True Haggle Story!

  • D.G.
  • 08-10-2015, 09:25 AM
Another way of looking at this is half of somethi g is better than all of nothing . Especially fpr one who has bills to pay .
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Another way of looking at this is half of somethi g is better than all of nothing . Especially fpr one who has bills to pay . Originally Posted by D.G.
Sure, if you're the one trying to get the special rate or discount and have no compassion for the fact I told the gent I was just getting over busted ribs. One would think that's an indicator, one might not be in the best shape to do more for less, right?
  • D.G.
  • 08-10-2015, 10:06 AM
Sure, if you're the one trying to get the special rate or discount and have no compassion for the fact I told the gent I was just getting over busted ribs. One would think that's an indicator, one might not be in the best shape to do more for less, right? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Actually if ypu are not a 100% but still working then it is you who is asking for more for less . You want 100% pay fpr 80% effort .

Or another way to put it is i have a new bmw sedan but there is no freon in tje a/c, the tired are under inflated, and the rear seats will be delivered in 6 to 8 weeks, but you still need to pay the dealershio sticker price .
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Actually if ypu are not a 100% but still working then it is you who is asking for more for less . You want 100% pay fpr 80% effort .

Or another way to put it is i have a new bmw sedan but there is no freon in tje a/c, the tired are under inflated, and the rear seats will be delivered in 6 to 8 weeks, but you still need to pay the dealershio sticker price . Originally Posted by D.G.
Guess you didn't also notice, I stated I gave booze dude a break, several times, and put my head on the chopping block for him, but if ya want me to keep explaining, I'm more than happy to, hon. Is there some reason a guy can't give a little now and again? Or, are the ladies the only ones expected to be charitable? It's not like I asked him to pay more than my fee. ijs

EDIT: And btw....I did post an ad stating my dilemma. How many charitable gents do you think offered to help me out? Not sure why guys think it's ok to ask us, but not many would reciprocate. It is what it is, I guess.
Hermosa's Avatar
Now, I'm sure there will be a number of guys that will dislike what I say here, but..I've never been in this group to impress the guys! So, some guys just want to get a cheap trick and they simply make it bad for the rest of us! Anything you do to compromise for them still won't be enough! My advise to you MaxiMilyen is to realize that and know your better off without thm. I checked out your photo's, your reviews, and your donations and you have no reason to compromise for them. You are nice looking, you are reported to be a LOT of fun, and your price is well worth what you bring! You really don't need to make excuises for the attitudes of some of the guys. You deserve more guys who appreciate the game, really like the ladies, and would willingly give up a few beers at the bar to be with you. At least that's what I think! :-)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Now, I'm sure there will be a number of guys that will dislike what I say here, but..I've never been in this group to impress the guys! So, some guys just want to get a cheap trick and they simply make it bad for the rest of us! Anything you do to compromise for them still won't be enough! My advise to you MaxiMilyen is to realize that and know your better off without thm. I checked out your photo's, your reviews, and your donations and you have no reason to compromise for them. You are nice looking, you are reported to be a LOT of fun, and your price is well worth what you bring! You really don't need to make excuises for the attitudes of some of the guys. You deserve more guys who appreciate the game, really like the ladies, and would willingly give up a few beers at the bar to be with you. At least that's what I think! :-) Originally Posted by Hermosa
How very nice of you to say, hon. I realized a while back what kinda gent I can not provide for. I LOVE what I do and I LOVE men. It's them other fellas, that think because they got their groove on with a lady once or twice, have convinced themselves they are the end all of judging everything about women, and don't mind letting others think they know better than a woman what she wants and how they should behave in the hobby, that kinda put a kink in the good life I am having now and again. Why that's a mission of some, is beyond my comprehension. I can only assume it's jealousy, envy, greediness, and/or pettiness.

I'm not at all surprised that you SEE some things and others don't. There are quite a few here, much like you. When one points out what others DON'T SEE, others get their drawers in a bit of a wad and often have a tendency to turn it back on ya, as if it's a fault to point out something that makes sense......LOL At times, I feel like this is a political site, rather than a playful fun place to meet like minded folks.

I realize I can't please all of the people all of the time, so why try? My life is truly "all about me", not about them, even if I am more than willing to share moments in time with them. Even if they have the advantage of knowing soooooo much more about me then I will ever know of them. When the contact part is over, screening, clarifying expectations, etc.....this is the point it becomes "all about us", discovery, playfulness, and pure joyful intimate naughtiness.

I have been accused of being all kindsa things I AM not. I have been told what MY job is by many who think they have that right. I have been lied about, belittled, and all kinda fun stuff here, but......

I'm still standing.

I owe this to actual MEN. To them, I have much gratitude! To the rest......I wish all the best and all I can say is, keep trying, cause you're not quite there yet, boys.

Thanks again, hon. Ur the best!
  • D.G.
  • 08-12-2015, 12:16 AM

EDIT: And btw....I did post an ad stating my dilemma. How many charitable gents do you think offered to help me out? Not sure why guys think it's ok to ask us, but not many would reciprocate. It is what it is, I guess. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Charity??? Are yiu PBS? A nin profit organization . This is a business .
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Charity??? Are yiu PBS? A nin profit organization . This is a business . Originally Posted by D.G.
You are absolutely RIGHT! Stay outta mine, cause it's your hobby, not your business, it's MY business! Pay the fee, or shut your trap and move on. Don't tell me how to do it or what I'm doing wrong. I've been paying my own bills for years and have never NEEDED your advice or smarty pants remarks before in order to make it. Is that clear and blunt enough for ya?


inspector farquar's Avatar
I admit there are untrue numbers in my showcase and I've admitted it before, but when some have a mind set concerning certain things and don't have a clue, but rather reject for reasons I feel don't make a huge difference and have proven not to, sure I'll do what I can to attract those that are trapped in boxes. All is fair in marketing and advertising, right? LOL ... Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
That is the most convoluted illogical attempt at justification for dishonesty I may have ever encountered in print.

You admit to deceiving men into paying to come see you. That is shameful.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
That is the most convoluted illogical attempt at justification for dishonesty I may have ever encountered in print.

You admit to deceiving men into paying to come see you. That is shameful. Originally Posted by inspector farquar
This? From a liar and a cheater? Really? LOL Get over it. You have your reasons, however illegitimate I believe they are, for screwing around with whores. I don't owe you a single thing. When you become honest Abe or even God....then judge me. All of you gents casting stones, are a friggin' hoot!

Tell ya what....why don't you give all the ladies and gents some really good advice. Cause ya have yet to show any credibility to me, pal. Were you a whore in another life or something? You seem to have all the answers, or at least a lot of inconsequential judgment of those who are.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Attacking my credibility does not restore your own.

Your own words say you deceive customers, withholding accurate information. You justify that dishonesty by calling me names?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Attacking my credibility does not restore your own.

Your own words say you deceive customers, withholding accurate information. You justify that dishonesty by calling me names? Originally Posted by inspector farquar
Maybe you should read the reviews I have over the years, hon. I AM who I say I am, and am more honest with myself and others, than you could probably imagine being.

That's right. I explained myself. You, however, have yet to do so. When you come clean....hey....I will too. Deal?

I thought not. LOL

inspector farquar's Avatar
What do I have to come clean on?

I am not the one who stated on this thread that I misrepresent myself to potential (unsuspecting) customers, calling it "marketing."

Your words, yet you refuse to own them. Or explain the justification.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
What do I have to come clean on?

I am not the one who stated on this thread that I misrepresent myself to potential (unsuspecting) customers, calling it "marketing."

Your words, yet you refuse to own them. Or explain the justification. Originally Posted by inspector farquar
Know what honey pie? I'm beginning to think you are more than a little dense.

Are you running MY business now? Do you have a degree in marketing and advertising? Do you know why you bought the "best" of anything you ever bought, or the psychology behind it?

When you can say YES to all those questions, ya won't have to question anything I do or why.

I didn't have to tell anyone anything, but I tell lots of gents lots about me and when asked. They sure as shinola don't accuse me of being a shameful whore, when they themselves are screwing around on their wives, cheating the work clock, or whatever else it is they do that's dishonest and in order to phuck a whore.

Now, are gonna harp? I find it amusing when gents keep trying to drive a nail in, bend it, but are unable to find a new one, so they keep trying to straighten out the bent one and drive it home. Now, take a moment, look around, and I bet ya anything, you can find a whole new nail you have yet to bend and can try to drive home.
inspector farquar's Avatar
So you offer no explanation for admittedly deceiving unsuspecting new customers?