New way to pay for Reparations

wellendowed1911's Avatar
You posted a thread like this before. It was dumb the first time, it is dumb again.

People actually held as slaves deserve reparations from the actual slave owners. But they are all dead.

The population of this country has gone up about 270 million since the end of the Civil War and many, if not the majority, can trace their family to someone who immigrated here AFTER the Civil War. So people who never held slaves will be paying money to people who were never slaves. You don't fix an old injustice by creating a new one.

Other problems:

1) Why would rich black people get $100K? Clearly they have overcome any handicap that an ancestor may have suffered.

2) What percentage black do you have to be? Does someone who is 1/8th black get $100K?

3) Why would a black person receive $100K if his family immigrated to the US in recent years? In other words, why would Colin Powell, the son of Jamaican immigrants get any money at all?

4) How do you guarantee the end of affirmative action and quotas? What if you gave every black person $100K, but afterward they continued to elect politicians who voted for affirmative action/quotas? What then?

Now think about all of the FRAUD involved as white and Hispanic people tried to prove one eighth or one sixteenth black heritage. And recent black immigrants tried to claim they have roots from 200 years ago.

Think of the marriage fraud as the same groups of people marry a black person to get part of the $100K. Or worse, deliberately have a kid so they can get the kid's $100K.

You are a font of bad ideas.

Here is a better question: How much in reparations should Israel pay each Palestinian whose family was displaced from any land now held by Israel. And that money must be paid WITHOUT US money being involved. Originally Posted by ExNYer
+1000000 Very true amazing we agree on something
Hero Zimmerman's Avatar
Ship em back. Problem solved. Zimmerman can only do so much.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

spoken like the 5 year old you really are Originally Posted by CJ7
I knew you would like that one -since you think like one
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well, someone has to do it. What about a half black say, Obama? Do they get half? What if their black family member was never a slave like Obama? Are they disqualified? What if their ggrandfather was part of a slavery operation like Obama? Do they have to pay?

To make this happen we would have to have the DNA of every Afro-American person in the country. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Odumbo wouldn't qualify! Per contemporary PC genre, Odumbo must be classified as a "white black person".
I'll answer that after you tell me what you think of the funding mechanism. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Why do I have to give an opinion about the US reparations funding mechanism before you will answer the Israel/Palestinian mechanism?

Are you just dodging the question?

But I'll play anyway.

The funding mechanism sucks. In fact, ALL funding mechanisms suck because we should not pay reparations to anyone at all. There, you have an answer.

Now answer my question about Israeli reparations to Palestinians.
+1000000 Very true amazing we agree on something Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
+100000. Indeed.
Freedom papers was reparations enough ... You don't like the way your treated In America guess what your free to go ... that's the beautiful thing about it ... But if you choose to stay shut the F up and quit your bitchin ... There is money to be made so why stand around looking for handouts ... I said before lifestyle choices are to blame for why blacks and minorities are doing so bad. Fathering children to be raised by single underqualified mothers. Chasing pipe dreams of becoming a rap star, and listening to the brainwash from rappers paid by rich white men to convey their message and agenda. Read a book, put that free education that America tried to give you but you were to busy doing,selling, and transporting drugs or gang banging.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Why do I have to give an opinion about the US reparations funding mechanism before you will answer the Israel/Palestinian mechanism?

Are you just dodging the question?

But I'll play anyway.

The funding mechanism sucks. In fact, ALL funding mechanisms suck because we should not pay reparations to anyone at all. There, you have an answer.

Now answer my question about Israeli reparations to Palestinians. Originally Posted by ExNYer
That land was promised to us by God, so we pay nothing for it. Plus, we kicked their ass out, just like you people did to the Indians, so STFU about that.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
+1000000 Very true amazing we agree on something Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Bro, you don't want 100 large?
Put that education to use ***
That land was promised to us by God, so we pay nothing for it. Plus, we kicked their ass out, just like you people did to the Indians, so STFU about that. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Wtf ? Really ... Did he promise it to you personally or did some one write about it in a book and you read it ?
That land was promised to us by God, so we pay nothing for it. Plus, we kicked their ass out, just like you people did to the Indians, so STFU about that. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The Arabs think God promised them that land. And it is the SAME God - the God of Abraham, So why is your claim better?

In truth, the invisible man in the clouds didn't promise anything to either of you.

And your knowledge of history is abhorrent. American Indians weren't kicked out. Unlike Palestinians, they are STILL HERE. You can go visit one of their many casinos. They are just vastly outnumbered by European conquerors.

Also, the two situations aren't remotely similar. No Indian tribe could claim ownership to North America any more than one ethnic group can claim to own the Asian land mass.

But that's not the case in Israel - or Northern Ireland, for that matter.

It is a small discrete piece of land and we know who was living in Palestine when Israel was founded. Many of the displaced people are still alive. Israel can easily compensate them.

Just to be clear I don't think Israel should pay them a dime. I just don't understand how you can simultaneously believe that America should pay reparations for slavery from 150 years ago, but Israel should not pay money to people who were displaced 65 years ago.
I just don't understand how you can simultaneously believe that America should pay reparations for slavery from 150 years ago, but Israel should not pay money to people who were displaced 65 years ago. Originally Posted by ExNYer
It's almost like reverse racism ... Quit being a Jew lol
And man continues to create God in his own image.
And man continues to create God in his own image. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You can say that again.