another heroic moment in the annals of blue state leftism

you must not be able to read

you asked where do I "come up with this shit"

from cuomo

here is what cuomo said

"So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money when I can't even pay the essential services."

in reference to taxing the volunteers cuomo says, "I'm not gonna spend more money"

so he says its spending to not tax

he's not the first one who has said that, that's been going on for a number of years by leftists, where have you been?

and in the same breath, well in the previous breath, he says, in effect, if we could just all share in all the federal money, I could "spend" that money
Munchmasterman's Avatar
How many came from there?

You don't know. Where they come from, what they were doing, or if they were working.

You have no information on how many people are involved. And if they were laid off, isn't it great they have a job now?

You people rag about policy blamed on incomplete information. You and yours have constantly claimed a lack of information on all virus subject policies.
And now you say an incomplete fox article tells you how many, where from, and why they showed up.

These aren't restaurant workers. They are health care workers. First responders. They know the risks involved and that didn't stop them before.
Their risk has been amplified by a lack of supplies from the feds.
You knew that, right?

PS How about a link telling how many of these empty hospitals there are? The locations of these hospitals? How many volunteers there are in New York?
The risk in Toad Suck Arkansas is a wee bit less than in Manhattan. Most volunteers are there because their home base hospitals are empty and they’ve been laid off. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
lustylad's Avatar
Besides, shouldn't the "volunteers" have to pay the same taxes on their wages as the residents? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
No. They should only pay state income taxes to the state where they reside. If you live more than 183 days of the year in North Carolina (where Samaritan's Purse is based), then you're a legal resident of that state, not New York.

At least that's the way it used to work. Then New York state got greedy and changed the rules. According to the article (did you read it, munchy?) they now tax anyone who earns income in the state for 14 days or more. Greedy fuckers, ain't they?

My next question would be - is the same income taxable by BOTH states (NY and NC)? Or does NC exempt income that was already taxed by NY? If the latter is true, then NC is essentially giving up revenue for NY. That's called a subsidy.

Nothing to see here? I think there's a lot to see here, little munchkinboy.

Let's file it under "no good deed goes unpunished!"
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well, I know one. A gorgeous, vibrant young lady from my neighborhood who volunteered and is now sick AF and locked in her house. Hope Cuomo feels all warm and fuzzy when she writes the check to pay for the privilege of helping out his shithole state.

It’s not the feeds job to equip hospitals. We don’t have a government healthcare system, thank god.

You knew that, right?
Taxing people volunteering to work in that sewer and purposefully sending Covid + people into nursing homes. That’s one hell of a governor New York has got there, maybe Fredo’s actually the smart one. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

They have the same IQ.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
An off the cuff remark at a press conference. Accountants don't see it the way you do.

You scream like a bitch when someone brings up trump talking about injecting disinfectant into the body or any of the thousands of lies he has told.

I can read just fine. Too bad you can't understand.
you must not be able to read

you asked where do I "come up with this shit"

from cuomo

here is what cuomo said

"So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money when I can't even pay the essential services."

in reference to taxing the volunteers cuomo says, "I'm not gonna spend more money"

so he says its spending to not tax

he's not the first one who has said that, that's been going on for a number of years by leftists, where have you been?

and in the same breath, well in the previous breath, he says, in effect, if we could just all share in all the federal money, I could "spend" that money Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I wonder if puerto rico tried to tax the utility workers from texas, I know a few, who volunteered to help rebuild their electrical distribution system after hurricane maria
its not an offhand remark, its a belief system

you obviously don't listen critically to what leftist politicians say

they have called not taxing more "spending" for a number of years now

and its not by accident
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They have the same IQ. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Single digit for sure. I’m trying to wrap my head around what possible justification he could have had in sending Covid patients to nursing homes. That dumb fuck is literally a serial killer.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
No? So you know more about this than fox news?
See? You quote the 14 day period that proves the answer is yes but you say no anyway. What a douche-bag.

I see you know as much about this as everything else.
If you work in New York, you work by their rules. Or North Carolina for that matter.

Did you catch that? If you WORK in New York, you follow their laws.

This has nothing to do with which state you are a legal resident of other than following their laws.

Like you, I don't know the specifics.
Unlike you, I'm not going to pretend I do.

You know your opinion is worthless as far as I'm concerned and if you want questions answered, look them up.

And yes, I read the article. You quoting the 14 day time frame is the only thing that isn't your opinion. Your 183 days for legal residency may or may not be right but I don't care and you didn't post a link. I don't give a shit about N.Y. or N.C. tax law. The word "volunteer" can be used to describe anybody that takes a job. They were offered money and they took it.

You aren't going to argue they would have done it without pay, are you?

I can see you trying to renegotiate job conditions/compensation after a couple of months on the job. Retroactively.

So we'll add you to the list of people not smart enough to find out the deal before you commit to something.
Thank God our first responders/front line workers are smarter than you.

Did you read the article? The only people who complained are responsible for their own situation. They didn't care their people had to pay that tax. They lied and said they weren't aware of it.

a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking.
a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.

No. They should only pay state income taxes to the state where they reside. If you live more than 183 days of the year in North Carolina (where Samaritan's Purse is based), then you're a legal resident of that state, not New York.

At least that's the way it used to work. Then New York state got greedy and changed the rules. According to the article (did you read it, munchy?) they now tax anyone who earns income in the state for 14 days or more. Greedy fuckers, ain't they?

My next question would be - is the same income taxable by BOTH states (NY and NC)? Or does NC exempt income that was already taxed by NY? If the latter is true, then NC is essentially giving up revenue for NY. That's called a subsidy.

Nothing to see here? I think there's a lot to see here, little munchkinboy.

Let's file it under "no good deed goes unpunished!"
Originally Posted by lustylad
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You can see it's not my belief system.

I can see you buy into the trump belief system. Say or do anything to dodge responsibility.


18,000+ lies.

its not an offhand remark, its a belief system

you obviously don't listen critically to what leftist politicians say

they have called not taxing more "spending" for a number of years now

and its not by accident Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
lustylad's Avatar
No? So you know more about this than fox news?
See? You quote the 14 day period that proves the answer is yes but you say no anyway. What a douche-bag.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I see you're too drunk to comprehend my comments. You asked if non-residents SHOULD pay the same tax as New York residents do, not whether the law requires it. I was addressing the question as a matter of equity or fairness, but obviously those are principles you are incapable of grasping or weighing.

I also pointed out how New York's actions raise the possibility of double taxation. As a matter of fairness (again, a concept that escapes you) the same dollar of income should not be taxed twice by two different states. If it isn't taxed twice, then one state must be ceding the right to tax that dollar of income to the other state. The state giving up the right to tax is, in effect, subsidizing the state that taxes that dollar of income. So maybe Cuomo is misrepresenting the situation when he whines about not being able to "subsidize" out-of-state residents who heeded his plea to rush to New York and help the state during its hour of need.

I know this is way over your head, so you will probably stomp your little munchkin feet and call me "douche-bag" again, then babble on incoherently, as is your wont.

Sorry, but I'm not going to look everything up for you. There are 50 states with 50 different sets of tax rules.

Maybe you can ask your accountant to formulate a coherent answer for you. Oh wait, I forgot... you file the short forms, so you don't know any accountants. Never mind.
Then why shouldn’t they pays taxes, kind and nots at all rude sir? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
They should pay their taxes but perhaps the State of NY could show some appreciation and waive the state taxes for those people.

On the other hand, this might make them consider becoming Republicans.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Quite a while ago I was criticized for using Mother Jones to support my POV. To say I was thoroughly beaten up for doing so would be an understatement since Mother is very left biased. Since then I try to be more careful in choosing news sources to support my POV.

"Overall, we rate Mother Jones strongly Left-Center biased based on story selection that moderately favors the left and High for factual reporting due to thorough sourcing."

Breitbart is as farther to the right than Mother Jones is to the left. Do not expect Breitbart to be unbiased when reporting anything.

"Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous false claims."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You scream like a bitch when someone brings up trump talking about injecting disinfectant into the body or any of the thousands of lies he has told.
How is asking a question a lie?