive in other markets.
"It's not a simple situation where you can say 'oh yes but surely they can just import the difference'."
China is, however, trying to boost pork imports from another big producer - the US - to make up for its lost domestic supply. There's just one problem - President Trump's trade war.
US pork exports to China are currently facing tariffs of 62% because of the continuing trade dispute between both countries.
The usual tariff rate for US pork exports to China is 12%, but an additional tariff of 50% was added last year due to their spat, making American pork significantly more expensive for Chinese consumers.
Rabobank's Mr Sherrard calls their current trade tensions an "unwelcome complication", but predicts the pork shortage could lead to an accelerated deal between the two sides.
"In the end, we will see that there'll be some sort of temporary, or maybe even a permanent, resolution of the trade dispute to try and get that pork meat and other animal proteins flowing from the US to China," he says.
"In fact there have been stories of huge volumes of US pork being shipped to China already despite those tariffs being in place."
The situation is already being reflected in the financial markets - US lean-hog futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange have risen around 60% over the last month.
In addition to the outbreak in China, there are also now reports of the virus in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia.
Europe has also been affected by African swine fever in recent years, which can be carried by both domesticated pigs and wild boars.
"After devastating the Baltic nations and eastern Poland in 2014, African swine fever emerged in the Czech Republic and near Warsaw," says Lynn Morgan, head of Europe at global research firm Ipsos Business Consulting.
"Pork prices collapsed due to insufficient domestic production and more than a third of pig farms went out of business."

She believes that Germany, the largest pork producer and exporter in Europe, has the most to lose from further outbreaks.
"Recent analysis has suggested we could expect African swine fever to emerge in the German wild boar population over the next four years," she says.
Pigs infected with the fever usually die within 10 days.
If a single pig is found to test positive for the virus, the entire herd has to be slaughtered. Farmers usually suffer substantial financial losses in the process.
While African swine fever can live on for weeks or months in uncooked and frozen pork, it is not harmful to humans, according to the World Organisation for Animal Health.
But that could change. Russia's chief epidemiologist believes the virus could potentially mutate further given the similarity between pig and human physiology.
Meanwhile, the UK's National Health Service website states that: "Many global outbreaks of infectious illnesses (pandemics) that have occurred in recent history are thought to have been caused by viruses previously only found in animals. After mutating, the viruses became capable of infecting humans."
Aside from being a meal staple, the pig is historically and culturally one of China's favourite animals.
It is one of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac and 2019 is the Year of the Pig, according to the Chinese lunar calendar.
But until the African swine fever epidemic is brought under control, there is clearly little to celebrate.

China is in trouble with this virus decimating hog populations - and the Totalitarian govt is well aware of what hunger in china means. The people enjoy a liberalized economy - based on CAPITALISM - but have no political freedom.

China may well be forced to liberalize it's pork purchases from the US - We need to stick it to them with prices and requirements to repay the years of theft of intellectual property.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like poor husbanding practices with pig farms may have been a contributing factor for the African swine flu.

I noticed that a number of viruses has popped out of china and spread to other countries.

destruction for a herd. isn't that wasteful practice? if one is found, the entire herd has to be destroyed. what if the herd isn't sick, just that one. wouldn't it make sense to test the entire herd for it before the cull.
  • oeb11
  • 05-11-2019, 11:24 AM
Virus is so transmissible that if the infection is found in a herd - the whole her is likely infected due to how they are raised in close quarters. Cannot test and wait for results on individual pigs.
This may wind up being a global disaster affecting pig producers around the globe.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
African Swine Fever: What You Need to Know



The World Organization for Animal Health, of which the U.S. is a member, considers African swine fever to be a trade limiting foreign animal disease of swine. Countries with confirmed cases are subject to international trade restrictions aimed at reducing the risk of introduction of the disease through trade.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Donald Trump and Swine Fever Are Creating an Economic Crisis


The virus is so contagious that one outbreak was traced to a courier mailing pouch delivered to a farm—the pouch, not its contents, spread the disease.

Things are starting to come together.
  • oeb11
  • 05-11-2019, 03:47 PM
It was obvious 9500 would find some way to blame the Swine virus on Trump.
And did.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You're dumb. Not surprising.
  • oeb11
  • 05-12-2019, 07:47 AM
E9500- a thought for the "Valued poster"
Rules of Forum #1, 3, 4, 6.
Vacations have been awarded.
You're dumb. Not surprising.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Coming from the guy who somehow only read the first word of the OP and deflected a border wall discussion(which the left continues to lose) to somehow talking about pigs only.

Cmon guys don't feed the troll. He'll get himself banned like the other rabid TDS'ers have recently.