So... who's runnin the Spider Hole these days ?

Ms. Athena's Avatar
Is this a new Kinky Club for the really jaded folks???? Ummm what's the password??
winn dixie's Avatar
Is this a new Kinky Club for the really jaded folks???? Ummm what's the password?? Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
8675309 ask for Jenny !
TryWeakly's Avatar
TryWeakly's Avatar
What is this "spider hole" you speak of? Originally Posted by boardman
Oh, I don't know. I was just catching up on somebold threads...

I cannot discuss with you what is said in the Spider Hole.........but following your logic, you can understand that the sense of community in KC you hint at also exists in the Spider Hole. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Hmmmm...I thought it was a place where people insult and demean each other all day. Originally Posted by boardman
You tell us...

I mean, DH even said to PM him for access and everythang...and since he hasnt posted in a couple years I figured he gone. Hence, my original question.

....ya dig ?
cinderbella's Avatar
I stumbled across the icky spider hole one day
years ago, accidentally while doing a Google
search. It was pretty tame, just a bunch of
jokes about members by members. Looked like
a bunch of gossip and insults. Some of the
jokes were amazing, lots of artistic and
comedic talent in the ranks. Some of it
was pathetic, so no surprise there.

Later on, a hobbyist who I am friends with
mentioned it. That's all I know about it,
and all I will ever know about it.
pyramider's Avatar
TryWeakly's Avatar
I stumbled across the icky spider hole one day
years ago, accidentally while doing a Google

It was pretty tame, just a bunch of
jokes about members by members. Looked like
a bunch of gossip and insults. Some of the
jokes were amazing, lots of artistic and
comedic talent in the ranks. Some of it
was pathetic, so no surprise there.

Later on, a hobbyist who I am friends with
mentioned it. That's all I know about it,
and all I will ever know about it. Originally Posted by cinderbella

Stumbled into it from a Google search ?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Still no takers ?
boardman's Avatar
apparently not
TryWeakly's Avatar
How bout you, then? You seem to be "in the know" ....
winn dixie's Avatar
Guessing who ever is holding the can of bear spray is running the spider hole
boardman's Avatar
I know what I know.
I know what I don't know except for when I don't know what I don't know.

VitaMan's Avatar
It's not important to know everything That is what experts are for.
Italia DiBella's Avatar
O'Mike's Avatar
It's not important to know everything That is what experts are for. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Ok, that may be my new line to herself if I get caught.................
