sorry ass mod= sorry ass forum

CuddlyForest's Avatar
CuddlyForest's Avatar
Welcome to the internet dumbass. Originally Posted by RyanAlex

CuddlyForest's Avatar
Bill James's Avatar
Lmao. Good job RX. I don't know where RJ got so butt hurt , but it must be really sore
biomed1's Avatar
You never will read a rebuttal from a mod either because they know it's true and I can prove it if I'm allowed to reveal some of the PM info I have in my inbox. How about it ew? Do you want to give me a waiver on releasing PM info or are you afraid it will make you look like the small, feckless guy you really are?
ijs Originally Posted by rjdiner

No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
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DocHolyday's Avatar
+1 RA
Lmao. Good job RX. I don't know where RJ got so butt hurt , but it must be really sore Originally Posted by Bill James
I thought this place was about "escort client community information exchange"

At least that's what I use it for. But I guess RJ is looking for self actualization in a very strange place. I don't usually like to comment on a mans choices, but this does seem to be a very strange place to try to validate ones self worth.

Come on RJ, think about it for a minute....


Think about it...
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
It's very interesting as to why people GIVE the remote control away to their feelings. If you don't like something rather it be RW or Hooker world.Why do something that's suppose to be pleasure cause you pain?
Just asking?
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
tandyscone's Avatar
Stay tuned. Unlike some of these cowardly quitters I get more backbone as this moves forward. I don't know how some of these guys can live with themselves when they lack the courage to keep fighting when they get fucked over. SMH Originally Posted by rjdiner
Even though I have never really liked it, I was going to post the hackneyed popular definition of insanity. Casting around, though I cam across a page that seems much more appropriate.

Perseveration: the pathological, persistent repetition of a word, gesture, or act.
Some forms of dementia, traumatic brain injury, anxiety and OCD can cause people to perseverate. They repeat words and tasks or try repeatedly to solve problems, but are left frustrated and unsatisfied. They're not necessarily insane, but stuck in a non-productive pattern due to a glitch in brain function. Some medications or CBT tools may prove helpful.

I don't know RJ, but maybe if you found a provider that could give you some good CBT, you'd be able to stop perseverating.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Even though I have never really liked it, I was going to post the hackneyed popular definition of insanity. Casting around, though I cam across a page that seems much more appropriate.


I don't know RJ, but maybe if you found a provider that could give you some good CBT, you'd be able to stop perseverating. Originally Posted by tandyscone
TS your killing me with this one!!
RJ isn't insane. He is pissed as were many on this board over events in the past. Those less courageous left or accepted the changes. I don't think RJ is going to do either. For those bothered or offended be prepared to be bothered or offended for a while. Of course "they" could toss his ass, which is ok also.
silvester91999's Avatar
RJ isn't insane. He is pissed as were many on this board over events in the past. Those less courageous left or accepted the changes. I don't think RJ is going to do either. For those bothered or offended be prepared to be bothered or offended for a while. Of course "they" could toss his ass, which is ok also. Originally Posted by Jimmiwad
tandyscone's Avatar
RJ isn't insane. He is pissed as were many on this board over events in the past. Those less courageous left or accepted the changes. I don't think RJ is going to do either. For those bothered or offended be prepared to be bothered or offended for a while. Of course "they" could toss his ass, which is ok also. Originally Posted by Jimmiwad
I'm curious why you think calling MTW names is a courageous act.

My real problem with RJ, though, is that I don't see his tactics having a snowball's chance in hell of accomplishing what he says he wants to happen. Do you really think that calling MTW a "sorry ass mod" in the Coed forum is going to convince Eccie to sack him? Or that somehow it will intimidate MTW into resigning? What if MTW did resign? What evidence is there that Eccie would replace him with someone better?

Luigi/Optimator was able to get Eccie to respond in less than two months. If RJ has not been able to accomplish it in close to 9 months, I would say that is a pretty good indicator that his strategy is not working. What do you call it when someone blindly continues to follow a strategy that is shown to be ineffective?