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  • 07-14-2014, 09:02 PM
"Uncle Tom" that word is not even in my vocabulary... Who uses the word "Uncle Tom"? Who could it be? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I'z dont no master Iffy who say dat term. Tell me master who been sayn dat! Need yor shoes shined?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, I don't think it's as racial as people think it is.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
uhhhh, which people? the ones who think it's racial or the ones who don't?

I guess there's got to be some of it, if people think it's more racial than you do...

Meanwhile, Whir-LIE-turd hasn't yet offered any proof that suggestions that people dislike Holder or President Obama because they are black is a PHONY charge.

You haven't fucking proved YOU don't yet, Whir-LIE-turd. But you do give off that whole je n'cest ce pas vibe. Especially when you write about people of color.
uhhhh, which people? the ones who think it's racial or the ones who don't?

I guess there's got to be some of it, if people think it's more racial than you do...

Meanwhile, Whir-LIE-turd hasn't yet offered any proof that suggestions that people dislike Holder or President Obama because they are black is a PHONY charge.

You haven't fucking proved YOU don't yet, Whir-LIE-turd. But you do give off that whole je n'cest ce pas vibe. Especially when you write about people of color. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Liberals do. Because their thinking is strictly based on who's the oppressor and who's the victim. In this case, Obama and Holder are black and they are victims. So anyone who doesn't agree with them or criticizes their decisions or policies are simply oppressors and must then be racist. It doesn't matter how obviously damaging any of the decision or policy's either one implements those who oppose are only doing so because they are racist. That's really the whole racial issue in a nutshell when it comes to Eric Holder and Obama. Or any Black political figure for that matter.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Anyone who makes this racial is an idiot. These people are corrupt, incompetent, and dishonest, and would be regardless of their race, color, creed, national origin or sexual orientation. These characterizations are not exclusive. You don't get a "free pass" for being a minority.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thats not the point.

The point is that Whir-LIE-turd has posted another false headline after failing to understand the content of the story he posted.

PHONY charge of racism? How? Or is this just more of Whir-LIE-turd's nonsensical, made up bullshit spin?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I dont like whitey fucking me over either.
Holder used the race card to try blunt political opposition; lying about racial hatred in America...........just as Team Obama tried to demonize the Tea Party and blunt their political opposition with phony charges of racism, terrorism, and extremism....ramping up the hate speech against Americans who oppose Obama...right before Obama signaled for the IRS to target his opposition.

Now Holder protects those who broke the laws of our country.
boardman's Avatar
Holder had two choices, he could have taken the high road or the low road. Had he taken the high road he would have said something like this:

"We have made great stride in the last 50 years. while there are still animosities among us, the truth is they are waning. I'm proud to be the first black AG serving the first black President. That shows you how far we have come. I'm optimistic for the future of African Americans. If people disagree with the President's policies perhaps they should ask themselves if we are better off than we were 8, 16 or even 30 years ago."

Not that I agree with the statement but it is the high road.

What's sad about that interview is it came across as staged and phony. GS sounded more like Holders campaign manager than a real news person.

Holder holds one of the most important positions in the country. I realize that neutrality isn't possible because he has similar political ideals as the person that appointed him. Just as Alberto Gonzalez and Janet Reno did but there comes a point in political appointments where you have to respect the job you are given more than protect the person giving it to you. The fact that he refuses to acknowledge his responsibility to the American people is ridiculous.

Not appointing an independent prosecutor in the IRS scandal is disappointing bordering on obstruction considering the tangled web that has been weaved.

Holder is protecting the President, not the American people, and the saddest part is he thinks that what his job is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holder used the race card to try blunt political opposition; lying about racial hatred in America...........just as Team Obama tried to demonize the Tea Party and blunt their political opposition with phony charges of racism, terrorism, and extremism....ramping up the hate speech against Americans who oppose Obama...right before Obama signaled for the IRS to target his opposition.

Now Holder protects those who broke the laws of our country. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I submit the charges were real. The very fact that they exist indicates they're real charges.

There is a racial animus in this country. Read this forum. Especially from illustrious posters like Slobbrin for example.

whir-LIE-turd could have posted the story with the original headline and made the same point, but he didn't. He embellished, he sput the facts, he used descriptors he cannot prove.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Holder used the race card to try blunt political opposition; lying about racial hatred in America...........just as Team Obama tried to demonize the Tea Party and blunt their political opposition with phony charges of racism, terrorism, and extremism....ramping up the hate speech against Americans who oppose Obama...right before Obama signaled for the IRS to target his opposition.

Now Holder protects those who broke the laws of our country. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The hatred coming from the left toward the right is full of treasonous venom and close minded selfishness and lust for power.
The hatred coming from the left toward the right is full of treasonous venom and close minded selfishness and lust for power. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That is fucking funny Jewish lackey, do you ever read what you and other right wing hacks post about anyone left of them?
“There’s a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, that’s directed at me, directed at the president. You know, people talking about taking their country back. I can’t look into people’s hearts, look into people’s minds. But it seems to me that this president has been treated differently than others…there’s a certain racial components to this for some people. I don’t think this is a main driver, but for some there’s a racial animus.”
Holder admits he doesn't know what is in their minds or hearts, but then goes on to opine that those who want to "take their country back" must be racist......

Holder is the racist bigot. And to make that judgement I can rely on his own words and actions, NOT what may be in his heart or mind!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It does not matter what Holder's skin color is. What matters is that he is not doing his job.
He should be a disgrace to all Americans and not just the black ones.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The hatred coming from the left toward the right is full of treasonous venom and close minded selfishness and lust for power. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer


Lust for power?


You're a total buffoon, BJerk!
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I miss Michael Savage. All we have on the radio now is that Rush and Hannity crap.