So what would the perfect gal be to you? Can you be satisfied by "Just One"? Could there be one that would take you away from all of this?

But Homer.....what if she made the best pastrami sandwich you ever had? Originally Posted by GibsonLesPaul69

Well that changes everything. Of course I can only eat pastrami so often.

austinkboy's Avatar
There was a time when I thought that I would be willing to be with just this one particular woman. The feeling wasn't mutual, and I thank her for that. But trying to focus on and desiring this one woman so badly had the exact opposite effect. I became even more promiscuous to take my mind off of her.

So, when that chapter finally came to a close, and she help me get over her by being a total pecuniary bitch, there were a few realizations. I fall in love all the time. It's not JUST about sex. I enjoy the connection. I love women...of all kinds. There isn't just one type of woman that I love, but I don't like to see a different woman all the time. If I ever get to a review count of over 100, please shoot me!

So, the conclusion that I came to is this... there is unlikely to be one woman that I would meet in the hobby that would be the right person overall, including the right circumstances that would make me leave the hobby. That is largely because any woman that I would fall for in the hobby probably wouldn't be satisfied forever with just one man...even if it is ME.

So, I think the best solution for me is that I would cuddle up and settle down with maybe three or so of my very favorite women, each of them that I love dearly, be able to see them regularly, and have some connection beyond just a pure business client/provider relationship. Now that would very happily KEEP ME IN THE HOBBY rather than making me want to leave!
Whispers's Avatar
I keep trying to write here and find myself getting all twisted up over the words..... I believe I've opened a can of worms here for myself.

But you may have caused me to realize the answer Kboy to my question.....

As perfect as she is at the moment..... maybe the circumstances of how we met are working on my subconscious.....
1kewlkat's Avatar
Where are my reading glasses, cognitive deficit, disorganized thoughts, that emotion, love does strange things to a man... yep sound familiar been there before I'm sure I'll be there again, even though I try and avoid it,
Whispers's Avatar
No.....Not love....... Just confusion....

I was sitting with Kboy at Sugars one night in early December when she was texting me and asking when I would be home so she could cook dinner. I lied and told her I was busy with a client and would be a while... She texted a little later and let me know she was cooking and would keep my plate warm. She also commented on what she would be serving for dessert.

21yo and meeting my every need and I was with Kboy in a strip club hitting on some other 20yo.

In years past I could honestly say the wife wasn't home or wouldn't cook or wanted nothing to do with sex as an excuse.

There is NO excuse I can come up with to justify not being home.

Not even boredom.... She makes things exciting and different all the time.

I made plans to take a different young lady to that country club event and my conscience got to me in the end. I was glad I did as she was a absolutely gorgeous and carried herself incredibly well. I'm not sure why I thought she might not.

But last week I found myself making plans again with someone else when I knew she would be busy with her son.

If I was going out with others that were closer to my own age, looking for someone to actually have some sort of future with maybe I could justify it.

But instead I find I just want to get my dick wet elsewhere at times.

Love means different things to me than it does to others. I know that our time together will be limited due to the extreme age difference and I've balanced our relationship with that in mind.

IF she was 15 years older then I guess she would be perfect for me as I would feel there was some chance for some future with her in it.

So far I've actually managed to control my urges.

But my history and wandering eye warns me that will not be the case for long.
harkontume's Avatar
"Love means different things to me than it does to others. I know that our time together will be limited due to the extreme age difference and I've balanced our relationship with that in mind."

Fear is sometimes expressed in behavior as "a self fulfilling prophecy"

I don't really know you. But I know about that behavior.

good luck
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I don't push my lifestyle choices on anyone, but swinging gives me the best of both worlds. I have a loving wife whom I enjoy being with in everyday life. And then we mix it up with other couples several times a year. No jealousy. No looking over our shoulders wondering where the other one might be. It's just sex. Although we do have lasting friendships outside the bedroom with several couples.

I know it's not for everyone, and maybe just for a handful. And I've seen marriages and releationships break up in the swinging world. But it is fun!!
I know that our time together will be limited due to the extreme age difference and I've balanced our relationship with that in mind. Originally Posted by Whispers
Why does the "extreme age difference" limit your time together?
What's going to happen?
Why can't I see into the future?

If I knew I had limited time (e.g., 3 hours) left to be with the one I love, I would spend the bulk of that time making sure that long after I'm gone she will know that she was loved. I believe most would do the same for the one they love.

I wonder why we don't do that when we truly don't know how much time we have left together.

Fear is sometimes expressed in behavior as "a self fulfilling prophecy" Originally Posted by harkontume

It could be fear. Do you fear becoming what you've mocked? Or, it could be you just don't love her. It happens.

Whatever it is, I hope it's not holding her back.
can you pronounce "chauvinist"?
Just joshing bud.. but your profile is pretty one sided. Especially the "in shape" part.;.
All of us would want the "perfect" woman, but life is full of compromises.. and one compromise is to find a new one when you get tired of the old one. From the viewpoint of either the guy or girl in the relationship. Originally Posted by nuglet
I think that your right. We all want that perfect partner that will fulfill all of our needs, but they don't exist. I also think that it partly comes down to a choice for both people.
I think that your right. We all want that perfect partner that will fulfill all of our needs, but they don't exist. I also think that it partly comes down to a choice for both people. Originally Posted by Nia Love
Of course they exist, if only for an hour at a time.
Unless it's a Special!
Unless it's a Special! Originally Posted by rockerrick
knotty man's Avatar
perfect girl?....3 ft. tall, no teeth, and a flat head to put my beer on!!
Hmmmm... I'll play. Leave the critiques to the critiquers...

A perfect type...

I've learned over my life that I get bored with women who are doormats or not exceptionally intelligent. I find good conversations, over a wide range of topics, to be sexually stimulating. Is it a neccesity everytime, of course not. But to really keep my interest I "want a girl" who is smart edging on brainiac, loves to discuss topics/life/HER interests as well as mine, is open with her feelings/beliefs/ideals yet TOLERANT of other opinions. That last part is the hardest to find. Most uber intelligent lasses struggle with tolerating another viewpoint.

Perfect for me would be...

5'7" 120-140# Green or Brown eyes (Grey is heaven, but rare). Perfect "B" or "C" cuppage (although I enjoy the entire alphabet & find all letters enjoyable). Tight little ass-not neccesarily muscular-just soft and well formed, Loooonnngggg legs in proportion. Natural brunette, have just always been drawn to brunettes. Must LOVE kissing & making out. Can DT. DOESN'T fake sex. If its just enjoyable but not orgasmic this go around, thats ok, just relax & do the best you can. But if its great for you too, let me know by saying so!

K...I think I just described a younger Ashley Judd, so at least now I know... Originally Posted by Toyz just described me
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  • Toyz
  • 04-09-2012, 08:25 AM just described me Originally Posted by klovve
SEE!?!? I KNEW my perfect match was out there & should have known it was KLovve all along. Sometimes we search far & wide but the answer is right in front of us...

(and you are a red wine lover as am I, another plus)