The Grand Jury Gone Amok

Read much?
The story in USA Today link was first reported by CNN. The story was about fake electors.

"The eight electors in question make up half of the 16 people who met at Georgia's state Capitol on Dec. 14, 2020, and signed a certificate declaring falsely that Trump had won the presidential election and declaring themselves the state’s “duly elected and qualified” electors."

Your claim.
Raffesberger already was questioned on this. Under oath.
President Trump didn't break the law.

I'm still waiting for proof from you that Raffesberger testified under oath and said trump broke no laws. He said no such thing

"the court filing was first reported by CNN"...

... So are YOU saying that CNN is reporting that
Raffensperger - under oath - has claimed that
Trump broke the law in Georgia?
Not sure where you come up with your BS. No, CNN is not reporting on your noise. Find the link in post #7
.. With the phone
call or alternative electors??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Ask him...

Ask Raffensberger.

### Salty
Show where he said anything remotely close to what you claim he said. We know you can’t because you continuously spout bullshit that’s patently false and can’t even back up your shit with a single source. Zero credibility
... You misunderstand - Raffensberger was questioned at hearing
and admitted that Trump and the lawyers (from the phone call)
did not ask anybody to break the law.

... THAT was me point.

And WHEN are you gonna ask Raffensberger?
Or at least check what he said.

### Salty
I understood exactly what you’ve claimed was said. Show a link to these claimed statements. You said it, now back it up. Point to a link to support your claim.
... Ya know... Yer "Thomas the Doubter" routine is running thin.
... YOU need to start READING and checking the sites
for yer-own self... Because when someone DOES step in
and SHOW YOU things - you call out credibility and then
offour NO apology... As what happened in the other thread.

Please strive to do better.

... Do YOU believe that Raffensberger is pushing Fani Willis
to bring these indictments?? ... It surely sounds like it.

As I stated - ASK Raffensberger.

#### Salty
Perhaps it is time to look into the private lives of these Grand Jurors.

The old saying is…..”you can indict a Ham Sandwich”. But it takes the people on that Grand Jury to have an agenda.

I say, it’s time to find out just who these people are who can, by indictment, (not conviction), ruin so many lives.
... Ya know... Yer "Thomas the Doubter" routine is running thin.
... YOU need to start READING and checking the sites
for yer-own self... Because when someone DOES step in
and SHOW YOU things - you call out credibility and then
offour NO apology... As what happened in the other thread.

Please strive to do better.

... Do YOU believe that Raffensberger is pushing Fani Willis
to bring these indictments?? ... It surely sounds like it.

As I stated - ASK Raffensberger.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Still no link to support your statements. I suspect because they don’t exist, which would be typical for most of what you type. If what you say is true, there has to be a link to it. I won’t ever just take your word on anything because you’ve been caught in lie after lie. It’s not that hard, if you claim someone said something or something is a certain thing, provide a supporting link.

Your falsehood after falsehood has long been tired.
... And which falsehoods are those??

#### Salty