Is This The Jackpot Or The 7th Level Of Hell?

I saw so many red flags in your story I lost count.

Don't let the little head override the big head, and make a mistake that might haunt you the rest of your life, my friend. Just my 2 cents. H
Two daughters on this end too. Now grown and out of the house but both were competitive volleyball players in high school and college and had an army of beautiful, healthy and vigorous girlfriends romping thru the house over the span of 8 years. We have a pool and hot tub so you can imagine how many nights were filled with shrieking young girls clad in skin tight bikinis stromping thru the house soaked to the skin and retrieving beers from the fridge while their other girlfriends were outside strutting and dancing about to whatever was playing on the IPod.

If any one of them had put the moves on me I would
(a) narc her out to my wife;
(b) narc her out to my daughters;
(c) tell her I've just narced her out to my wife and daughters;
(d) tell her that that she's in need of serious psychoanalysis and perhaps medication;
(e) let her know that my wife is likely calling her Mom as we speak;
(f) since both of my girls get their strength from me they'll likely be looking to jump her ass for making a move on their Daddy; so
(g) she'd best pull on her clothes and head for the hills!

Any girl (obviously not a grown woman mentally) that would pull something like that needs serious peer group pressure dropped upon her head.
M_Star's Avatar
Ditto to all of the above.

Now go peruse the Showcases, find a look alike, ask her if you can call her Jane, and get it out of your system.


Do all of her friends. Divorce your wife, split the property, get a cool bachelor pad.

You already cheat on the old lady. What does it matter how much of a scumbag you are?

Get that gal to get a few friends and start an agency...

Do it before you get "Tigered". At least that way, you didn't pass up any opportunities since you will probably go down in flames anyway.

gameloading's Avatar
Hit it hard. Life is too short.
ntxman's Avatar
Damn DFK what a dillema you have! I love all the advice you got and why did I know CPI3000 would be the dissenting opinion? LOL! Tell her you will give her names of friends who could help her out with her situation that you understand college is expensive and that if you do she can't tell your daughter. See how it works out and if she doesn't rat you out to your daughter then maybe you can jump in at some point? You do so at your own risk of course and risk your relationship with your daughter.
Saturn's Avatar
Let me suggest a third way -

She may just be trying to flirt. I agree with all the caution above that the risk/reward may be too high, but I'd accept her invitations on Facebook for one IMPORTANT reason - Sun Tsu - Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. Whether you want something with her or not - best you see what she may be posting about you on facebook.

That way you can manage the situation.
travelling_man's Avatar
Seems like the problem is that the girl is a friend of your daughter. But if she didn't know your daughter and some hot 20 something with a killer body approached you with the same plea you wouldn't have a problem, right? So a hot girl wanting to fuck you senseless isn't a problem, her knowing your daughter is the issue, but you can still use it to your advantage anyway. You don't want to do anything with her directly....that's just bad news and if can ruin your relationship with your daughter. BUT...there might be a situation where you can win and help the girl too.

The ones that have said run away are right...and if you do that you'll probably be ok. But, let's explore this further. If you tell her that you personally cannot get involved with her directly because of the relationship with your daughter the girl will respect you more because of it. Now go one step further and say that you do understand her plight and even though you personally can't help her, you have some "friends" that would be willing to help her problem under the same conditions. Don't try to be her pimp and set up the deals for her. Just tell her that you know of some guys that would be sympathetic to her and you would be glad to have a few guys contact her and beyond that it was out of your hands.

Don't refer her to this website - simply PM a few guys on here (me of course ) and tell them how to contact her. Facebook is a great way to make this type of contact. The end result is that she will respect you for not giving in to your urges, she will appreciate you for the help, and it is likely that you can ask her if there are any OTHER girls in a situation like her that do not have a direct connection to your daughter. It's possible that the girl might know enough other hot chics with the same needs and the willingness to make the same offer that she might set you up with a pussy train a mile long as a way of saying thank you for the help. THIS is what you should do - it's a win-win for both parties.
selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 02-19-2010, 03:38 PM

It is not worth the hassle of trying to repair the relationship with your daughter/family to "help" this young lady!!!

IMO, and having learned this the hard way recently, there is nothing more important than having your family to stand beside you...
xperiment's Avatar
I state my question before. What makes the friend know that her friends dad would be an apt SD. Women are much more calculating then guys are. So something tipped her off. I would totally take the high road on this, thats including helping your SD friends. Sorry guys much more at risk then everyone having their fun. Reason I say this is if you tell her how you can help by referral, then it will be known that you know people thare are like this. Unfortunately you tend to be judged on who you associate with. So you can see how this could reflect to you. Therefore if her new SD that you refer to goes sour, she vents to your daughter or her parents find out....well you see what can see happen.
Doesn't this strike anyone as just a little bit fishy?

Consider this: Under such a set of circumstances, a mischievous daughter and friend (or a couple of their friends) could decide to have a little fun with good ol' Dad.

"Come on", one might say. "Wouldn't it be fun to see if her Dad actually takes the bait and falls for this?"

A likely scenario?

Maybe not.

Completely out of the question?


Just a thought.

Of course, there are a number of ways succumbing to temptation could backfire.
Wow! Quite a delimma. While I agree you should probably just pass. She's just too close to your daughters. I am gonna side with CPI on this one. CPI is of course up to mischief as usual, however, how often does a Hot college coed fall into your lap?

So, if you want to take a chance, here is my advice.

If I were in your situation, I'm sure I'd probably be trying like hell to figure out how to do it. Trainwreck is the worst case senario, obviously. But you know this girl and we don't. So if you really want to pursue the SD/SB relationship with her, you will need to figure out a way to have an honest conversation with her.

First of all, do you think you can trust her? If not, then don't get involved. However, if you think she is capable of keeping a secret, you have to create an opportunity to talk with her one on one. It could be by phone. But in person may be better. Maybe lunch or something. You have to take a chance if you want this to happen. Take it slow and be honest about your feelings or fears of the possible SB/SD relationship, and be honest about expectations.

Be prepared to run like hell if she seems flakey. Like I said, you know her and we don't. You mentioned you were widowed, so you do not have to worry about the kind of problems a married guy would face. So the possible Trainwreck would not be nearly as bad as a married guy would face.

Talk to her and ask questions, try to find out what she is lookin for. And again, be honest about what you can afford, what you expect, etc. Ask her if she being your daughters friend is a problem. Watch her reation. Get a read on her like if you were at a Poker table. If you are certain you can trust her, then I say GO FOR IT!

My guess is that "Jane" does not want any family or friends to know anything about the arrangement either. You have to talk to her if you want to find out. If she is as concerned about privacy as you are, then you can make it happen.

I am involved in a SD/SB relationship now with a gorgeous young college student myself, and I decided from the get-go to be completely honest with her at all times about everything, and she in turn appreciated that and is honest with me also. She wanted a lot of money, and I was very honest about what I could pay, and she eventually agreed to my amount. She wanted complete privacy, and so did I. I think her trust of me help seal my deal with her.

This is just my opinion. But sometimes you gotta take chances to get what you want. She can't really blackmail you since you are not married. Worst case senario is your daughter gets mad and friends get mad. But no divorce lawyers are involved.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

Do all of her friends. Divorce your wife, split the property, get a cool bachelor pad.

You already cheat on the old lady. What does it matter how much of a scumbag you are?

Get that gal to get a few friends and start an agency...

Do it before you get "Tigered". At least that way, you didn't pass up any opportunities since you will probably go down in flames anyway.

Originally Posted by cpi3000
YIKES! I knew you were a bad influence....LOL Someone should spank you! '-)
you too can be another Tiger Woods, I'm sorry, so sorry, now I go back to therapy and hide.
pyramider's Avatar

Do all of her friends. Divorce your wife, split the property, get a cool bachelor pad.

You already cheat on the old lady. What does it matter how much of a scumbag you are?

Get that gal to get a few friends and start an agency...

Do it before you get "Tigered". At least that way, you didn't pass up any opportunities since you will probably go down in flames anyway.

Originally Posted by cpi3000

CPI is correct. You are already guilty by not immediately telling your wife. If you feel the need to wait just wait until she graduates from college and then do her and all her friends.