Medicare, You Gotta Be Shitting Me!!!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-26-2014, 06:18 PM
Let's see ... the employer of the illegal workers withhold from their pay checks the "Federal taxes" then the employer includes the withholding (adding their own, of course, FICA contributions) in their monthly deposits using their fake SS numbers provided by the illegal workers who provided the employer with fraudulent I-9s and W-4s using their "counterfeit" SS cards with the bogus or stolen SSN. Of course, the illegal workers don't "ever get back in" the "deposits" ( particularly when the employer doesn't deposit it with the Feds).

Actually they pay local and state taxes .....
............... probably more local taxes than Federal taxes.

Get back to your "reading"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Go back to speculation on where that 777 landed LL.

All major studies of the impact of illegal immigration on local communities have come to the conclusion that there is a major fiscal cost to the local taxpayers
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 03-26-2014, 06:29 PM
Go back to speculation on where that 777 landed LL.

All major studies of the impact of illegal immigration on local communities have come to the conclusion that there is a major fiscal cost to the local taxpayers Originally Posted by WTF
No, their being here is GOOD for all of us, ain't it?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-26-2014, 07:35 PM
No, their being here is GOOD for all of us, ain't it?
Originally Posted by riday

especially children and small animals
That's exactly what this country needs, another disincentive to work.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yeah, because the jew landlords financing and owning projects are too cheap to hire anybody else?

How do you like it? Cheap blanket insults that cut across the whole spectrum? Asshole. Originally Posted by timpage
Fucking anti-Semite
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
you and I have already been over illegal aliens and paying taxes .... consequently, you vanished like a rat down a drain when I presented you with facts that disprove your LIE.... care to take another tour of the sewer or would you like to STFU and try to salvage a little credibility? Originally Posted by CJ7
You are so full of shit it is ridiculous. If illegal aliens are so great, they are needed worse in their own fucked up countries, rather than depressing wages here, and not paying taxes on 1099 income.
Immigration is an economics issue, and even Cesar Chavez knew it was hurting his farm workers pay.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-26-2014, 10:52 PM
You are so full of shit it is ridiculous. If illegal aliens are so great, they are needed worse in their own fucked up countries, rather than depressing wages here, and not paying taxes on 1099 income.
Immigration is an economics issue, and even Cesar Chavez knew it was hurting his farm workers pay. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

I never said a word about illegal aliens being great, I said, and provided a link that proves they do and you're a liar,

I'll even say it again to avoid any confusion ... you're a liar!

LexusLover's Avatar
All major studies of the impact of illegal immigration on local communities have come to the conclusion that there is a major fiscal cost to the local taxpayers Originally Posted by WTF
If I recall your dumb post was:

Originally Posted by WTF
Illegals pay more into Federal taxes than they will ever get back in....where they are a net drag is on local tax districts, which from what I read equals out to a zero net either way."

So typical bullshitter ... you modify the discussion to fit your dumbass statement.

As for the "net drag" and Federal taxes, the same can be said for construction contractors who use interim financing on the new job to pay the bills for the last job owed to subs on the last job who were unable to timely pay their own employees and bills because the construction contractor (that would be you WTF) didn't pay them for the last job..... they are a "net drag" on the well as the Feds.... unless of course they bribe the inspectors to get their jobs done and their draws made in advance so they can afford their next "tee time"!
LexusLover's Avatar
Go back to speculation on where that 777 landed LL. Originally Posted by WTF
And what was my "speculation"? Link, of course. Not your customary bullshit.

Here, I'll save you some time:

"But, given the current "state of the rumors" ..

I will predict that flight 370 ended up in the drink in the Southern Indian Ocean... "when the tanks went dry" ..


I do not believe flight 370 had sufficient fuel to run the gauntlet along the "Northern Route"!"

Now, dumbshit, crawl back into your "real world bimbo" hole.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Medicare wastes our tax dollars in so many ways.
Same procedure under private insurance cost about a hundred bucks for the drug used VS over 2000 bucks for the drug used because Medicare will not allow off label use of a drug.
Just one example of many.
LexusLover's Avatar
Medicare wastes our tax dollars in so many ways.
Same procedure under private insurance cost about a hundred bucks for the drug used VS over 2000 bucks for the drug used because Medicare will not allow off label use of a drug.
Just one example of many. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Many "generics" are not identical to the "brand" drug, and some people have "reactions" to them or they are not as effective. If you are thinking of utilizing particularly drugs for "other" conditions for which the original manufacturer did not intend the use, then in some instances it may be necessary for the patent to expire so the manufacturer does not have control of the usage and "purpose" of the drug and the original manufacturer can no longer be liable for injury or death from unintended consequences of unintended usages.

The primary reason so many physicians are getting out of the "Medicare" and "Medicaid" business is because the payments run late and are severely reduced from the originally billing, not to mention the increase paper work responsibilities. Those who stay in it are operating more like clinics and herding patients through like cattle ...

To make a profit the private insurance industry will begin to reduce benefits, demand generics (or substantially increase the copay on brands) and increase deductibles and copays for medical care ... reduce days in the hospital across the board for procedures. Many have changed the "care description" at hospitals to avoid the "in-patient" costs activated by admissions into the hospital and have redefined "emergency-short term" care to reduce the costs to the carrier, but increase the out of pocket expense to the insured. The mandatory requirements of ACA demand modification of coverage, benefits, copays, deductibles, and prescription practices for the carriers to get a profit.

It's just like taxes: either reduce spending or increase taxes.

Reduce care and benefits or increase premiums.

For many years providers "raided" the Medicare/Medicaid system with fraud and gouging .. the government did little if anything about it. Millions/Billions went out the barn door in fictitious billing, "code" manipulation, and out right lying about services rendered. No politician wants to take on the AMA and the politically connected major hospitals systems around the country, not to mention the major manufacturers of drugs. The only cure is to start sending people to prison for fraud, legislatively control costs, and emphasize cure as opposed to maintenance procedures by making certain procedures mandatory.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2014, 07:30 AM
As for the "net drag" and Federal taxes, the same can be said for construction contractors who use interim financing on the new job to pay the bills for the last job owed to subs on the last job who were unable to timely pay their own employees and bills because the construction contractor (that would be you WTF) didn't pay them for the last job..... they are a "net drag" on the well as the Feds.... unless of course they bribe the inspectors to get their jobs done and their draws made in advance so they can afford their next "tee time"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I build one house a year and do not start another until that one is done and I self finance LexusLiar.. Any more dumbass assumptions?

Don't you have a plane to find that is hiding on some runway under a bunch of pot plants?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I build one house a year

Originally Posted by WTF
Energetic motherfucker, aren't you?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-27-2014, 09:26 AM
Energetic motherfucker, aren't you? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

opposed to you being retired, or did you lie about that too?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
opposed to you being retired, or did you lie about that too? Originally Posted by CJ7
Fuck, I'm 68 - but when I was younger I worked long days, you fucking commie faggot