Chase Bank and at risk accounts.

When did that fine New York (AKA Yankee) institution -- Chase Bank -- become so self-righteous? It was conspicuously turned a profit on the slave-trade and slave produced commerce, and following WWII, it knowingly and unscrupulously screwed the hell out of Holocaust survivors. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oooh. The bitterness. The bitterness.
Oooh. The bitterness. The bitterness. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Spit it out, boy....
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oooh. The bitterness. The bitterness. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You know where you can stick that feather, Yankee dude fucking dude.
lustylad's Avatar

After tax payers bail out the banks...morals now play a role within the banking industry! Originally Posted by valuedaset
Ok, you're implying that a lack of morals caused the banks to be bailed out? What exactly did they do that was immoral?

Chase has the right to do what ever they want... I find it ironic that they are a "at risk bank" that required a taxpayer bail out but want to shut down accounts of porn stars. Last time I checked, the porn industry is real legitimate business. Where does this stop? Are these providers next? I don't know...I hate those greedy bastards. Originally Posted by valuedaset
It's not "Chase" anymore. It's been J.P. Morgan Chase ever since they merged 14 years ago. And Jamie Dimon's bank did not "require" a bailout. They were instructed along with 8 other financial institutions to sell preferred stock to the US Treasury in Oct. 2008 by Hank Paulson. The only bank that actually needed a bailout at the time was Citibank. Paulson stuffed the TARP money down everyone's throats because he didn't want to single out or "stigmatize" any of the banks. But again, maybe you can explain exactly what J.P. Morgan Chase did wrong and how they acted immorally?

lustylad's Avatar
...Chase Bank, though as a bank not alone in this aspect, is an example of some of the slimiest, scummiest, sleaziest, most worthless, parasitic fecal matter the universe has to offer. If only the Fort Hood guys would go to Chase HQ when they were having a bad day. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Why don't you tell us how you really feel? So WTF did Chase Bank (actually J.P. Morgan Chase, see previous post) ever do to you to make you froth at the mouth like that?
You know where you can stick that feather, Yankee dude fucking dude. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Your ass, right?

Not interested, tranny fuckee.
lustylad's Avatar
When did that fine New York (AKA Yankee) institution -- Chase Bank -- become so self-righteous? It was conspicuously turned a profit on the slave-trade and slave produced commerce, and following WWII, it knowingly and unscrupulously screwed the hell out of Holocaust survivors. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase & Co.) traces its origins back to the earliest days of our Republic (circa 1800) and among its founders were Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. The guns used in their famous duel were kept under a display exhibit at the bank's HQ... The banks involved in the slave trade were Citizens Bank and Canal Bank (both of Louisiana) which did not become part of Chase until 1931... Swiss banks were the ones who screwed the Holocaust survivors. They accepted Nazi gold bars made from gold fillings of Holocaust victims and "lost" the records of Jewish account holders who died in concentration camps...
LexusLover's Avatar
Chase has the right to do what ever they want... Originally Posted by valuedaset
Actually not. For a couple of reasons ... #1 ... regulations ...

#2 and more importantly Chase is under threat of criminal indictment by the Feds the "enforcement" of which has been suspended pending the payment by Chase of billions in fines/charges plus many internal banking procedures implemented at avoiding cash transactions not documented by persons who fail to show "ownership" interest of a given account into which they deposit cash.

The criminal prosecutions grew out of gross neglect bordering on conspiracy and aiding and abetting activity regarding one now infamous "investment banker" who has been sentenced for a long stretch fairly recently. The Feds have entered into a "suspension" of the prosecution pending payment of the "restitution" for the losses of customers in their investments.

In case you think otherwise, for the most part "banks" don't "own" much money, because all of their deposits they brag about on the Sunday papers annually are actually funds owed to customers and do not belong to the bank. Chase probably holds more "Other Real Estate" (ORE) from foreclosures than it does of its own assets, even the desks where the managers sit in their offices, which are more than likely rented.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-28-2014, 05:50 AM
When did that fine New York (AKA Yankee) institution -- Chase Bank -- become so self-righteous? It was conspicuously turned a profit on the slave-trade and slave produced commerce, and following WWII, it knowingly and unscrupulously screwed the hell out of Holocaust survivors. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yes, and since the chief bankers and board members of chase are actually vampires the same evil people who profited from the slave t rd ads are in charge today. Must make them about 200 years old and counting.

So, since you clearly believe the sins of the forefathers lay guilt on their descends, you must be strongly in the reparations camp, right?

Condemn chase for what they are doing now, but what they did in the 1800s is moot to the current topic (even though it was wrong then).

PS: only 79 more to go to reach the amazing 12,000 mark. You can do it! Make that 12,000th one something special.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Why don't you tell us how you really feel? So WTF did Chase Bank (actually J.P. Morgan Chase, see previous post) ever do to you to make you froth at the mouth like that? Originally Posted by lustylad
Actually the name is irrelevant, but adding JP's name in does help because it conjures the image of an ugly, dirty, greedy, unscrupulous chap, a perfect match to the bank that bears his name.

But the name is irrelevant; it is the practice of banking that makes me, clear headed and without froth, suggest that incidents like Columbine, VA Tech and Fort Hood would be almost moral if the victims were bankers. Take just about any problem with society and ask enough questions the eventual source problem is banking and finance.

And personally, Chase Bank duped me out a few bills within the last few weeks, with shenanigans a street con-man would be ashamed of.

Alexander Hamilton may have had virtues, but regarding the National Bank, he was a dirtbag. Banks are more dangerous than armies.

Any of you who are bankers, in spite of your horrendous occupation, I do believe you have other virtues as a human, and I do not wish you to be the victim of a crazed shooter. But I do believe what you do is going to lead to high tension, and as Jules Winfield said, "when motherfuckers get scared, that's when motherfuckers accidentally get shot."
I B Hankering's Avatar

Your ass, right?

Not interested, tranny fuckee.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
No, you ignorant Yankee dude-fucking-dandy -- up yours!

The Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase & Co.) traces its origins back to the earliest days of our Republic (circa 1800) and among its founders were Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. The guns used in their famous duel were kept under a display exhibit at the bank's HQ... The banks involved in the slave trade were Citizens Bank and Canal Bank (both of Louisiana) which did not become part of Chase until 1931... Swiss banks were the ones who screwed the Holocaust survivors. They accepted Nazi gold bars made from gold fillings of Holocaust victims and "lost" the records of Jewish account holders who died in concentration camps... Originally Posted by lustylad
Yeah, Burr and company, in typical New York Yankee fashion, lied on the charter wherein they claimed to be establishing a water company. BTW, Chase played an active role in screwing Jews during WWII and then denied access to those accounts by heirs of those killed during the Holocaust.

Lawyers acting on behalf of victims of the Jewish holocaust and their families have accused two US banks of seizing their wealth during the Nazi occupation of France.

The families filed a class-action lawsuit against two leading banks, Chase Manhattan and JP Morgan, alleging that they were complicit in the seizure of wealth stolen from Jews as they were transported to death camps.

Yes, and since the chief bankers and board members of chase are actually vampires the same evil people who profited from the slave t rd ads are in charge today. Must make them about 200 years old and counting.

So, since you clearly believe the sins of the forefathers lay guilt on their descends, you must be strongly in the reparations camp, right?

Condemn chase for what they are doing now, but what they did in the 1800s is moot to the current topic (even though it was wrong then).

PS: only 79 more to go to reach the amazing 12,000 mark. You can do it! Make that 12,000th one something special. Originally Posted by Old-T
You must buy and drink "stupid" by the keg, Old-Twerp.

This New York bank was screwing Holocaust victims from WWII to as recent as some fifteen years ago, Old-Twerp, and may still be screwing survivors by requiring "death certificates" the Nazis didn't issue in the Death Camps! That is a relatively current event, Old-Twerp.

You really need to back away from the tap for a while and give your brain cells a break, Old-Twerp.
lustylad's Avatar
...and more importantly Chase is under threat of criminal indictment by the Feds the "enforcement" of which has been suspended pending the payment by Chase of billions in fines/charges plus many internal banking procedures implemented at avoiding cash transactions not documented by persons who fail to show "ownership" interest of a given account into which they deposit cash.

The criminal prosecutions grew out of gross neglect bordering on conspiracy and aiding and abetting activity regarding one now infamous "investment banker" who has been sentenced for a long stretch fairly recently. The Feds have entered into a "suspension" of the prosecution pending payment of the "restitution" for the losses of customers in their investments.

In case you think otherwise, for the most part "banks" don't "own" much money, because all of their deposits they brag about on the Sunday papers annually are actually funds owed to customers and do not belong to the bank. Chase probably holds more "Other Real Estate" (ORE) from foreclosures than it does of its own assets, even the desks where the managers sit in their offices, which are more than likely rented. Originally Posted by LexusLover

If you ever took a course in Banking 101, you would understand that loans are the biggest asset on the average bank's balance sheet and deposits are the biggest liability. I don't have time to give you a tutorial, but keep in mind that banks only earn money when their loans are current and performing. They lose money if their loans stop performing (i.e. their borrowers quit paying) and wind up in foreclosure. If a bank holds a lot of OREO ("other real estate owned") on its books, this is a big red flag since it means the bank took big write-downs on the underlying loans. So a bank with a lot of OREO is probably in danger of failing or becoming insolvent. JP Morgan Chase's OREO is negligible as a % of its assets or its equity. You can look it up in their 10-K report if you really want to know what the number is.

Btw, your first two paragraphs are completely incoherent and I have no idea what you are talking about.

No, you ignorant Yankee dude-fucking-dandy -- up yours! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oooh, that's clever.

"I know you are, but what am I?" has been a devastating retort for you ever since 2nd grade, hasn't it, knuckle-dragger?
lustylad's Avatar
But the name is irrelevant; it is the practice of banking that makes me, clear headed and without froth, suggest that incidents like Columbine, VA Tech and Fort Hood would be almost moral if the victims were bankers. Take just about any problem with society and ask enough questions the eventual source problem is banking and finance.

And personally, Chase Bank duped me out a few bills within the last few weeks, with shenanigans a street con-man would be ashamed of. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Not sure what your experience was in being duped but it seems strange that it would lead you to think the entire "practice of banking" is immoral and that banking/finance is harmful rather than indispensable to a healthy economy. Would you say the entire energy industry is crooked and immoral if Enron cheated you on a transaction?

One of the most quoted lines in Shakespeare's Henry VI is "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers..." He said lawyers, not bankers.

As for Jules Winfield, the banks should hire that "mushroom cloud-layin' motherfucka" to collect from their deadbeat borrowers.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-28-2014, 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
When did that fine New York (AKA Yankee) institution -- Chase Bank -- become so self-righteous? It was conspicuously turned a profit on the slave-trade and slave produced commerce, and following WWII, it knowingly and unscrupulously screwed the hell out of Holocaust survivors.

This New York bank was screwing Holocaust victims from WWII to as recent as some fifteen years ago, Old-Twerp
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So was chase profiting off the slave trade 15 years ago too? You got caught with yet another stupid comment, and when I brought it to everyone's attention you "conveniently" distort and lie. Typical IB. You don't give a damn about most of what you post, or about truth. You rant away against the hated "liberals" more based upon the label than anything else. And anyone who waves a gun around is a true American hero. Every post you make reinforces why I never want to live in the south again.