Petitioning for the closure of the Sandbox

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I am and will always be @thehobby. The other dudes are simply imposters who don't understand the gravity of that title. I wear it well but what is increasing is my do not share list. Everyone, be warned, who isn't nice to me or ridicules me I will never share Intel with you unless a formal apology is given. Those are my hard rules! I believe the powers that be have vetoed my request. I was just trying to clear up unnecessary clutter on eccie. Originally Posted by Pitroom

Michael8219's Avatar
fat fingers and no glasses on... Originally Posted by Footfein75
Figured - just gave me fuel for my frivolity. Cheers!
NordicJag's Avatar
Sigh, I know I'm going to regret commenting but here goes.

So what happened?

hard to take anything you say seriously when you are constantly contradicting yourself.

I'm still convinced you are a world class troll that get's off seeing your posts go viral-ish or seeing the vitriol it creates.

And to stay on topic - I vote no on your petition. Originally Posted by Uomo
He may have been forced to adhere to that post, but you never can tell. Hasn't he been known to type in the "B" word himself?
  • pxmcc
  • 08-11-2023, 10:59 PM
Pitt needs to do that whole "imma do my own hobby board" thing..
I think Pit is afraid to set up his own site because of the following reasons:
1) he would be the only one on it.
2) the amount of bandwidth needed would be a dial up modem
3) staff edit - UC
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Well, if nothing else this thread has brought the democrats and republicans together. Here in the sandbox in this one thread finds myself, nordic jag, and pxmcc on the same side.

Hey pitroom ( I will guarantee you he is reading this thread even though he's banned), sleep good last night? How long before your new site opens up? Lastly pitroom, don't even for a second blame UC for you being banned, you banned yourself with your constant bullshit and constant trolling. But you've been here before under other user names and you know the drill.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-12-2023, 12:23 PM
Well, if nothing else this thread has brought the democrats and republicans together. Here in the sandbox in this one thread finds myself, nordic jag, and pxmcc on the same side.

Hey pitroom ( I will guarantee you he is reading this thread even though he's banned), sleep good last night? How long before your new site opens up? Lastly pitroom, don't even for a second blame UC for you being banned, you banned yourself with your constant bullshit and constant trolling. But you've been here before under other user names and you know the drill. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
for the record Dear John, i actually like Pitt, but i also feel sorry for him. what happened in his life that he always has to be the center of attention? so i proposed that Simone Biles is the ĜOAT in gymnastics, and his first response is, the Sandbox should be shuttered. of course later he agrees that Simone is the GOAT, because, i mean, she's the ebony queen of queens, right? what else could he say? but he was bothered that we were talking about Simone as the GOAT and not Pitt. that's someone with deep insecurities. and that's why i feel sorry for him.

UC did the right thing by banning him. he saved Pitt from himself. and i'm not all about prancing about on the barrow of the undone and the unvoiced; i'd say the same thing if Pitt was here and could defend himself. hell i won't run from this thread when he returns, and will recapitulate my main points.
Uomo's Avatar
  • Uomo
  • 08-12-2023, 01:10 PM
for the record Dear John, i actually like Pitt, but i also feel sorry for him. Originally Posted by pxmcc
If he isn't a brilliant troll then he has some serious issues around confidence and feeling insignificant.

The endless rants reminded of Venus'.
Michael8219's Avatar
If he isn't a brilliant troll then he has some serious issues around confidence and feeling insignificant.

The endless rants reminded of Venus'. Originally Posted by Uomo
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
for the record Dear John, i actually like Pitt, but i also feel sorry for him. Originally Posted by pxmcc

To be perfectly honest, I wanted to feel sorry for him, however he did this to himself, and as you stated, maybe the ban was a 'mercy' ban. However I find it very hard to feel sorry for someone who has been around and has probably been banned before on one or more usernames.
All of his posting history pointed to a big time troll who wasn't a very good one, or a person with some pretty deep issues.
NordicJag's Avatar
If he isn't a brilliant troll then he has some serious issues around confidence and feeling insignificant.

The endless rants reminded of Venus'. Originally Posted by Uomo
of course, there is always the possibility that it is all an act.
bigwill832's Avatar
Uses Sandbox to bitch about Sandbox. LOL
Cendell M's Avatar
I guess he’s the only one signing his petition Lol.^^^^ Yes the irony to his rant comical
Knobby forgets that there have been some epic debates on here regarding sports team’s especially when Watson was being getting massages.
TryWeakly's Avatar
LOL at this threAD !!!!!!