Biden Family Crime Syndicate are really really out there...somewhere. too bad you couldn't take reasoning with you

I'm gonna reply to you one more time. Then you go on my no need to read list with your BFF.

The records were turned over to the hole in the wall committee weeks ago without objection. Unlike the corrupt trumpy records request that caused objections for years and years and years and...
That should mean something to a reasonable person

Also if a single comma was found out of place this would have been all over the itty-bitty faux "cable" news station as proof without a doubt of illegal activity

The records would be kept from the credible main stream networks because... they review and report the facts. Yes there was a misplaced comma but there is absolutely nothing in these records that could suggest any sign of questionable activity. Any reasonable person would agree on the lack of questionable activity

Then the gang that couldn't shoot straight would whine and cry like itty-bitty babies.

Then a judge would rule for the victims of a political witch hunt that there was no questionable activity you fucking morans

This can only make sense to a person with a reasonable amount of intelligence

... No responce to Waco's FACTS? ... HE just showed you.

... You're obviously not here to discuss things or debate.
Just to "fish" as you call it - and piss-up the threads.

But whatever you do - Please keep reading!

#### Salty
... And what new details did we find out lately?

That the Biden White House made the Special Access Request
to the DOJ to raid Mar-a-Lago... Well, well, well...

And here we were surely told that President Biden "was stunned"
at the raid - and Biden "knew nothing about it"....

Biden and his people OUTRIGHT LIE about everything.
This is just one more example.

So THEY push for the FBI/DOJ to raid Trump, all while
putting the blame on the Records Archives people.

And yet, Joe Biden surely has classified documents all over
the countryside - at several offices and homes... in his
garridge... And at the Penn "think tank" that he shared
with Communist China! ...

... Lies, Corruption, and Owned by China.... That's Joe!

#### Salty
Good lord Salty, you clearly have reading comprehension issues. At least Waco acknowledges that he misrepresents facts intentionally.
... Are YOU saying that the White House (Joe) DID NOT
make a Special Access Request??

### Salty
Be more clear Salty. What exactly are you saying happened?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Good lord Salty, you clearly have reading comprehension issues. At least Waco acknowledges that he misrepresents facts intentionally. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if you say so
Be more clear Salty. What exactly are you saying happened? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... I'm sayin' that Biden and his White House
ordered the raid on Mar-a-Lago...
And then they LIED about their "knowledge" of the raid.

In much the same way Joe Biden LIES about everything.

Such as - Joe having "no knowledge or interest"
in Hunter's business dealings.

I could surely list a lot more of the lies,
but the site onley got so much bandwidth. ...

... Oh, and nice that Hunter could join his father
on the trip to Ireland... Maybe Hunter is acting
as China's ambassidour. ... Or Joe is. ...

#### Salty
... I'm sayin' that Biden and his White House
ordered the raid on Mar-a-Lago...
And then they LIED about their "knowledge" of the raid.

In much the same way Joe Biden LIES about everything.

Such as - Joe having "no knowledge or interest"
in Hunter's business dealings.

I could surely list a lot more of the lies,
but the site onley got so much bandwidth. ...

... Oh, and nice that Hunter could join his father
on the trip to Ireland... Maybe Hunter is acting
as China's ambassidour. ... Or Joe is. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
It is hilarious how old biden constantly bunches up your panties.
... Can't defend the LIES - can you?
Just insults from you as Biden's poll numbers
surely continue to collapse like a tin shithouse roof.

This thread also concerns the Lies and corrupt
business dealings of the Biden Family.

Try to stay on-point.

#### Salty

Stop watching right wing TV and reading right wing blogs salty. It’s clear that the White House did not order the raid at Mae-a-Lago. Took me all of 6 secs to discover the truth.

This is why you, Wacko and others have zero credibility with any statements you make. We with good sense know that y’all are anti-fact and willing to spread bullshit conspiracies and misinformation over and over. Y’all sadly can’t be relied upon to say anything factual, ever.

Stop watching right wing TV and reading right wing blogs salty. It’s clear that the White House did not order the raid at Mae-a-Lago. Took me all of 6 secs to discover the truth.

This is why you, Wacko and others have zero credibility w ith any state ments you make. We with good sense know that y’all are anti-fact and willing to spread bullshit conspiracies and misinformation over and over. Y’all sadly can’t be relied upon to say anything factual, ever. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

You have be pretty gullible not to believe the Marlago raid wasn’t approved from the top. Now whether there is a paper trail to prove it is another story.,
texassapper's Avatar
You have be pretty gullible not to believe the Marlago raid wasn’t approved from the top. Now whether there is a paper trail to prove it is another story., Originally Posted by farmstud60
He depends on the government, so of course he will post government approved propaganda.

You have be pretty gullible not to believe the Marlago raid wasn’t approved from the top. Now whether there is a paper trail to prove it is another story., Originally Posted by farmstud60
Do you’re one of those feelings is fact people. Doesn’t matter whether what you say has any truth to it as long as you feel you’re right. That’s pretty typical of stupid people. Unsurprisingly, the member of this site on the right are averse to facts and proof.
Do you’re one of those feelings is fact people. Doesn’t matter whether what you say has any truth to it as long as you feel you’re right. That’s pretty typical of stupid people. Unsurprisingly, the member of this site on the right are averse to facts and proof. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I deal with salesmen that stretch the truth all the time. I take everything with a grain of salt. The only proof you accept is the head liar repeating the same lie.