Impeachment, and conviction, is based on two criteria.
1. Does the House of Representatives have enough votes to bring forth the Articles of Impeachment.
2. Does the Senate have the 2/3 majority required to convict.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
The Constitution is not vague what so ever. "High Crimes and Misdomeanors" are what a majority of the House says they are. The House is a totally independent body in this regard.
Also, the Senate has absolute authority in it's verdict. There is no appeal upon conviction by 2/3 of the Senate.
Of course, the recourse of the voters is to vote those members out in the next election if they believe that the impeachment and conviction was unjust.
That is the way the system works. Period.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
Suicide much?
It is "forbidden" because what you are proposing is insane. And would destroy the GOP for at least 20 years.
Impeachment is meant for actual crimes as noted by Lexus Lover, not overstepping the powers of your office.
Both the Congress and POTUS overstep their powers all the time. That is what the judiciary if for - to rein them in. Whether it is recess appointments, Affordable Care Act, or limitations on free speech, we use the courts to tell the other two branches what is and is not constitutional.
What you are so recklessly proposing is using impeachment to resolve a political impasse. If the GOP can gather the votes to impeach Obama, they can use the same votes to override Obama's vetoes instead. And they can do so without causing a constitutional crisis.
Worst of all, you seem to have forgotten that what goes around comes around.
If the Dems take back the Senate in 2016 when the GOP has a lot more seats at stake and also take back the House in 2016 or 2018, what is to stop them from impeaching a GOP president who tries, for example, to enforce border security?
The end result is just anarchy and payback, not rule of law. I'd rather not live in your dystopia.
Bill Clinton was a lying dirtbag, but he was a popular lying dirtbag. People didn't care that we has a cheater and a liar - they knew that when they elected him.
But the GOP tarnished itself trying to bring down a man who essentially lied about getting laid. Yes, yes, yes, I know he lied under oath to prosecutors about whether or not he had an affair with Lewinsky, but the perception of most folks was that a lie about sex was not as bad as a lie about, for example, taking bribes, breaking campaign finance laws, or ordering a burglary.
To the average guy it is a different - and understandable - type of lie.
While impeachment may ultimately be a political, not a legal, act, it is for POLITICAL reasons that is never going to happen. That is why it is forbidden.