Whirly believes that President Obama was asleep at the wheel, and through ignorance and naïveté allowed ISIS to organize, expand, and bring us to where we are now, having a marauding mob killing, raping, , and causing general mayhem, all in the name of their Prophet, Muhammad.

I doubt he is alone in this belief.

I do not think that President Obama is "Satan incarnate". I just think he is a smarmy little Demagogue who has learned the harsh truth that it is a hell of a lot easier getting elected to The Presidency than it is being President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
We spent how many lives and treasure for the training and supplying Iraq military so they could defend their own country.When a few thousand ISIL came across the border they ran dropped weapons shed their uniforms and left everything for ISIL and that is our fault?
Islamic slavery has been going on for over 1400 years. It's still going strong today and will be, tomorrow.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whirly believes that President Obama was asleep at the wheel, and through ignorance and naïveté allowed ISIS to organize, expand, and bring us to where we are now, having a marauding mob killing, raping, , and causing general mayhem, all in the name of their Prophet, Muhammad.

I doubt he is alone in this belief.

I do not think that President Obama is "Satan incarnate". I just think he is a smarmy little Demagogue who has learned the harsh truth that it is a hell of a lot easier getting elected to The Presidency than it is being President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So then you think its Okay for him to post utter lies in order to, what, boost his credibility among people who think the President of the United States is "smarmy" and "little?"

This entire thread is an abomination, as posted.

Predictably, Whi-LIE-turd posted lies and than ran away. I'm sure we'll be asking him about this one months from now, too.

Meanwhile, Jackie, why do YOU think Whir-LIE-turd posted this thread this way? You seem to be speaking for him whilst he's in hiding. Do you believe that Slavery in the Muslim world is Obama's fault? That ISIL is Obama's creation?

Just want to know where to set the bar here...
We know Hussein is full of shit...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
So, SLOBBRIN, contrary to your earlier post, do you now state that Islamic slavery is Obama's doing like Whir-LIE-turd posted in his OP?
So, SLOBBRIN, contrary to your earlier post, do you now state that Islamic slavery is Obama's doing like Whir-LIE-turd posted in his OP? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously that question was too hard for you.

Let's start with something simpler.

Is this what you posted?

We can start there and work all the way up to the post where you contradicted yourself.

See how this game works?
Omusbro supports slavery by his Islamic religion and his African heritage... Shit Eater
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you really believe that, or was that awful statement just you trying to stay "in character?"
Do you really believe that, or was that awful statement just you trying to stay "in character?" Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Perhaps it's both!
So then you think its Okay for him to post utter lies in order to, what, boost his credibility among people who think the President of the United States is "smarmy" and "little?"

This entire thread is an abomination, as posted.

Predictably, Whi-LIE-turd posted lies and than ran away. I'm sure we'll be asking him about this one months from now, too.

Meanwhile, Jackie, why do YOU think Whir-LIE-turd posted this thread this way? You seem to be speaking for him whilst he's in hiding. Do you believe that Slavery in the Muslim world is Obama's fault? That ISIL is Obama's creation?

Just want to know where to set the bar here... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I thought I made it plain. Whirly believes that ISIL was able to rise to their current status because President Obama and his entire State Department, including that old Hag Hillary, are naive and ignorant about the kind of evil we, as Western Civilization, are confronted with.

Do I believe this. Well, you know my opinion of President Obama. He is a smarmy little Femagogue who finds it quite easy to con voters into supporting him, but then doesn't have a clue as to what to do after the deed.

All the President knows how to do is campaign. That is why he sees nothing out of the ordinary when just hours after a crisis, he can sit down at a big fund raiser and pretend everything is ok.
Omusbro supports slavery by his Islamic religion and his African heritage... Shit Eater Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I don't think President Obama is a Muslim. Nor is he a Baptist, Lutheran, Hindu, Catholic, etc.

He's nothing. He is the classic narcissist, there is no room in his spiritual heart for anyone but himself.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy chit!

How ever do you make it through the day with such weight on your shoulders?
Dumb ass thread??

Every news organization is reporting ISIS kidnapping young girls and forcing them into what can only be described as criminal bondage, ie, being sex slaves, suicide bombers, etc.

We blame the so called "moderate Muslims" for not condemning this activity, but to condemn it is to condemn the very teachings of their Prophet.

Muhammad was a genocidal, murdering pedophile. Just because mass numbers of simple minded people can't see this does not change the facts. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Surprised to see you chiming in on this idiocy.

I think we can all agree that ISIS is fact, I know we can, and do. How does that turn into Obama is actively promulgating an Islamic slave state? And, how does that turn into all progressives siding with ISIS and hating America?

It's a stupid thread with a lot of stupid statements in it. Happy Holidays.
Let's start with the absurdity that Cheney still insists that Saddam Hussein and Al-Queda had a close alliance for over 10 years. He still keeps saying that shit to justify invading Iraq. Saddam Hussain was the Stalin of the Middle East - he couldn't have given a shit less about Islam and he had zero respect for religious zealots of any type. All he cared about was power - his only ideology was his own power. So all this crap started with the genius idea of taking out Saddam in revenge for trying to cap W.'s Daddy and to "bring democracy" to a Shiite majority country - that borders another Shiite majority country that hates us more than anybody in the world. An undergraduate foreign relations student at a community college back in 2003 could have predicted this chain of events:

1) US puts Shiite majority in power in Iraq;

2) Shiite's treat Sunnis like shit in retaliation for decades of Sunni repression (despite US telling them they really need to play nice);

3) Iran - emboldened by having new buddies in power next door increases their meddling in other countries - like Afghanistan, causing more paranoia in the government of Pakistan and undercutting U.S. efforts to stabilize Afghanistan, knowing they aren't going anywhere and can outlast U.S

3) Sunnis do not accept their treatment laying down. Organize and find a way to destabilize Iraq after U.S. is gone.

Entire Levant region is destabilized.

Precise events like Syria civil war, ISIL success, etc. would not have been predicted, but they all fall within the general mayhem created by invading Iraq in the first place.

So - yea - Obama has made some mistakes. (Like not pushing harder and using more capital to keep troops in Iraq; like staying with Maliki longer than he should have) - But your blaming the guy with shovel at the back of the fucking parade as if he is the one that planned the whole parade in the first place.

Hell - one of the things Bush said during his 2000 campaign was that nation building was folly - in criticizing Clinton's policies in the Balkans. That was one of the lines that got me to vote for him. SOB. All he has done is prove that even more right. So are we going to go back in and keep proving that right? What is happening there is a result of the refusal of the Saudi's and other Middle East governments to keep the extremists in line. In fact, as we all know - the Saudis allowed that extremism to incubate and grow in their own country and let it spread - while claiming to be our allies. We are close to establishing ourselves as energy self-sufficient (something I am proud to have contributed to myself). As harsh as it may sound, it is time to let these countries stew in their own juices and not try any longer to rescue them from the consequences of their own beliefs and actions.

Ideas matters - and they need to learn the harsh reality of the kind of world created by the ideas they have allowed to flourish. If they don't like it, it is up to them to reform their own world. As long as we are involved, they will keep blaming us anyway. To me, it's like kicking a grown kid out of the family house who blames the family for all his woes. "Here take $2,000 - rent yourself a place to live and build your own life."