Show the hell up?

I think naming the offender is the only way to stop it from happening again. It also leaves little room for speculating. I would hate for someone think that I would EVER stand someone up without explanation due to another just assuming it was me. Ever heard that one bad apple ruins the entire happens in the hobby as well. The MAJORITY of message board guys WILL show up~they will be clean~they will be considerate~they will leave their donation without a hassle~everyone has a good time...but we always hear about those minority guys. I want to think that the MAJORITY of providers are considerate of their clients time and would take the time to cancel properly if necessary Originally Posted by Brooklyn Viceroy
I think some guys are hesitant to name names, because they are afraid they'll be labeled by providers as some kind of demanding jerk.

Face it....some folks are so self-centered in their attitude about things and their dealings with people, that concept of NCNS just doesn't register with them as being rude and inconsiderate. They can only see their side of the issue, which is, "Well something came up, and I just couldn't make it. What? Why didn't I call you? Well, I just forgot. Sorry. But what's the big deal?"

This applies both ways. I think a guy who stands up a provider is just as big a jerk and just as rude as when it's the other way around.

It's also rude to set up a time and then be not a few minutes late...but HOURS late.
Just a note; but although it is very irritating to cancel without notice or be an hour or more late without updating, there is that occasional gem of when the provider that has cancelled on you a few times comes through and is fantastic.
Can you say Hot Megan or Laney Von! Originally Posted by rcg001
There are plenty of great ladies who will show you a fantastic time without putting you through this bullshit.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
From reading complaints of this nature time and again, I don't get why the gents, or ladies for that matter, will simply keep making and accepting appointments from those who can not get their stuff together and be courteous of the other party's time. I agree that it is one of the rudest things to do in the hobby, to be late with no notification of ETA. I've only had it happen a a minimal amount of times and they ALL called at least a bit ahead of time to let me know, which was greatly appreciated. I've only experienced one NCNS and he called about 20 or so minutes after the appointment time, at which time I was already changing and getting ready to leave and did so. If you are 15 minutes late, no way I'm sitting around waiting for you to show up unless you have already called to let me know you're on the way.(I don't understand why anyone would sit around and wait for an hour or even hours...really?) I would never do it to the gents and am maybe a tad spoiled to being treated with respect from the gents who have scheduled with me. I know I've been really lucky in this aspect and maybe I should knock on wood...LOL

Traffic, last minute calls, and unscheduled meetings for the gents are the most common excuses I've experienced and heard from others. I can't figure out what excuse a lady who is running her own business would use, that would be valid, other than maybe getting a call from a school nurse or something child related (kids can cause unpredictability beyond our control...LOL). She should be at her location ON TIME....plan for traffic, she has her "office" phone with her, so that's not valid, and her business meetings...well

Of course there are actual emergencies beyond our control, such as traffic accidents, have had that a couple of times. I could understand a medical emergency as well. Other than those, ya better be dead if ya NCNS me, or I'm not likely to reschedule another appointment. LOL
pyramider's Avatar
My hourly billing rate in my profession is lower and my clients are a lot less understanding....just saying.... Originally Posted by outbound

Do you get naked and perform for strangers?
For $$$, is it that hard?

Really? Originally Posted by outbound
I think that you may be overestimating the value of you and your $$$ to the provider in question. The most popular providers get more appointment requests than they can ever hope to schedule. Hence, to her, you may be just a name on a list that is already too long. Most likely, you and your $$$ can be easily replaced.

My last NC/NS was Angelic Adrianna in Austin. The next time I can get my schedule to line up with hers, I will try again. She is hot; I am an idiot.
TexTushHog's Avatar
On those rare occasions when I bill by the hour, my rates are higher than most providers. But if I no showed people like some providers, especially without phone calls, the State would take away my license. Yes, on very rare occasion things happen at the last minute where you cannot make an appointment. I can think of one occasion in almost 30 years where I've had to cancel an appointment the day of the appointment (and that was several hours before the appointment). But not calling to explain, apologize sincerely and profusely, and immediately reschedule is absolutely inexcusable under any circumstances. Period. No exceptions. End of discussion.
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 12-05-2010, 03:43 PM
I see no excuse for a ncns except when there is a emergency and even then it only takes 2 secs to send a text message or phone call- Its just plain rude. I hate being ncns'ed on nd will most likely never schedule with the gentleman again.
Red Tex's Avatar
such as traffic accidents
Yes, that did happen and you were so AWESOME about it!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Yes, that did happen and you were so AWESOME about it! Originally Posted by Red Tex
Thanks, hon. I hated to hear about the damages to your vehicle, but was happy you weren't seriously injured.
Guest091314's Avatar
As upset as I get when someone NCNS me, I would hate to imagine that from the guys point of view...
cheatercheater's Avatar
As long as men are willing to give second, third, fourth, and so on chances, this will continue to happen. No excuse for this kind of service in any service related business.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
As long as men are willing to give second, third, fourth, and so on chances, this will continue to happen. No excuse for this kind of service in any service related business. Originally Posted by cheatercheater
It's not just the multiple chances. It's the failure to share the information with the community and the constant "Hey, things happen." Every time a guy raises the issue with a name he gets jumped because somehow the fact she happened to show up to an appointment with another guy some time in the past means she somehow had a good reason this time. So the guys don't name names. Then, when a guy just raises the issue guys will immediately defend the girl without even having her name or any details. They automatically go in to "defend the fair maiden mode". It's ridiculous.

I'm going to say this very plainly. No, things do not "just happen" to everyone on a repeated basis. I am in a job where people set appointments with me every week and I sometimes deal with people who have things "just happen". If it "just happens" twice, I don't give them a third chance. I started doing that because I figured out real fast those people always have things "just happen" and you could not rely on them.

With certain people it's always something, and for sanity's sake I choose not to deal with those people any more. And it annoys the hell out of me that there is this reflex to make excuses for people who are treating others with complete disrespect.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Amen to sharktrager!

I think there are few long-time hobbyists who couldn't tell a NCNS story. It's just part of hobbying. Cars break down, babies get sick, or the bed just feels so warm and cozy to a pretty young lass on a cold winter day. Haha. A long time ago, it'd make my blood boil to be NCNS-ed. Now I just count to '10' and wait for the provider's response, if any.

Of course it's important for both providers (and hobbyists) to act considerately and professionally to reduce the number of canceled appointments to a minimum. But it's just as important for providers to learn how to deal with problems when they arise.

At least five things can happen when I'm NCNS-ed:

1. I never hear from the provider again. That makes it easy: My business goes to another provider. (Example: Hot Megan, who I'd seen previously)
2. I hear from the provider, but she lies to excuse her NCNS, such as saying she didn't have my phone number when I know she did, or claiming she sent me notice of the cancellation when I know she didn't. Of course I'll never see the provider, and I'll make it a point of telling my brothers why. (Example: Audrey Anderson)
3. I hear from the provider, she has a credible reason for the NCNS, AND SHE APOLOGIZES. MAYBE she'll get my business. (But I'm a fairly forgiving type, and I couldn't think of a single example when I DIDN'T re-book with a girl. Haha.)
4. I hear from the provider, she has a credible reason for the NCNS, she apologizes, AND SHE OFFERS SOMETHING TO MAKE AMENDS, such as free time or a discount. I would DEFINITELY see this provider. (I don't think this has ever happened to me.)
5. I hear from the provider, she has a credible reason for the NCNS, she apologizes, AND SHE DOES SOMETHING TO MAKE ME LAUGH SO I CAN'T HELP BUT FORGIVE HER. The first time I booked with red_headed_julie many eons ago, she NCNS'ed me because her car broke down, she was at the car repair place, and our meeting slipped her mind. She wrote to explain, apologized, and suggested that I come spank her because she'd been a very bad girl. Haha. That was enough to defuse all my anger and I wound up seeing her regularly for years.

We're all human and we make mistakes, so the trick is not to be perfect -- it's to figure out how to solve a problem when it arises.
TheAngryHobbyist's Avatar
One day I had an appointment with my financial advisor in the afternoon. That morning, I went for a bike ride. I had a pretty bad crash and took an ambulance ride to the ER. From the back of the ambulance, I called my financial advisor to tell her I needed to reschedule.

Since this is the standard I hold myself to, this is what I would expect from a provider I had a scheduled appointment with.
chorizo's Avatar
As bad as a having a provider NCNS it is even worse for FTW folks that drive to big D and get stood up (50 miles one way). This happened to me (again) this weekend; even after I have email from provider confirming the appointment. I called at the agreed time and her phone was set to not receive calls.

No response from provider. I did email her asking what happened, was told she had to leave. I can only assume it was the witness protection program.

BTW, I would give here name, but a bunch (I mean a bunch) of serial posters have falling all over themselves threading and re-threading one of her earlier posts.