Syria...sounds like Thw Wacko Kid is writing Trumps tweets!

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  • 10-08-2019, 10:43 AM
Ignoring some good points in the slapstick above...

Why does the US have to be, and pay for being, the world's policeman?
Seriously, making a deal with whomever we get a lot of oil from is one thing.
But, why is keeping a couple outfits that do nothing for the US from thinning each other out any of our concern? Let the Europeans handle it, and pay for it. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
So you are for cutting aid to the Israel? You do know they get more aid than any other country?

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  • 10-08-2019, 10:46 AM
President Trump wakes up every morning and thinks ‘How can I trigger left wing loons today?’ He knocked it out of the park with this one. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Works every time. Surprised they have any hair left to set on fire. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Graham , Rubio, Mitch seemed liked the ones triggered. Lindsey especially...

So you are for cutting aid to the Israel? You do know they get more aid than any other country?
Originally Posted by WTF
And in comparison to many of the others, their ROI is phenomenal. You do know that right???
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  • 10-08-2019, 11:19 AM
And in comparison to many of the others, their ROI is phenomenal. You do know that right??? Originally Posted by eccielover
Really....we are 22 Trillion in debt

Really....we are 22 Trillion in debt Originally Posted by WTF
And that has absolutely zero to do with the ROI from giving Israel aid. Nice dodge though.
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  • 10-08-2019, 04:32 PM
And that has absolutely zero to do with the ROI from giving Israel aid. Nice dodge though. Originally Posted by eccielover
Please make your case for all the direct and indirect money we have wasted on Israel.

Maybe Palestine should have built a wall to keep the Jews out

bambino's Avatar
Please make your case for all the direct and indirect money we have wasted on Israel.

Maybe Palestine should have built a wall to keep the Jews out

Originally Posted by WTF
You do know the Turks are legal allies of ours? It’s that Nato thing. The Kurds are friends. So now you’re a hawk? I say get out of the Middle East. Should have left Saddam and Israel to fight Iran.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Please make your case for all the direct and indirect money we have wasted on Israel.

Maybe Palestine should have built a wall to keep the Jews out

Originally Posted by WTF
It's a bullshit notion that nomadic Bedouins who moved hither and thither throughout that entire region -- until King Hussein pinned them up in Gaza and wouldn't allow them to leave as he used them as political pawns -- ever had title to that land.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Please make your case for all the direct and indirect money we have wasted on Israel.

Maybe Palestine should have built a wall to keep the Jews out

Originally Posted by WTF

maybe the Palestinians should have taken their land in 1946 when the Brtis broke up their empire. they refused because the deal also created Israel so now here they are wandering in the desert homeless to this day. that sandn****r Arafat refused a Palestinian state also .. because Israel exists and he wouldn't allow his own people a homeland while Israel exists.. did i mention he stole 1 BILLION in VAT taxes from his own people? he was a terrorist piece of shit.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So you are for cutting aid to the Israel? You do know they get more aid than any other country? Originally Posted by WTF
They have nukes, and have proven that they can defend themselves.
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  • WTF
  • 10-09-2019, 10:37 AM
They have nukes, and have proven that they can defend themselves. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
And just how much do you think that has cost us?

Next...are you saying that is a deterrence to War?

If so...should not all nations then have them?

You'd make a great spokes person for NK and Iran.

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  • WTF
  • 10-09-2019, 10:40 AM
You do know the Turks are legal allies of ours? It’s that Nato thing. The Kurds are friends. So now you’re a hawk? I say get out of the Middle East. Should have left Saddam and Israel to fight Iran. Originally Posted by bambino
Left Israel to fight Iran....we are Israel, without us, they are nothing, just like the Kurds.

The Kurds have in fact been was less trouble , cost way less and are recent proven fighters. None of which you can say about Israeli's.

I'm not a Hawk....but I do not want to selectively cut ties. Cut ties to all....that includes Israel.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMAO at that map. It’s a farce made by someone with absolutely no understanding of history. There has NEVER been a “Palestine” or “Palestinians”. Read a fckn book.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
and all they heard from the Right was.... silence. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Apparently you have shit in your ears. I'm hearing plenty from the right but you won't hear it on MSNBC or CNN.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Trump is upset about the "blemish" that impeachment is going to leave on his record. now that's funny. Scardy cat lying Trumpers are the most un American traitors since benedict Arnold. Originally Posted by themystic
Better go read up on Benedict Arnold.