Trump proves Atlantic story is fake news

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This might help explain why,

Some posters believe law and order is at stake in this election so will ignore Trump's denigration of the military. Then you have evangelicals who don't approve of his pussy grabbing and philandering. They still support him because of his picks for judges.

I don't fall into either of these categories. The slams against John McCain were one of the reasons I didn't vote for him in 2016.

However, Biden is not a member of my tribe. He wants to raise my taxes. He also wants to take jobs away from my friends who work for oil and gas companies.

I support Amy the Wonder Dog for president this year. Originally Posted by Tiny

you know you can vote libertarian.
  • Tiny
  • 09-04-2020, 10:52 PM
you know you can vote libertarian. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yeah, I'd much prefer Jo Jorgensen to Trump or Biden despite her comparative lack of experience in government. Of course, she doesn't have a prayer of winning. Gary Johnson was the best presidential nominee this country has had since Ronald Reagan, and the highest vote getter in the history of the Libertarian Party. But he only ended up with 3.3% of the popular vote. If he'd been allowed on the debate stage with Trump and Clinton he would have done much better.

This election is a farce. I can't think of another instance when Americans had to choose between two such poor candidates.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It’s the daily smear.

They’ll have him stomping on puppies tomorrow
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It’s the daily smear.

They’ll have him stomping on puppies tomorrow Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

because Putin told hm to

HoeHummer's Avatar
He’s servings his country all right... to Putin, Xi and Jerry Falwell Junior.

He should give his balls a tug, if he still has any.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
Are right here in this forum....Trump supporters ARE losers, suckers and deadbeats. Attachment 873343
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
I bet Trump won’t call Putin a sucker or a loser. But Old Vlad calls Trump his “USEFUL IDIOT”
Attachment 873344
This might help explain why,

Some posters believe law and order is at stake in this election so will ignore Trump's denigration of the military. Then you have evangelicals who don't approve of his pussy grabbing and philandering. They still support him because of his picks for judges.

I don't fall into either of these categories. The slams against John McCain were one of the reasons I didn't vote for him in 2016.

However, Biden is not a member of my tribe. He wants to raise my taxes. He also wants to take jobs away from my friends who work for oil and gas companies.

I support Amy the Wonder Dog for president this year. Originally Posted by Tiny
Crazy that Biden doesn't tack to the right for the general election - Bill Clinton could teach him a lesson about smart politics.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The funny part is.. he claimed that he called home to Melania. Problem is. she was WITH HIM for that particular trip, and scheduled to go to the cemetery visit as well, according to her own office.

Not that any of it matters-- but he really does need to get his lies straight before he tells them.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It's true Donald Trump didn't serve his Country in the Military, but he's made up for it by Serving his Country as President. Top that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
If the President had bone spurs and wasn’t medically cleared to serve, I have no problem with it, it happens all the time for many reasons. My guess is that money and privilege is why he didn’t, but that’s also incredibly common.

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role for the poor

Never has a more true lyric been written.
adav8s28's Avatar
Just shameful calling those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice losers and suckers. Trump must go. If Biden flips Florida, Trump will be going home!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Suckers and losers is a fitting description of anyone who believes that tripe.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If the President had bone spurs and wasn’t medically cleared to serve, I have no problem with it, it happens all the time for many reasons. My guess is that money and privilege is why he didn’t, but that’s also incredibly common.
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You are correct. Money talks in cases like this.

I had bone spurs and was drafted and served. Bone spurs are not normally debilitating over a long period of time. Pain flares up and then quickly goes away over the period of a few days. I still have bone spurs since they don't simply go away and haven't had a flare-up in many decades.

My opinion -- Trump did not want to serve in the armed forces and got his doctor to sign off on his "condition", whether real or not. I doubt that many people who were classified "1Y" were ever re-examined and had their draft status changed.

I do find it rather hypocritical that Trump says he's done more for the military than almost any other POTUS yet declined to serve his country in the armed forces. But there are many more important issues on which to focus.
HoeHummer's Avatar