Busy weekend in KC

actually Lacy, not to argue with your "common sense" however evidence of a crime is in fact enough to arrest you for that crime and LE does not need a reason to search a hotel room if given permission by the hotel staff. Now certainly there are lots of laws and again, you may win with a good lawyer, however it will still cost you. Try telling a cop what he can and cant do and he will explain what it means to be arrested on "suspicion of". My post was a simple inforrmative post, I am sure you are not 20 years old and perhaps that makes it easier to be overlooked as a potential escort, but for the younger providers , their youth alone tends to draw attention. While many older ladies may in fact be "in town on business" its not an easy sell for a 20yr old blonde with enhanced breasts and a tan from the islands. There is a reason clients want them, they get attention and its well deserved!

I am sure your post was meant as a polite contrast to mine as I would not believe if you have been in this business very long, you have heard many many stories of rooms in disarray and girls in hooker clothing. If you havent heard those stories, im certain half the gents here can enlighten you.

While I agree that most providers are certainly not model material, I was not going to insult them all in my post by saying so, glad you didnt mind. As for class I do agree it goes a long way, far too many providers out there with cell phone pics taken in some hotel room by their boyfriend. Talk about tacky! If someones gonna charge in the hundreds, they should at least invest some of that back into their job, hire a professional photographer and show some class right?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think when a provider checks in to a motel, she should tell the desk clerk that she will be interviewing people to have a wonderful opportunity with Amway. The clerks won't come near your room, or watch anyone coming and going.
hunny.... why take pro pics and photoshop? The guys wanna see what is REALLY going to come to the door.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Lacy, loving you more and more.
Why do you need to use photoshop, im sure its easier to just blur out the problem areas, isnt it?
I think when a provider checks in to a motel, she should tell the desk clerk that she will be interviewing people to have a wonderful opportunity with Amway. The clerks won't come near your room, or watch anyone coming and going. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

ElumEno's Avatar
LE does not need a reason to search a hotel room if given permission by the hotel staff Originally Posted by thegfegirls
And that is one of the many LE bluffs that they use. Now I’m not an Attorney but I have had experience in Leasing and Real-Estate.

When you check into a Hotel you sign a lease for that room, legally that lease is no different than if it was for a week, month or year.
You are leasing that room and that room becomes YOUR premises tell the expiration of the lease.
NO ONE CAN ENTER YOUR PREMISES without your consent. Therefore Hotel Stuff CAN NOT give LE permission to search your room!
It is no different than an Landlord entering your rented house without your permission.
Now there could be something in the ‘fine print’ of the hotel lease that would allow it. READ THE LEASE
I think we can all agree that what the law is and what actually happens are two different things.
When it comes down to it LE will do pretty much what they want and let the Lawyers and Judges sort it out.
I also think that both of you make very valid points and are just trying to help others,
even if it was from a different prospective that somehow clashed.

That is just my two cents worth (so please take it as that)
I’m now going to grab another bag of popcorn and go back to hiding in my dark corner.