LEt me say this VI, i have many "friends" that are providers or exproviders", i always know that we keep the "friendship" buisness like. Only once did i think i might have gotten into a fwb or "freebie status" but asked if i was mistaken. I was told yes and it didnt bother me becasue i was unsure of the sittuation. I know this is a buisness and its all fantasy.
I do enjoy talking and jokeing with those that have befriended me but dont go looking for discounts or freebies. Thing is im probably a rare person in this hobby that is like that. Becareful VI the world is full of crazies nutjobs and mentally ill. Try to heed the advice of providers that have been doing this a lot longer than you, they just trying to help you avoid an awkward sitituation.
P.S. i have started playing the Blizzard MOBA Heros of the Storm, lots of fun i recomend it, its free to own and play, perfect price lol.