Nitwitboy starts Chemo next week

DFK Hunter's Avatar
The best of luck to you. We're pulling for ya!
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Double post, please delete.
dfwfunguy1818's Avatar
Hang in there.
I've gone through it. PM sent.
Everyone knows someone affected by cancer. My dad had chemo twice. He almost gave up during the second time. It made him really sick. My mom made him stick with it and he's been cancer free for 5 years. Sadly, my mom had to undergo chemo after major surgery and she didn't make it through. It's the one thing that I worry about the rest of my life. You have to fight it as hard as you can. You can make it like my dad did. I hope you have real life loved one's to rely on because they will be the best source of strength to keep going through it. If you haven't reach out to them don't wait. Good luck and God bless.
Let me tell you a story about when things "don't look good".

I had Leukemia when I was a child. Went through chemo and a bone marrow transplant at the age of 7. Success!! Cancer Free!! Oh wait. 3 years later I relapsed. The Leu is particularly vicious when it decides to come back. My 80% chance of survival turned into a 25% chance of survival. More chemo. More hospitals. More "living in a bubble". One more try with the marrow (Was about 5 years too early for stem cell replacement).

Now I'm 29, almost 30 and still standing. Chances are just that-- chances. You've got a better chance of beating cancer than you do of winning the lottery, yet people play every single day. Thats the solution. Regardless of how you feel, regardless of what the different treatments are doing to you, regardless of your "odds"- You gotta keep playing. The game is not over until the day you stop playing. Remember that.
looks like you have had some good advice. I have just gone thru 7 weeks radiation 5 days a week, and nine chemo treatments.
The last two chemo treatments were big ones, and that is where I lost my hair. It's finally coming back, thank God.
I went thru most of the side effects, except throwing up. The loss of energy, and breathing were not fun. But I found that there are support groups, plus the support i got from friends and family. And I try to take it "one day at a time".
I am 80 yrs old and have lung cancer, stage 3. But happily I did NOT lose my interest in sex, and even at my age, defied all odds and have been able to cum 6 out of the last times.
Hang in there, and you will get thru it. If I can be of any futher help please let me know.
Hang in there Costie, if you can yank fools like me out of the drink you can beat this thing. I will do a few laps around the beads for you.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
.....there ain't no "Plan B" because Plan "A" is all you need.

That sappy, hokey and overwrought little line: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" - Pollyanna-ish though it may be - in the hands and mind of a committed, tough-minded person is the key. The advice you have received is excellent and there are offers of support from those who either have faced or are presently going through similar ordeals and these are things to take advantage of. Reach out to any support offered, especially in the dark times. Alone = bad

Do things you like to do, do something(s) you have always wanted to do, live in the present and stress will have a hard time holding its grip. Most say that being positive, laughing and enjoying things, no matter how seemingly small and insignificant, is the best way to overcome obstacles and I personally know that this is true.

Of course, there is also one more thing to keep in mind: EAT MORE PUSSY!!!
Good Luck! If you don't mind me saying so, I'm one of the luckiest people I know, I literally find $20 bills in the street, I have so much crazy good luck I can share it with you. You should come over and rub my belly just to be sure it "takes"

Seriously, Luck makes a difference so does anything else you believe in. Reiki, prayer, pink bubble gum, your favorite t-shirt, anything that makes you feel good. Of course, love. I know it sounds corny, so what. Friends, family, where ever you get it is good. Also, think about any toxic or less than positive people that are in your life. This is a good time to make some changes.

There have been so many advances in cancer treatment in the past ten years and so much has been learned that I feel confident saying you'll beat this. PM sent.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
.....there ain't no "Plan B" because Plan "A" is all you need.

That sappy, hokey and overwrought little line: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" - Pollyanna-ish though it may be - in the hands and mind of a committed, tough-minded person is the key. The advice you have received is excellent and there are offers of support from those who either have faced or are presently going through similar ordeals and these are things to take advantage of. Reach out to any support offered, especially in the dark times. Alone = bad

Do things you like to do, do something(s) you have always wanted to do, live in the present and stress will have a hard time holding its grip. Most say that being positive, laughing and enjoying things, no matter how seemingly small and insignificant, is the best way to overcome obstacles and I personally know that this is true.

Of course, there is also one more thing to keep in mind: EAT MORE PUSSY!!! Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

IMO excellent advice, no one knows what lies beyond. Do some things and enjoy. My best wishes are with you sir.
McNulty's Avatar
I'm going through chemo right now, it's no fun, but as someone told me, a helluva lot better than the alternative! A lot ofthings depend on the type of cancer you have, which dictates the type of chemo you get, the side effects from some are worse than others. You always hear that you have to have a positive attitude and I think that's true, even when I learned I had cancer I didn't freak out, to me it was just something that we needed to take care of. I don't necessarily think my attitude is any differnt than it was before, but everyone tells me how good my outlook is. I dunno, I'm just doing what I need to do.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like. I haven't been on the boards much in 2010 just because of the cancer, although I do pop in every now and then just to see what is going on. I'll be sure and check in more often to check my PM's.

Hang in there, fight it and don't let it get you down!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Nitwitboy and McNulty, I sincerely wish you guys the best of luck. I hope you guys keep us updated with how you are doing. Please stay strong and keep a positive attitude.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Thank you all for the kind words. Was not as bad as I thought. Don't get me wrong, it sucked, but I have been through worst. When I was in the Coast Guard I was a rescue swimmer and one time I go caught between a sailboat and a basket the flight mechanic was lowering. I nearly lost my foot on that one. 9 months on a wound vac and a pic line. Anyway, I appreciate all the kind thoughts and messages. There are some truly fantastic people here. It means the world to me. Not sure how many treatments I will have, but i am told it gets easier. The Penis does not like this at all.
slims099's Avatar
nitwit, make sure someone treats the penis VERY well when this is all over. You'll be alright my friend. Take care!