Yssup Rider, I'm calling you out. It's high noon buddy.

Why call out Assup? Its like encouraging your dog to poop on the new carpet.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You don't think anyone's going to go back and reread your simple-minded, uneducated, chirping drivel do you? Hell, it was hard enough to struggle through your lack of knowledge and compound reasoning deficiencies the first damn time.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Plus, she's now publicly announced on this board her desire to murder people out of hatred. add that to her discussion of her fine arsenal and her repeated statements of bigotry and hatred, I'm surprised she is still on the board.

Murderous threats are never to be taken lightly, even on a hooker board ... Especially when the self-proclaimed craizest hooker we'll ever see puts her contact information out for the world (including the Muslim world) to see.

Stupid Fucking Girl!
LovingKayla's Avatar
Ohhhhh I thought you meant stupid fucking goober. Well that's ok then.

I'll read the rest of this crap tomorrow. It's enough to know yssup actually did spend time and effort looking through an F ton of my posts. I call this a total win. I mean seriously, I expected him to tell me to fuck off And leave me hangin with this thread.

Ya you pissed me off w that bullshit racist crap but this has MORE than made up for it. Gnite folks.
LovingKayla's Avatar
to her discussion of her fine arsenal Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
See guys he doesn't post a link when he knows he's full of shit. This particularly because I've made a point to NEVER list guns that may or may not be in my possession. . Go ahead. Look. In fact I don't even own a gun.

I haven't pissed you off have I? Tut tut little one,
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not me, kiddo ...

But the genocidal maniac thing is pretty goddamned suspect. how many posts have you made about ammunition, guns and using them? No worries... I'm not a Muslim.

Have at it, Ava!
LovingKayla's Avatar
Actually you're right. I don't mean to say any of this shit should be taken seriously. It does look a tad blitz. I now feel the need to say "I do not intend harm to anyone by idol words I spin on a whore board. ". And in reality I'm too lazy that back that shit up anyway.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Let me say this, SFG. You are right. I shouldn't have said EVERYTHING. That's all encompassing and even with one as hateful as you, may be too absolute. So I retract EVERYTHING with as much apology as you deserve for assuming you were TOTALLY HATEFUL.

That was hasty. Even after you declared you paid more in quarterly taxes than I made in a year. (SNICK)

What I should have said and am saying now is "most everything" that has been proposed.

Let it stand there. Disprove that.

Now as far as your love affair for black people ... I will not waste my time searching through your hateful stupid fucking posts for anti-black posts. (blacks and muslims, I believe were the words you used, though

All this aside, SFG, why the fuck is it necessary for you to qualify your hatred.

You say you don't oppose humanitarian efforts "THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE THE GOVERNMENT. ONE." I suppose those don't count, especially since governments NEVER get involved in humanitarian aid. Why not say you hate EVERY day, except Monday-Sunday, and prove you ever said otherwise. SFG!

I guess your OUTSPOKEN hatred for anybody who follows Islam doesn't count either. How many BLACK MUSLIMS are there, SFG? According to Pew, about 1 percent of Americans are Black Muslims or Muslim immigrants from Africa. In fact only 18% of Muslims live in the Arab world. More than 20% of the world's billion plus Muslims are Sub-Saharan Africans... BLACK!

You don't get to win this one. Your rhetoric is vile racist, anti-American blather which as a "mother" I'd hope you don't instill into your offspring. If I find some time (whilst I'm not in line for unemployment benefits or food stamps), I might just have to find some of your better pronouncements, and append this thread with them.

Let's start with this:



then there's this one ... where you admitted your hatred for blacks and muslims ... yet tried to weasel your way out of it. Yeah, it was the MSM's fault. It was WTF's fault. It was the fault of the LIBERALS on the board you've also professed to HATING!

What you SHOULD have said was NOTHING, dummy. But you were too busy polishing your bullets!


Why in the world have people been calling you racist since the 2004 election, hmmm? Could it be the tone of the anti-American, anti-diversity, toxic shit you have posted since the earth cooled (or thereabouts ... I wouldn't want to say anything all-inclusive, since you might have said something nice about a person of color ... by accident. Hopefully it wasn't at a family gathering with your KKK inlaws!

Here's a typical denial after another explosion of hatred...


More defense of racist rhetoric ... though this one isn't about Muslims...


"Curiously" starting a thread about bigotry.


When are you going to burst into tears like Glenn Beck? (I don't want to infer that you like Glenn Beck, because I really don't want to have to find a post that specifically links you with Glenn Beck).

STUPID FUCKING GIRL. WE CAN PARTY WHEN YOU WIN THE FUCKING NOBEL PEACE PRIZE! Meanwhile, your posting on this board have indicated your paranoia, xenophobia and hatred. You called me out. Here I am, dipshit! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I read through all the posts and I don't believe you were able to prove she was wrong, Yssup.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Send her your bill counselor! Hope you practice criminal defense. Seems like she's shot her mouth off once too often with threats of giving Muslims 72 virgins. Maybe you can Barter. Just don't tell her that you have liberals, communists, socialists, Muslims or any combination thereof in your family.

Do you share her genocidal views, King Solomon?
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'd give em 73 if I thought it'd help. So do they get all the virgins that were sacrificed to other gods? I mean they don't actually HAVE any virgins. They marry in single digits, rape and kill, rinse repeat. So they'd literally have to take other gods virgins.

PS. I love Glenn beck. (That was the easiest one of all and you still missed)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nice one, Annie Oakley!

Did you see your shadow when you came out of your bunker at high noon? Or do you want to talk about your ammo dump again?

Why don't you put your top 10 list of ordinance in your next ad, right under the NO MUSLIMS sign?
LovingKayla's Avatar
Nice one, Annie Oakley!

? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ok first (how do you keep missing this shit) I have 3, count them THREE Muslim clients. No seriously they each have this weird fetish about my Muslim views. Whatever. I'm a capitalist. And second... Thankyou for the reference. What makes this the most fun is the fact you are joking.

I went back in time and taught Annie Oakley everything she knew. That card trick was mine.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why is your fucking business, pun intended, any of mine?

OK, so you'll fuck Muslims, take their money while wishing them and their entire race/religion/creed to be wiped from the face of the planet?

Do you wash their feet, like the Pope did, before you take their money, fuck them and then talk about sending them 73 virgins?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-05-2013, 04:22 AM
And you dicks have accused me of being racist. Fucking prove it. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
You really are a pretty disgusting human being. And i'm not going to waste my time proving what's pretty self evident.
Ok first (how do you keep missing this shit) I have 3, count them THREE Muslim clients. No seriously they each have this weird fetish about my Muslim views. Whatever. I'm a capitalist. And second... Thankyou for the reference. What makes this the most fun is the fact you are joking.

I went back in time and taught Annie Oakley everything she knew. That card trick was mine. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

She is giving them STD's hoping they will spread it .