Can I buy you a drink??

nuglet's Avatar
That sucking sound you hear is sanity leaving the room...
  • Vyt
  • 11-04-2010, 05:46 PM
Your best bet to be vouched for then would be for someone who has seen you BCD in Houston to contact a moderator on your behalf.

Given that the moderators are presumably reading this very thread, even if I did meet you for a glass of wine somewhere, unless you have a very liberal definition for "meeting over wine", I would not be honest (and not terribly successful, given, as I mentioned, that this is a public thread) if I then turned around and contacted a moderator to say "Yes, I have seen her BCD and can vouch that she is, in fact, a provider."
I predict this thread will go viral like my "Bareback with Ava" April Fools thread did years ago. I'm glad Leslie decided to keep the door open as far as getting a chance to meet her for wine and possibly BCD.......the chase is intoxicating......The question becomes who she chooses to meet....It feels like Rocky the no name Itallion Stallion getting a shot at the title with Apollo Creed........"Yo Adrian...I mean Leslie....PICK ME!!"
knotty man's Avatar
if you wanna get verified as a drinker, talk to your bartender. if you wanna get verified as a woman ,talk to your gynecolegist. if you wanna get verified as a provider PROVIDE YOUR SERVICE!! sounds pretty simple to me....geeeez!
Britttany_love's Avatar
I dont find "meeting up for a drink " a verifiable way of becoming a provider. When I became a provider I had to show reviews, website and get vouches. No offense to the lady, however to me this seems like a major safety concern. How are we to know its not someone working with le, or a lady trying to get information about a provider or some jealous SO. If no well known members have seen her and vouched for her then she shouldn't be allowed provider status.
im down...but only if its a mex mart
Leslie Lane's Avatar
It's quite simple really....

I was a very well known provider in Houston, at a very well known establishment (that is still around but UTR), and was very well reviewed by ASPD and the Erotic Review Board.

However, it seems like that may not have been enough to to get verified. But, I will try to submit that information again in the hopes of being verified as a provider. Even though I'm in Austin now.

No need for a possible uproar ladies and gents... I come in peace.

listen...i have never had 3 mex marts from trudys...that did not end with CIM!
knotty...that is so simple..and yet so funny
almost sounds like she took a break and is now a LE
but i have CIM of LE im down
Leslie Lane's Avatar
"Knotty Man".....

Simple...not really. I am going to be somewhat of an UTR provider so I will not have a website, webpage, other advertisements....I'm new to Austin and this part of the Hobby so I have no clients and no reviews. I could post an ad in the Welcome Wagon , but it's been seven days and I'm not allowed to post another introduction. And if I did...can you imagine "Nuglet"??? He'd be in convulsions!!! His sanity just left the room...... Didn't you know?! lol

Leslie Lane's Avatar
I can see where this is I am officially removing my offer. I will be working with the moderators in hopes of working on a solution.

I didn't see, hear, or say anything...

OMG...was that your last reply in this thread??? here we go again.
Elephant's Avatar
I can't wait for the first review! I don't think verified providers who advertise in the ad section can have a "no review" policy...

Come on CJ!!!!
Leslie Lane's Avatar
No, this is my last post.

rocker's Avatar
This GIRL is NUTZ.....

No, this is my last post.

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane

but for real...i dont even know what a lady has to go through to get verified...and i dont really care. but it looks like you are trying to pull some move to get around doing what everyone else has already done. just suck it up and do what it is you need to. rather than offer up a drink to get someone to vouch that you can hold 'a' drink. it appears you were going to be very 'selective' with that process...just like the last one that crashed and burned\