Trump could win a bigger Electoral margin in 2020 while losing a bigger popular vote!

Is that your goal in life? To “drive the TDS crowd insane?”

Shoulda gone to school instead.

When free college tuition becomes a reality, you’ll have that opportunity. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Back when I went to the greatest University in the Southwestern Estados Unidos, it was practically free. (three dollars per semester hour!!! errr - maybe it was four?)

Hook'em Horns!
Trump's reelection is an uphill battle but not impossible.

I realize that Trump's reelection chances in 2020 are not very much dependent on the black and Hispanic vote, but he had hoped to increase his support from them in 2020 and his recent attacks on The Squad have diminished those chances greatly. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
A surprising number of Hispanic voters that I know are opposed to unfettered immigration from Honduran nationals because of the negative pressure on their wages.

I think a large number of Asians would be natural Republicans once the constant reminders of racism fade.

Asians are better educated, earn more, and pay more taxes than any group and get ripped off by affirmative action worse than any other group.

I doubt they are looking forward to paying reparations to African-Americans either.
Trump's reelection is an uphill battle but not impossible. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I'm sure you remember the 72'& 84' elections...what did those historical blowouts have in common??
Two words...radical opponent!!
I'm sure you remember the 72'& 84' elections...what did those historical blowouts have in common??
Two words...radical opponent!! Originally Posted by bb1961
It is great when the DPST's get the shit kicked out of them.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
How do you know that? Nobody knows that. Pure conjecture on your part. Originally Posted by bambino
Which part of my statement was pure conjecture?

That Trump's reelection odds are not dependent on votes from blacks and Hispanics?

That Trump had hoped to gain more support from black and Hispanic voters in 2020 than he did in 2016?

That Trump's recent attacks on The Squad have hurt his chances of winning more support from black and Hispanic voters? If this is what you are referring to, the results of the survey would certainly indicate that Trump's statements have had a negative impact on those voters. But yes, it may be conjecture on my part that that negative impact will show up at the polls.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
not really ...

Many Americans have never heard of the 'the Squad' and many don't see them favorably, poll finds

WASHINGTON – Beginning with his tweets telling four Democratic congresswomen of color to "go back" to their countries of origin, President Donald Trump's ongoing barrage of vitriol against the freshman lawmakers known as "the Squad" has dominated headlines.

Many political observers believe it is part of a deliberate strategy to make the four women – who hail from their party's progressive wing and whose views critics say are left of the political mainstream – the face of the Democratic Party. Though many Americans have still never heard of the four Democratic House members, a CBS News poll released this week does show that those who are familiar with them don't tend to view them favorably.

The poll, conducted from July 17-19 by YouGov, asked 2,099 adults of their views on Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.

Ocasio-Cortez had the highest favorable rating at 23%, followed by Omar at 19%, Tlaib at 18% and Pressley at 17%.

'The Squad': These are the four congresswomen Trump told to 'go back' to other countries

Poll: President Trump's job approval rating reaches high mark after racist tweets

Racial rhetoric as distraction: Trump employs familiar tactic in attacks on 'Squad'

But Ocasio-Cortez also had the highest unfavorable rating at 37%. Thirty-six percent said they had an unfavorable opinion of Omar, while 34% said the same of Tlaib and 28% saw Pressley unfavorably. The number of respondents who had a neutral view came in the same for all four congresswomen at 19%.

A large share of the respondents said they had never heard of the women. Thirty-six percent did not know who Pressley was, 29% had not heard of Tlaib, 26% were unfamiliar with Omar and 21% did not know Ocasio-Cortez.

The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3%.

Tlaib: 'I'm not going nowhere, not until I impeach' Trump

More: Trump calls congresswomen racist day after his adviser says the term is used to silence speech

But "the Squad" did not fare much worse than congressional leadership.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., was seen favorably by 16% of respondents while 40% held an unfavorable opinion of him, 26% were neutral and 18% said they had never heard of him.

Only 12% had a favorable view of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., while 25% saw him unfavorably, 28% were neutral and 34% had never heard of him.

Twenty-three percent had a favorable view of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., while 44% saw her unfavorably, 24% were neutral and 9% had not heard of her.

Trump was seen favorably by 36% of respondents, unfavorably by 51% and neutrally by 11%. Two percent said they had never heard of him. Forty-six percent said he was doing a good job as president while 54% thought he was doing a bad job.

The poll, which was conducted after the president's tweets had been condemned as racist in a House resolution, found that 87% of Americans believe the country is divided along racial lines. A majority (53%) said Trump "tries to put the interests of whites over racial minorities," while 48% said the same of the Republican Party as a whole. Forty-one percent said the Democratic Party puts the "interests of racial minorities over whites."

Sixty-nine percent said they disagreed with Trump's tweets telling the congresswomen – all of whom are American citizens and three of whom were born in the U.S. – to go back to their countries of origin and fix the problems there before trying to legislate change in the U.S. Forty-eight percent said the tweets were racist and 34% said they were not. Fifty-five percent said they were unpresidential and the same number felt they were unnecessary.

A USA TODAY/Ipsos poll last week found that 68% of Americans thought Trump's tweets were offensive and 59% felt they were un-American.

What does it mean for Democrats?: ‘Send her back’ chant at Donald Trump’s rally moves race to center of 2020 contest

From 'Central Park Five' to 'the Squad': A dozen times Donald Trump has stoked racial tensions

'I love the tweet': Eric Trump says 95% of Americans agree with his dad's message to love US or leave

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: 'The Squad' poll: AOC, Omar, Tlaib and Pressley still unknown to many Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I agree that comments from The Squad may have a negative impact on whoever wins the Democratic nomination for POTUS. Same criticism can be made here as Bambino said about my post. Pure conjecture. Nothing yet to indicate that comments by The Squad have changed a single person's vote for the 2020 presidential election.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yeah SPEED WRONG again...

Border security favors Trump with Hispanics..

Latinos and Hispanics Side With Trump On Border Security ...
Millie Weaver attends the Fiesta DC Latino Parade held in Washington DC and asks participating Latinos and Hispanics what they think about Donald Trump and whether or not they support open borders ...

Latinos and Hispanics Side With Trump on Border Security
Despite confusion and disinformation surrounding Trump’s immigration policies, Latinos and Hispanics want increased border security. In fact, even an Esquire Magazine reporter who traveled to the border earlier this year found that most residents, especially Hispanics, supported Trump’s policy of building a wall.

Trump: Hispanic Support For Me Is Growing Because They Want ...
President Donald Trump touted his growing support among Hispanic people, claiming the reason is because they know about border issues “better than anyone” and want security. “Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has gone up 19%, to 50%,” Trump tweeted Sunday morning. “That is because they know the Border issue better ...

Hispanics vote poised to back Trump in 2020 - Hispolitica
Since the border wall discussion began, and with all the talk from Democratic legislators about not funding the measure, Hispanics are buying the border security message Trump is selling. These Hispanics do believe that illegal immigration is real threat to the sovereignty to the U.S.

Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and ...
Border security. Published July 2 ... Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and say they are ‘shocked by misinformation’ ... who has advised President Trump and both ...

Hispanics stick with Trump despite tough border stance
President Trump is poised to launch his 2020 reelection as popular with Hispanic voters as other Republicans, bucking predictions that provocative nationalist rhetoric and hard-line border ...

And his attack on the Fourhorse women of the Apocalypse has hurt him....only among the radical left (TDS) crowd...SPEED!!
Don't forget in AOC crazy eyes Bullosey is a racist!!
All four of those radical bitches are RACIST themselves. Originally Posted by bb1961
In 2016 Trump received an estimated 28% of the Hispanic vote and 6% - 8% of the black vote. There is nothing in your cited articles that indicate Hispanic voters will vote more heavily for Trump in 2020 than they did in 2016. There is speculation. On the other hand, the poll I cited states the comments made by Trump have had a negative impact on Hispanic (and black) voters.

BTW, the first article you cited was written by Steve Cortez. And who is he? A former Trump campaign operative who is totally pro-Trump. Not exactly an unbiased person.

Will Trump win more than the 28% from Hispanic voters than he did in 2016? Possibly. But his recent comments did NOT help his cause. That's all I'm saying.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
A surprising number of Hispanic voters that I know are opposed to unfettered immigration from Honduran nationals because of the negative pressure on their wages.

I think a large number of Asians would be natural Republicans once the constant reminders of racism fade.

Asians are better educated, earn more, and pay more taxes than any group and get ripped off by affirmative action worse than any other group.

I doubt they are looking forward to paying reparations to African-Americans either. Originally Posted by friendly fred
In 2016 Asians were solidly behind Clinton. Trump won an estimated 27% of the Asian vote. The ONLY voting blocs that voted significantly for Trump were whites with no college degree, which he won overwhelmingly, and Evangelical Christians.
bambino's Avatar
Which part of my statement was pure conjecture?

That Trump's reelection odds are not dependent on votes from blacks and Hispanics?

That Trump had hoped to gain more support from black and Hispanic voters in 2020 than he did in 2016?

That Trump's recent attacks on The Squad have hurt his chances of winning more support from black and Hispanic voters? If this is what you are referring to, the results of the survey would certainly indicate that Trump's statements have had a negative impact on those voters. But yes, it may be conjecture on my part that that negative impact will show up at the polls. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You said that AA and Latino support for Trump will diminish greatly. But unemployment numbers for those groups are at historic lows. Money talks and bullshit walks. I’ll bet you that AOC won’t win re-election.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump's reelection is an uphill battle but not impossible. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Why do you think that?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You said that AA and Latino support for Trump will diminish greatly. But unemployment numbers for those groups are at historic lows. Money talks and bullshit walks. I’ll bet you that AOC won’t win re-election. Originally Posted by bambino
And I'm sure you stated that Republicans would hold the House in 2018. And it would be due to the economy. I think you overestimated the importance of the economy on voters minds in 2018 and you seem to be doing the same for 2020.

Here is what I said in my earlier post:

"I realize that Trump's reelection chances in 2020 are not very much dependent on the black and Hispanic vote, but he had hoped to increase his support from them in 2020 and his recent attacks on The Squad have diminished those chances greatly."

I did NOT say AA and Latino support would diminish greatly from 2016 to 2020. I did say that I thought Trump's comments would hurt his chances of getting increased support from those 2 groups. He garnered about 28% of the Hispanic vote in 2016. I think he was on course to get that up to maybe 33% in 2020. Now it looks like that increase will be negated by his comments. Obviously an opinion on my part.

AOC winning reelection? Obviously whoever wins the Democratic primary in that district wins the seat. I have read that some voters in AOC's district are less than thrilled with her but I haven't seen anyone come forward to challenge her yet. Scherie Murray is challenging her from the Republican side. So right now I would say AOC is certainly the favorite to win reelection.
Why do you think that? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I think it is obvious.

The left is out to get him. I hope they fail but it would be fatal hubris to think the election is even strongly probable for another Trump victory with all the people who hate him.

I was shocked but pleased he won the first time and very fervently hope he wins again. America needs him badly.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think it is obvious.

The left is out to get him. I hope they fail but it would be fatal hubris to think the election is even strongly probable for another Trump victory with all the people who hate him.

I was shocked but pleased he won the first time and very fervently hope he wins again. America needs him badly. Originally Posted by friendly fred

the fact that the left is out to get him is exactly why he'll win again. they haven't learned schiff .. er shit since 2016. the press either. for fun i am watching the madcow bloviate about Mueller's clear and compelling testimony. makes me wonder what testimony she's fucking talking about??

the same people who hated Trump in 2016 are the same people who hate Trump now. in the meantime, the left is in full meltdown mode by fighting the law that Trump is upholding. they will ensure the Democratic nominee will be a firebrand socialist woman. that is a losing gambit. the economy is strong. Jobs are strong. Trade is more fair. so what do they have to run against Trump?? nothing except Socialism.

yeah .. that's not gonna be a winner this cycle. maybe in 20-30 years? i won't be alive to see it. or too old to care.
bambino's Avatar
And I'm sure you stated that Republicans would hold the House in 2018. And it would be due to the economy. I think you overestimated the importance of the economy on voters minds in 2018 and you seem to be doing the same for 2020.

Here is what I said in my earlier post:

"I realize that Trump's reelection chances in 2020 are not very much dependent on the black and Hispanic vote, but he had hoped to increase his support from them in 2020 and his recent attacks on The Squad have diminished those chances greatly."

I did NOT say AA and Latino support would diminish greatly from 2016 to 2020. I did say that I thought Trump's comments would hurt his chances of getting increased support from those 2 groups. He garnered about 28% of the Hispanic vote in 2016. I think he was on course to get that up to maybe 33% in 2020. Now it looks like that increase will be negated by his comments. Obviously an opinion on my part.

AOC winning reelection? Obviously whoever wins the Democratic primary in that district wins the seat. I have read that some voters in AOC's district are less than thrilled with her but I haven't seen anyone come forward to challenge her yet. Scherie Murray is challenging her from the Republican side. So right now I would say AOC is certainly the favorite to win reelection. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So, you’re saying AA’s and Latino’s will vote against their economic gains? That makes a lot of sense. The 2018 election was a year and a half ago. The economy was just starting to gain the strength it’s on now. I went out on a limb with the House in 18. But they gained in the Senate, which was historic. 40 retiring house members was just to big a hill to climb. It’s a long way out. If the Dems bring an impeachment trial, they can kiss the House goodbye.