I can't hide this anymore. Everyone needs to know the truth

  • harry
  • 03-19-2017, 09:13 PM
This is a good story but worthless Alert. You need to post the names - PMing them isn't really an Alert option. Originally Posted by Adonis
This... Worthless as an alert without names. Why bother if you don't name them?
I sent a pm to everyone who sent me one, but my advice is listed below. I just had to learn the hard way.

If I were you, I'd get out of this godless hobby and spend more on relationships that matter.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I'm confused since you left Yes reviews for the first two ladies in your story.
See, if u read the review one was repeat clientele. Also I know a lot of you guys want me to put their names right here but one of those weird mofos has my real info out there. So an Eccie name and a fake number on an alert has no weight to what they have. Goodnight fellas, be safe.
Fred I pm'd you but got no reply but no worries. After reading your post for provider number one it doesn't make any sense and sounds quite suspect. You claimed that you placed your 600.00 watch next to the donation, but as I read it you gave the donation to her to count which is the basis for the dispute so why and when did you have a chance to take off your watch and place it by the donation. Second why did you wait around when she picked up the phones to call for back up. It also doesn't make sense follow you around Plano of all places waving a weapon from a vehicle since he already had your watch and your money. Finally even if you had the code to your friends gated entry, you have to stop and take the time to enter it, which would have given guys a chance to get to you. Just doesn't make sense, sounds like an attempt by you to get others to reconsider the risk of the hobby.
When they read this they will know exactly who you are
Might as well drop the names
Fantastical's Avatar
I'm so so sorry that happened to you babe smh some of these girls are so unprofessional and are in this profession for the wrong reasons.But there are still some really good and beautiful woman on here who knows how to treat a man right.
Someone is going to drop the names..whether it's the OP or someone else.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Something smells funny here...he doesn't want to say the names for fear of someone having his RW info yet he's sent it to many people and expects it to stay quiet.
Riconice1's Avatar
Someone is going to drop the names..whether it's the OP or someone else. Originally Posted by Analeese
Hopefully, also this hurts everyone on your review list since it's the only real Intel to go by. Sometimes posting eccie names really does benefit the hobby as a whole. But whatever, can't make someone do the right thing.
Smiley28tx's Avatar
I PM'ed Fred and got a worthless response. I usually stay UTR on issues like these, but Fred's allegations got my attention. Dick move on the PM bullcrap I have no sympathy for you Fred.
I can understand if the OP is legitimately concerned about his safety and being outed....he did say the tranny took a piece of mail....however this post does not help the community... maybe the PMs.... with the ladies names helps...but even then I think the community as a whole would like to put each of these scenarios with the person who did it...especyif it's well known reputable ladies...why let this happen to someone else?

I'm not sure what's going on...none of the ladies names given have even come in here and commented and I know for sure one of them would have said something in this thread if this thread weren't actually about them..
1. Analeese, I agree with you.
2. To the people who have PMd me please understand I have over 800 messages, so gimme time.
3. Frankly I don't care whether some of these guys or providers believe me or not. The truth is that Americans like to live in a little bubble, and they don't wanna know what 'else happens'. Unfortunately every single one of these things happened to me, and it can happen to you. If you are a new account that started last night don't expect me to PM you the names cause you could just be the provider.
I posted this not to shame anyone (clearly, since there are no names), but to shine some light on what else happens. This all happened mainly in West Plano by great reviewed girls.
Don't be upset fellas, yes this is Eccie, and I don't have Anything to hide as my number is in previous posts, but how would you like it if someone exposed what you do to everyone? A lot of y'all that are upset with me are hypocrites, this is the internet and everything is public. I posted this NOT to shame the hobby or girls, but to tell guys to be wiser. Your life isn't worth a moment of 'sex'. And to the person who says I didn't lose my watch...bro, I lost my damn watch to a pimp and a hefty hustler. Sorry I told the truth.
The OP described in detail each story.. even said the race of the lady on the first two...if you've received his PM with the names I don't think it's hard to put at least 2 of the names with the story they go with...this is really unfortunate...
TheEccie214's Avatar
I'll forward the PM to anyone that asks me to help shoulder his load. Did forward to those that posted and go figure Tara was the only nasty reply. I figured she'd be happy to see her name not involved in drama for once.