Current Events 3: Obama on the Stewart's Daily Show

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Who dat say Barky Obama is bad juju for escorts! I'm money-whipping sweet, hot chicks as hard and fast as I can 'cause when that damn reaper comes for my ass I do not want to leave a nickel behind for the cocksucker-obama to confiscate. I'd rather set fire to it than let that rat bastard seize it; renting girlfriends is sort of like burning it but a lot more fun.
boardman's Avatar
Bush (Senior), Clinton, Bush (Dubya), and now Obama, have worked toward the implementation of Agenda 21. What is Agenda 21 ? Check this video:

The country is in DEEP trouble, and it's being attacked by members of both political parties. If we don't wake up to the bullsh*t from both sides of the aisle, there will be no,

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
Hopefully some of the newly elected reps and senators will have watched "Mr Smith goes to Washington".

I heard Rush talking about how the establishment is already preparing to assign some of their staffers to help the new guys learn how things "work" in Washington. That's just what we need, John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Sheila Jackson-Lee showing the newbies around. I hope these "Tea Party" candidates are as smart as we thinck they are and tell the establishment to fuck off.
Unless there is a change in how things are done we will be back to the same ole bull shit in less than year, Political favors and payoffs, personal agendas and selling your vote to the highest bidder.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
It doesn't really matter who gets in there. They are all so crooked you could screw them into the ground.
I agree but watch out for the fireworks with this statement because apparently to conservatives he is the devil.....Dont bother arguing with me fellas I wont be rebutting because you guys like to hit below the belt at the mention of our wonderful President! Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
If I am labled conservative for standing up to people taking more and more of my money because they think I have enough and want to give it people who will vote for them well......... ok.

The reason of the backlash is the amount of money and total disregard for the constitution with Obama and the Congress. They have had control for two years before Obama and they have tripled the crap.

You have to know he and the Dem congress are wrong. The plan does not work, it will only deteriorate a republic over the long hall. This country became great due to the antithesis of his vision.

How can you say conservatives hit below the belt for pointing out the flaws in his agenda? You drank the Kool-Aid and anyone who has ever been had, well.... it is really difficult to admit it. But, I'm praying you see the simple fact that the plan, the agenda is FUCKING WRONG!!!!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
... John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Sheila Jackson-Lee .... Originally Posted by boardman actually put her in the same sentence with "Boehner" and "Cantor"?

She is an embarrassment to herself, but she is too stupid to know it.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
If I am labled conservative for standing up to people taking more and more of my money because they think I have enough and want to give it people who will vote for them well......... ok.

The reason of the backlash is the amount of money and total disregard for the constitution with Obama and the Congress. They have had control for two years before Obama and they have tripled the crap.

You have to know he and the Dem congress are wrong. The plan does not work, it will only deteriorate a republic over the long hall. This country became great due to the antithesis of his vision.

How can you say conservatives hit below the belt for pointing out the flaws in his agenda? You drank the Kool-Aid and anyone who has ever been had, well.... it is really difficult to admit it. But, I'm praying you see the simple fact that the plan, the agenda is FUCKING WRONG!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Big Juan
I dont engage but I gotta say the way you guys try to force feed your AGENDA is ridiculous! And that "drank tha koolaid" Bullshit is highly offensive and just sounds ignorant. I dont know but government hasnt been on the up and up for quite some time its just a little offputting that the introduction of Obama brings you to ridiculous name calling and sometimes personal attacks. He is our president and while I never agreed with Dubyas politics I still respected him as such. Are you really sure there is no other motivation for your anger for Obama besides mere politics,Im just sayin...... Go ahead and start the mud slinging but Ive said my piece and im more than done,its so ridiculous
no actually... it hasn't .
pussy will always sell, especially good pussy. The same guys who had the money to hobby then still have the money to hobby now. Originally Posted by luxury daphne

Babygirl, now you should know better than to kick the hornets nest.. but one thing you do know is "good pussy" is the great equilizer, the one thing all men can agree on, the bipartisan stimulus that always puts me to work, something smart women know and men cannot deny, and in the end all brothers know when you are lying there counting it down, it's the pussy that you're remembering, savoring and re-living.. not Nixon, LBJ, Bush, or Obama...
I dont engage but I gotta say the way you guys try to force feed your AGENDA is ridiculous! And that "drank tha koolaid" Bullshit is highly offensive and just sounds ignorant. I dont know but government hasnt been on the up and up for quite some time its just a little offputting that the introduction of Obama brings you to ridiculous name calling and sometimes personal attacks. He is our president and while I never agreed with Dubyas politics I still respected him as such. Are you really sure there is no other motivation for your anger for Obama besides mere politics,Im just sayin...... Go ahead and start the mud slinging but Ive said my piece and im more than done,its so ridiculous Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
Thank you for having the courage to dialogue. You are not understanding, so please re-read my comments. My respect for the office and this country are clear and present. My point is the Congress has no right to tell me I have made enough money and they have a right to take it and use it for their own choosing. This is a direct quote from the President. Surely, you have to look beyond your infatuation with him and analyize the facts.

I can read through your comments, wherein you are close to saying I am racist. I am not and that is ok for you to think so. That is the only defense people seem to use these days when you call them on their bullshit. Looks and charisma will get you big places, but not long term. You are assuming I am white and racist. That should tell everyone how effective the bullshit (or Kool-Aid) is.

You are no doubt an intelligent and sweet lady, but that doesn't mean your assumption of Obama or me is correct. I am purely economic based driven and enjoy my freedoms.

DLT said he was blowin money on whores before they come to get it and he is correct. I am doing the same. In the last 6 months I have purchased new luxury vehicles and a vacation home in another country. I am pessimistic that my cash flow is jumping to the negative very soon and I will miss out. I'm stock piling the top shelf items in case I can't reach them later. If we don't look beyond how nice looking or believable sounding our politicians are, this is going to get real rough. They are banking on the majority not believing this, because we are so very comfortable in this country. Deep down we can't imagine people like him lying right to our faces.

Now, in no way am I bragging, because most reading this will never meet me, but I have always worked hard and do so now, because I enjoy the benefits of the accomplishment. I will shut my businesses down and move to another country if you expect me to fund a flawed social agenda that is based on greed and fraud. You need to understand the majority of business owners whose income is 200K and above see it the way I do.

Do we become enraged at times, damn right. It is no different than bait and switch and upselling which the majority of providers on this site hate. Why are you upset with me when I want to keep my own money? I respect the office of President so much, I will never respect anyone in it who does not follow the Constitution.

Whew!!!!! Can I get a witness?!?!?!?!

P.S. You may never know my ethnicity or skin color...... but how do you know my SO isn't AA.

Over and out from Casa de Caribe. hang in there my dear, it's going to be alright!!!
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
I just asked a question I didnt accuse you or anyone else here of being racist and please stop with the all the discussion of how he is not following the Constitution,God knows historically that very document was written by slaveholders so we know he is definitely not the first if THAT is in fact what he is doing. The thing is I DONT agree with all of Obamas decisions either,my issue is how much it seems to anger you guys. When George Bush was in office he lied,manipulated,and a score of other missteps and mishaps but the attacks were never nearly as personal if at all. I love this country and for the most part what it was founded on but please stop acting like he is the first President we have ever had to be well.......a politician. Now i am officially not reading this anymore. The thing is Im not upset merely stating my opinion because I want to and can. I am the lady that doesnt engage in political discussion outside of close friends and family,as like with religion people get to heated. I dont need to know your ethnicity or that of your spouse because that doesnt always exclude a person from what you assumed I was implying. Now Im getting back to my mindset of having passionate,mind numbing,political devoid SEX,something I never have any conflicts in Thats what we are all really here for Yes? We are wasting our horizontal Mambo energy for this.....xoxoxo
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
When George Bush was in office he lied,manipulated,and a score of other missteps and mishaps but the attacks were never nearly as personal if at all. I love this country and for the most part what it was founded on but please stop acting like he is the first President we have ever had to be well.......a politician. Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
The reason for my personal animosity toward Obama, Mila, is his hatred of the American nation, the polis, and while I can only speak for myself I'm confident that it is the basis for nearly all Obama loathing. We've had flawed, even dreadful Presidents aplenty, but none of them ever led the Leviathan that is the federal State in conflict against its own polis the way Obama has.

For two years Obama has been leading the United States' war effort against its own people. That makes him our most dangerous enemy; although his impeachment, conviction, and judicial execution would be ideal in my view, regime change through fair elections will suffice.

I feel sad for some of my Black American pals; they understandably have a huge emotional investment in the man, as the First, but all they got with him is a Pig in a Poke, the prick. Soul by soul they have slowly begun to admit that fact to themselves, eventually to trusted friends, with great sorrow and disappointment. I share their sorrow.
LexusLover's Avatar
When George Bush was in office he lied,manipulated,and a score of other missteps and mishaps but the attacks were never nearly as personal if at all. Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
Now .... that ..... is funny!

BigLouie's Avatar
When George Bush was in office he lied,manipulated,and a score of other missteps and mishaps Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
I heard Rush talking about how the establishment is already preparing to assign some of their staffers to help the new guys learn how things "work" in Washington. That's just what we need, John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Sheila Jackson-Lee showing the newbies around. I hope these "Tea Party" candidates are as smart as we thinck they are and tell the establishment to fuck off.
Unless there is a change in how things are done we will be back to the same ole bull shit in less than year, Political favors and payoffs, personal agendas and selling your vote to the highest bidder.[/quote]

>> driving back home from the Barrnet(?) oil shale area, Cleburne TX listening to Laura Ingram, she says that the repub leadership is pretty nervous about the impending arrivals of the tea partiers. The concern is that they will not be respective and "know" their place in the political hirachy of congress. They are going to try to sway them, with training & coaching them, basically telling them that they can cause trouble or get with the repubs and work to get the dems out in 2012. The dems will have huge numbers up for election in 2012.
Please increase the meds!!!!
Fucking unbelieveable. You know what?.... I am a dumbass. Why in God's name did I think reason could exist in this conversation. Just like f__in' cattle.
The reason for my personal animosity toward Obama, Mila, is his hatred of the American nation, the polis, and while I can only speak for myself I'm confident that it is the basis for nearly all Obama loathing. We've had flawed, even dreadful Presidents aplenty, but none of them ever led the Leviathan that is the federal State in conflict against its own polis the way Obama has.

For two years Obama has been leading the United States' war effort against its own people. That makes him our most dangerous enemy; although his impeachment, conviction, and judicial execution would be ideal in my view, regime change through fair elections will suffice.

I feel sad for some of my Black American pals; they understandably have a huge emotional investment in the man, as the First, but all they got with him is a Pig in a Poke, the prick. Soul by soul they have slowly begun to admit that fact to themselves, eventually to trusted friends, with great sorrow and disappointment. I share their sorrow. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak

Bravo Don T.,
Your eloquence in the midst of stupidity is commendable. Shine on my Brother.