Things are changing...

Dont feed the trolls!!!!
Wheretonow's Avatar
Joe Paterno and his white entourage epitomized the "good ol' boy" system. For too long white men have thought they didn't have to be accountable for their actions. But this sense of entitlement and being above the law is quickly changing... Just another reason not to book appointments with middle aged white men.

No need for raciest remarks. You can see who ever you want for what ever reason but dont try to make this a raciest issue. Staff Originally Posted by Tina Marie
Since you duplicated your post in another "Sandbox" thread, I'm going to duplicate my response:

Wow...Just Wow...

I'm don't know how all "middle-aged white men" became the villains in the especially sad and unfortunate events at Penn State, but maybe a short history lesson will help.

Middle-aged White Men:

Passed the Civil Rights Act, Equal Employment Opportunity Laws, and Women's Right-to-Choose laws. We were the vast majority of the troops who fought to maintain our "land of the free, home of the brave" status. And we are the ones who mostly invented the items that make life enjoyable; discovered the drugs that make continued health posssible; and preached and prayed for tolerance and good will.

We may not be perfect, and you'll be able to find lots of us who are despicable human beings, but you'll have to search history long and hard to find another group who willingly gave up power in the name of equality.

In the best civil rights tradition, I'd organize a boycot of your services, but you haven't had a review since Arpil and your P411 account isn't active, so it's probably a waste of time.

Have a happy life, preferably outside the hobby.

In the best civil rights tradition, I'd organize a boycot of your services, but you haven't had a review since Arpil and your P411 account isn't active, so it's probably a waste of time.

Have a happy life, preferably outside the hobby.
Originally Posted by Wheretonow
She has had ZERO reviews. None of those reviews are hers. The individual posting as Tina Marie has never been reviewed on ECCIE. Ever.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Yeah! Kill whitey! Everyone knows we're all Child molesters deep down.

Congrats Tina, you have managed one of the most ignorant posts I've ever seen in all my years on the boards, not to mention racist. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Middle aged, balding, ED challenged men of any race welcome here.

You made me laugh! Thanks for that!

freaking cracker
LovingKayla's Avatar

I'm don't know how all "middle-aged white men" became the villains in the especially sad and unfortunate events at Penn State.
Originally Posted by Wheretonow

OHHHHHH so THAT'S why south park was making all those Penn State jokes last night...
OHHHHHH so THAT'S why south park was making all those Penn State jokes last night... Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I loved how he kept competing with Cartman trying to make his own my mamma's so poor jokes too!
LovingKayla's Avatar
My momma's so poor she couldn't afford to fly off the handle so she had to grayhound off the handle.

That is my new favorite joke. I had to back it up to make sure I heard it right.
oh, now i get it...cuz she couldn't afford the airline tickets. ha ha
THANKS for pointing that out ya'll. I have often wondered myself about "her" posts. Too funny that it finally came to the light. Thanks ya'll for detecting it for me and pointing it out.

MMMWUAH... to all of you. This was a very stupid and ridiculous thread.

Amber Rain
If you're posting links from michael moore... you've got larger issues.