Is business that good.

rex4998's Avatar
If you have clean hygiene, have the proper "donation", respect the provider's time and treat her like a lady, it should not matter how old you are or how "large" you are. You are paying them, they are not paying you!

but you see, they AREN'T taking your money, so you aren't paying them.

I see no problem with a provider not seeing someone that they don't feel they can provide the level of service the client wants.
It's certainly a ladies personal choice to see who she wants, and conduct her business accordingly. However, my guess is that a bit of diplomacy in the refusal process might have avoided this situation altogether.
[/b]but you see, they AREN'T taking your money, so you aren't paying them.

I see no problem with a provider not seeing someone that they don't feel they can provide the level of service the client wants. Originally Posted by rex4998

well I can see you are taking what I said out of context, (per usual for a few guys on here), if you would have read and put up the whole post that did, you would have saw that I do agree with providers having a choice on who they see, but what I do not agree with is a provider advertising they are available and want/need clients, and then ask a guy if he is cute or how old he is or how fat he is, before she sees him. What you also do not understand is that when a provider sees a hobbyist, and does not personally find him attractive for whatever her rationale is, she can "fake it" like the guy is great, has a small gut and a big "johnson". It is is called ego stroking and it gets you good recommendation reviews and repeat clientele. Like I said, it is only a fecking hour!! I promise you, ladies, every dollar you get spends the same no matter who it is from!
Sleepy363's Avatar
This is the same as the race threads. Providers can see who they choose and if they don't like men of a certain age or body type, so be it. move on to the next one. You'll find one that will give you a great session and enjoy it. Much better than a forced session that she and you would not enjoy.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
That's all warm and fuzzy, but we are not getting paid to be actresses, if so, I'd raise my rates...LOL If we were all that good, we'd head to Hollywood or do a porn with Ron Jeremy (btw...can you say ewww? He's a nice guy and all, but I wouldn't do him..LOL) Is that a bad thing? I don't necessarily think so. Some of us have to have some level of connection or just have limits on the types of guys we can provide services to. We know this about ourselves. That's a good thing, don't ya think? Saying we must provide to any and all that want us to, is like saying we have no rights to decision making concerning our bodies when we enter this business....that's not such a good thing. Matter of fact, it's the kind of thing that ladies with pimps must be subjected to. It would nice if more gents would stop seeing us as subhuman with limited choices and no feelings.

Ya know, it's ALWAYS a HUGE compliment to be chosen from so many. However, we can pick and choose just as the gentlemen can. I'm not sure who the lady was or what her age was, but she may have psychological issues about doing older gentlemen or something. She should have been diplomatic in her response though. Sorry your feelings got hurt, hon. If you're an established hobbyist, you already know there are plenty of gorgeous ladies who will make ya feel like a King.
Hercules's Avatar
The age/weight excuse maybe just that. An excuse. The lady might've seen something else about ya that gave her the heeby-jeebies and she didn't want to fess up to her real reason. I had one gal turn me down because she knew I frequently saw a lady she thought was "too controversial"!!

Take your money and find another gal. P411 and eros has 100+ who will see ya.
These women are self employed and maybe their are providers that pm or start threads about needing money. However she isn't 1 of them. Not all providers are hard up,and know they're self worth and maybe his size was a factor. Maybe she didn't feel like her rates wouldn't have been good enough compensation for his size. If southwest can charge you for 2 seats why can't she? If she wasn't in position to turn away business.I'm sure she wouldn't be!! It's better that she was honest in letting him know that she can't service him instead of taking his mpney and him being unsatisfied!!
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 02-15-2011, 08:16 AM
Only time I've seen postings in adds about weight is for massage therapist because the extra weight means much harder work. Otherwise never had an issue with that.
Been called a Teddy Bear at 6', 250 lbs, 50 years young.

The whole thing took me by surprise, to each is her own, and figured in to maturity .
Been called a Teddy Bear at 6', 250 lbs, 50 years young.

The whole thing took me by surprise, to each is her own, and figured in to maturity . Originally Posted by BossyWillson

Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Hell, just lie about your age. Works for them on BP.
Chevalier's Avatar
However, we can pick and choose just as the gentlemen can. Originally Posted by M A X
Absolutely, and should do it more often. A few ladies over the years have turned me down. But there are more who should have turned me down but didn't. Of course, I didn't realize I was not their cup of tea either, or I wouldn't have scheduled in the first place. There's a lot to be said for clients providing as much information about themselves as possible, and the ladies reviewing all that very carefully, so they can decline to see us. A rejection rate of 20% or more might be a very good thing; maybe I should set that as a personal objective? Although in today's economic environment, the ladies may feel compelled to accept more marginal prospects.

(For any ladies reading this: I'm old, decrepit, overweight, out-of-shape, anti-social, clumsy, lethargic, generally clueless in bed, boring, and an opinionated curmudgeon. And those are my good points. You have been warned.)
Got turned down for being 50 and body mass not in proportion.
Oh, Well more money to spend on others.
Two months ago at 49 she would have laid me. LOL Originally Posted by BossyWillson
Stop seeing them 19 year olds.That might help.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Stop seeing them 19 year olds.That might help. Originally Posted by latnremedy
duh! Are mature ladies too intimidating, or is it just the trying to recapture your own youth factor?

EDIT: I didn't mean that in a bad way. I'm curious by nature and just wanted to know.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
(For any ladies reading this: I'm old, decrepit, overweight, out-of-shape, anti-social, clumsy, lethargic, generally clueless in bed, boring, and an opinionated curmudgeon. And those are my good points. You have been warned.) Originally Posted by Chevalier
Me too! LOL Well, ok...maybe not clueless in bed....xoxo