Sugar Babies, Trophy Wives & the Men that Love them

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Yes, I am a true alpha male--although a very sweet and gentle one, as opposed to arrogant and aggressive. On some level two million years of human evolution has wired us so that men compete for access to sex, while women compete for access to security. Originally Posted by Roshibear

I state this in much simpler terms "God created animals to keep me warm and fed, and men to hunt them for me"

On serious note, I find it sad that we are trying to undo 2 millions years of evolution in less than one century.

it's been my experience that women who can surrender to this more primal aspect of their psychology also seem to have access to their more feminine aspects as well. I like this because I like being with a women who feels free to feel like a women, because I very much like being in touch with my own masculine qualities. Originally Posted by Roshibear
In my experience, when true Alpha Male and true Alpha Female are in relationship, they both allow each other to explore and develop their "primal roles".

As Alpha Female myself, I NEED to feel that man I am with deserves my "surrender" and appreciates it. Then I can feel feminine and demure without "loosing face"

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  • 07-02-2011, 07:32 PM
Don't you guys that have sugar babies feel good about helping them? With the help of a generous older boyfriend I was able to travel to almost ten different countries. And then the intellectual/mentor relationship was invaluable in my growth as a young woman. People on the outside see the "sugar daddy" as taking advantage of the young girl or the young girl as a leech but often the relationship is a beautiful example of giving, taking and sharing.

. Originally Posted by !!Layla Angelique!!
I agree Layla , oh how I agree!

Fuc all those on the outside looking in! I'm not looking out at them so I could care less wtf they think or do, that is their business. I hope they do what works best for personally, I've always enjoyed extending a hand to lovely young ladies and watching them grow. I'm like a gardener, nourishing and fertilizing and pollinating my lil flowers for all the world's benifit.

. When a woman's mind is not right, . Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I'm reminded of Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke!

Awwwww, the good ole days.....

Ms Tiff, may I add that women (and men) constantly adjust what is right for them. That is what makes this old world so hard and fun! What worked yesterday, may not do it for me tomorrow. So my best advice is, 'Do what is best for you at the time and try and reconize others are doing the exact same thing'. Would you agree?

Anyway how you been doing? I hope well, haven't seen you around here in awhile. That is always our loss! Don't be such a stranger and have a firecracking good 4th of July.
Awwwww, the good ole days.....

Ms Tiff, may I add that women (and men) constantly adjust what is right for them. That is what makes this old world so hard and fun! What worked yesterday, may not do it for me tomorrow. So my best advice is, 'Do what is best for you at the time and try and reconize others are doing the exact same thing'. Would you agree?

Anyway how you been doing? I hope well, haven't seen you around here in awhile. That is always our loss! Don't be such a stranger and have a firecracking good 4th of July.
You are so right! People are fickle.

Girl, I've been busy. I just settled in from a trip, and now sorting through juicy bovine goodness making sure Omaha Steaks got my order right, or it won't be as good of a 4th. Thank you, Layla for the compliments. You are such a lovely addition to this forum. I look forward to more from you!
In my experience, when true Alpha Male and true Alpha Female are in relationship, they both allow each other to explore and develop their "primal roles".

As Alpha Female myself, I NEED to feel that man I am with deserves my "surrender" and appreciates it. Then I can feel feminine and demure without "loosing face"
Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
OMG Lina, this is why you are my girl!

When more men learn this, the world will change. It has been a long time (in my personal life anyway) since I have been so confident in a man that I can sit back and let him handle things. That's why I enjoy being a companion so much. I can let go and be treated like a woman. But in real life, women shouldn't have to boost your ego and TREAT you like the man. She should have no other choice.
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OMG Lina, this is why you are my girl!

When more men learn this, the world will change. It has been a long time (in my personal life anyway) since I have been so confident in a man that I can sit back and let him handle things. That's why I enjoy being a companion so much. I can let go and be treated like a woman. But in real life, women shouldn't have to boost your ego and TREAT you like the man. She should have no other choice. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

Yeap, such men are rare these days. Although even with most self confident alpha males there is still A LOT of ego boosting.

Yeap, such men are rare these days. Although even with most self confident alpha males there is still A LOT of ego boosting.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Yeah, but not in a false sense. He may revel in the praise a bit much, but that makes him that much more on top of his game. What I'm speaking of is those you have to give a false sense of being the man, but you have to wear the pants under your skirt, convincing him you're just doing his leg-work when you're really making the whole thing happen. When you're the real brains behind the operation and you're feeding him his lines.

I'm not saying he has to be a one-man show, but one who realizes what he has in his woman. I'll gladly give praise to a man who deserves it.
When more men learn this, the world will change. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Men learn?! Puhhlleeaassee. That's an oxymoron.

Happy Fourth all!
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Hi Forum! New girl here. I love writing so treat me nice, forgive my typos and I'll offer what I can.

Today a friend of mine asked me how I get men (in my real life) to financially support me, as if I had some secret method of gold digging (a practice I find distasteful). My traditional father raised me to believe it was part of a man's social, and even religious, duty to financially take care of his woman and family. Today in an time where going dutch is common and woman often makes more than their partners, this view may seem antiquated but I find it persists. The men I am attracted to are more characteristic of the old style of man (alpha-type, self-reliant, and masculine bordering on macho) and despite modern convention, they take pride in supporting their significant other.

For you men, do you get pleasure out of financially supporting your wife/girlfriend? Or do you subscribe to the modern way of thinking, that men and women should be equal partners in all aspects of life? Also, if you are financially supporting a woman, do you expect something more or different from her than if she was contributing as well? Originally Posted by !!Layla Angelique!!
It brings me great pleasure my dear, and you have to remember this is a two way street. The lady has to genuinely respect, and appreciate the acts of kindness bestowed upon them or they will be constantly seeking the next SD. The method you speak of is your attitude towards them, maybe that is what you need to share with your friends.
I agree Layla , oh how I agree! personally, I've always enjoyed extending a hand to lovely young ladies and watching them grow. I'm like a gardener, nourishing and fertilizing and pollinating my lil flowers for all the world's benifit.

Originally Posted by WTF

LOL! This comment reminds me of a couple old bromides, "There's no fool like an old fool"..."a fool and his money are soon parted"....I've seen more than my share of young ladies at clubs laughing at their SD financing their life of leasure or "school studies" while getting dirty with some young slacker....getting laid is easy and if you want it easier, cheaper and better, just hire a professonal........nothing funnier than seeing some old dude struttin' around like a peacock with some young stuff, all the while knowing what the real story is.......
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  • 07-05-2011, 03:53 PM
LOL! This comment reminds me of a couple old bromides, "There's no fool like an old fool"..."a fool and his money are soon parted"....I've seen more than my share of young ladies at clubs laughing at their SD financing their life of leasure or "school studies" while getting dirty with some young slacker....getting laid is easy and if you want it easier, cheaper and better, just hire a professonal........nothing funnier than seeing some old dude struttin' around like a peacock with some young stuff, all the while knowing what the real story is....... Originally Posted by Marshall
I reminded of an old wise injun named WTF who always said....''Those who give a fuc what others think live the life of others!''

I know the deal MarshiePoo. A fool does not. There is no top or bottom end age limit on foolishness, young or old a fool is a fool. Lucky for the fool is... they don't know it. You just don't know how foolish you are worry about wtf others think. I don't give a flying flip what others think of me, once you grow up you won't give a damn what other think of you. Until then you will live your life according to bromides and I will live my life according to my whims and pleasures.
It all comes down to the basic, raw, animal attraction. Without it, the SD / SB equation doesn’t work. The formula for this interlude is the stronger the attraction, the stronger the ache the man has for the woman and the better resources the woman has access to. It’s just that simple.

In my opinion, for a real world attraction between an alpha male and female to take root, the female needs to be open to submission and the male not an aggressive competitive alpha. Otherwise, it no workie. Trust me. I’m quite open to traditional roles, but, as in the case of my ex-husband, a true, Latin, aggressive alpha, we couldn’t make it work. We’re still friends. Always will be, but I’m not open to being dominated beyond my willingness to concede power and control. There’s a fine line between a skewed power structure and overt control.
I reminded of an old wise injun named WTF who always said....''Those who give a fuc what others think live the life of others!''

I know the deal MarshiePoo. A fool does not. There is no top or bottom end age limit on foolishness, young or old a fool is a fool. Lucky for the fool is... they don't know it. You just don't know how foolish you are worry about wtf others think. I don't give a flying flip what others think of me, once you grow up you won't give a damn what other think of you. Until then you will live your life according to bromides and I will live my life according to my whims and pleasures. Originally Posted by WTF

If you don't care what people think, why respond to me? HA! HA! HA!
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! When you call me MarshiePoo, I know you're bugged.......

Maybe you do care, but say you don't because you erroneously believe people think positively of you. I never saw you care too much about facts or truth when you decide what you choose to believe.......... oh wise injun, you strut around like a peacock, but all people can see is a funky old turkey.....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

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  • 07-05-2011, 07:04 PM
If you don't care what people think, why respond to me? When you call me MarshiePoo, I know you're bugged.......

Originally Posted by Marshall
You have a point, not a great one but it is a start for you. I should have said, "I do not let what others think, dictate my actions like you appear to.''

There much better. Thank you for pointing out that misstatement. I care enough to respond. That is like saying I care enough to watch you drown. If I take no other action than watching you with morbid curosity , does that really constitute 'caring' about you? ....or is that just caring about watching you drown? You got me thinking on this one. Maybe it was a better point than I first acknowledged. Start another thread on this and tie it into HDH'dom and I will discuss this further.

Maybe you do care, Originally Posted by Marshall
Maybe? Is that the best you can do?

Maybe I care and do not know it.

Maybe I don't care and am tring to fool you into thinking I care by acting like I do not care.

Maybe I enjoy toying with you.

None of that is proof I care.

but say you don't because you erroneously believe people think positively of you. Originally Posted by Marshall
I believe that some folks may think positively of me and some folks do not but the vast vast majority do not give a fiddling fuc either way. My ego is not like really believes that hardly anyone in this whole wide world cares what either you or I think.

. I never saw you care too much about facts or truth when you decide what you choose to believe.......... Originally Posted by Marshall
I care about the truth and facts so there , you obviously do not have a clue as to what I care about. I care enough about the forum's new rules so as not to make this thread about you or I.

oh wise injun, you strut around like a peacock, but all people can see is a funky old turkey.....
Originally Posted by Marshall
I do not know nor profess to know what others see. I do know that I professed not to care what others think. If you see a funky old turkey, fine by me. As I said, I do not care what you think.

I do know that you can not speak for others. If you think you can speak for others, fine. I do not care. I know you do not and that factual truth is all I need to know. Furthermore even if you and all others think I am a 'funky old turkey', that would be fine with me. I do not care. You can think wtf ever you want, it does not effect me in the least. Didn't you know, funky old turkeys that strut around like peacocks are happy enough to be addressed as oh wise injun
You have a point, not a great one but it is a start for you. I should have said, "I do not let what others think, dictate my actions like you appear to.''

There much better. Thank you for pointing out that misstatement. I care enough to respond. That is like saying I care enough to watch you drown. If I take no other action than watching you with morbid curosity , does that really constitute 'caring' about you? ....or is that just caring about watching you drown? You got me thinking on this one. Maybe it was a better point than I first acknowledged. Start another thread on this and tie it into HDH'dom and I will discuss this further.

Maybe? Is that the best you can do?

Maybe I care and do not know it.

Maybe I don't care and am tring to fool you into thinking I care by acting like I do not care.

Maybe I enjoy toying with you.

None of that is proof I care.

I believe that some folks may think positively of me and some folks do not but the vast vast majority do not give a fiddling fuc either way. My ego is not like really believes that hardly anyone in this whole wide world cares what either you or I think.

I care about the truth and facts so there , you obviously do not have a clue as to what I care about. I care enough about the forum's new rules so as not to make this thread about you or I.

I do not know nor profess to know what others see. I do know that I professed not to care what others think. If you see a funky old turkey, fine by me. As I said, I do not care what you think.

I do know that you can not speak for others. If you think you can speak for others, fine. I do not care. I know you do not and that factual truth is all I need to know. Furthermore even if you and all others think I am a 'funky old turkey', that would be fine with me. I do not care. You can think wtf ever you want, it does not effect me in the least. Didn't you know, funky old turkeys that strut around like peacocks are happy enough to be addressed as oh wise injun Originally Posted by WTF

WTF, even though you are much older than me, let me give you a piece of advice.......the worst kind of SB is the one working on a professional degree.....those SB's working to be attorneys, doctors and MBA's use you and toss you away once they accomplish their find out suddenly you aint all that and all you have left is your broken are the stepping stone they step on to make their lives easier.....