Literally helping 1 person at a time...

DentBick's Avatar
Don't squash the girl's dreams. It's a gypsy wagon. Every homeless person should have one. Anyone with two pennies to rub together is an asshole if they don't help build these. It's the most practical use of generosity I've ever fucking seen. Tally-go, girl!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-24-2017, 10:36 PM
I would put some windows on it .. I like it tho Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Oh, the new design is more like a small pill shaped tear drop camper, with 4 plexiglass windows. It is really cute. I will share the sketchups soon.

Certainly don't want to disparage your benevolence, but first a random thought or two.

First suggestion is to get some perspective from a community policing officer (yes, a Dallas LEO, or whatever community) about the potential perils of the cart. And to its pusher.

It might well make the lady a target. For perps and who knows what else.

My empathy goes out to the street people, always. Sometimes even a few dollars.

But most social workers I know personally and professionally usually counsel that these folks can often benefit from existing social services, assuming, of course, that a homeless person is willing to accept some support.

Applauding your effort, I am, but counseling you to be prepared for disappointment,too, and even possible outright rejection. Originally Posted by ck1942

I have gotten plenty of community involvement and support, including local beat cops, social services, and community leaders here in Seattle. We are always working on alternative ideas. The biggest hurdle we are running into is making sure safety is number one. Given that most of the homeless community lives away from our neighborhood, and a few businesses have given the ok to have her park and lock behind their buildings at night, there are only a few more issues to resolve.

She has been excited by this idea and has actually given me a lot of insight as far as what she actually needs and wants out of the mobile cart vs what I thought would be helpful. Designs are being changed.

I appreciate all the perspectives everyone is sharing (cept DentBick who posts like a jealous hooktard). Keep the thoughts coming.
DentBick's Avatar
Oh, the new design is more like a small pill shaped tear drop camper, with 4 plexiglass windows. It is really cute. I will share the sketchups soon.

I have gotten plenty of community involvement and support, including local beat cops, social services, and community leaders here in Seattle. We are always working on alternative ideas. The biggest hurdle we are running into is making sure safety is number one. Given that most of the homeless community lives away from our neighborhood, and a few businesses have given the ok to have her park and lock behind their buildings at night, there are only a few more issues to resolve.

She has been excited by this idea and has actually given me a lot of insight as far as what she actually needs and wants out of the mobile cart vs what I thought would be helpful. Designs are being changed.

I appreciate all the perspectives everyone is sharing (cept DentBick who posts like a jealous hooktard). Keep the thoughts coming. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

Why would I be jealous of a hooker begging for money to build an imaginary gypsy wagon? You must have me confused. I think it's awesome that you can scam a bunch of fucktards into building an imaginary gypsy wagon. And your story just keeps getting better and better. Shmb gold. Right here.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-25-2017, 08:49 AM
Since this wagon is imaginary, hook her up with some dubs and a booming system, I'm sure a local rim and stereo shop will sponsor those items for promotion.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 09-26-2017, 02:43 PM
Funds are easy to transfer via Google wallet. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
I've never used Google Wallet. Can I link gift cards to it?
Okay....this sounds legit.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
As a minimalist and lover of humans, I absolutely love this idea. I hope it goes well!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-27-2017, 03:37 PM
I've never used Google Wallet. Can I link gift cards to it? Originally Posted by Crock
No! Just your RW name and CC information, why don't you just mail her the cash instead. I'm sure it will go towards buying wood and nails.
Grace Preston's Avatar
No! Just your RW name and CC information, why don't you just mail her the cash instead. I'm sure it will go towards buying wood and nails. Originally Posted by BLM69
Not entirely true. I have a Google Wallet account in my working name. I have it attached to my bank account as well. When I've sent money, it still comes up as "Grace Preston"
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-27-2017, 04:18 PM
Not true. You can set it up with a randomly named email, and that is all I will ever see.

Hell, you could even set up Google wallet on your RL email, transfer the money to your hobby email, then transfer it to whoever you want. The person receiving the funds NEVER sees your financial information.

I love that only the troll crew has something negative to say. *sigh* always someone. *rolls eyes* This isn't a scam, and while it sounds crazy to the Texas folks where it probably wouldn't actually be a decent idea, it is gaining momentum here in the PNW. Share in my crazy ideas or don't... bothers me none.

I already have funding for two. I don't actually need more donations right now. I can only work on one at a time given how much space is in my garage. And I would still need to find another person willing to experiment with this idea.

Work hasn't started just yet, I am wrapping up another project and waiting on delivery of some parts. Still need a few more pieces of input from the recipient.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-27-2017, 04:55 PM
Not true. You can set it up with a randomly named email, and that is all I will ever see.

Hell, you could even set up Google wallet on your RL email, transfer the money to your hobby email, then transfer it to whoever you want. The person receiving the funds NEVER sees your financial information.

I love that only the troll crew has something negative to say. *sigh* always someone. *rolls eyes* This isn't a scam, and while it sounds crazy to the Texas folks where it probably wouldn't actually be a decent idea, it is gaining momentum here in the PNW. Share in my crazy ideas or don't... bothers me none.

I already have funding for two. I don't actually need more donations right now. I can only work on one at a time given how much space is in my garage. And I would still need to find another person willing to experiment with this idea.

Work hasn't started just yet, I am wrapping up another project and waiting on delivery of some parts. Still need a few more pieces of input from the recipient. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Stop the begging in the whore board, this is a p4p site where you work to get paid, can't you find locals to fund your latest scam instead of the suckers in here?
billw1032's Avatar
Stop the begging in the whore board, this is a p4p site where you work to get paid, can't you find locals to fund your latest scam instead of the suckers in here? Originally Posted by BLM69
Did you ACTUALLY READ the post you quoted? If you did, did you notice the part where she says she already has twice as many donations as she needs and doesn't need any more right now? If that's begging, it sure is a strange sort. If and when she does need more, though, she already knows from my PM that I'm willing to help.

In my multiple years on ECCIE I've never tried to put anyone on block, but posts like this make me think twice about it.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-27-2017, 06:07 PM
BLM is a spechul kind of stupid some days.
DentBick's Avatar
It's not only the trolls that have something negative to say about this. The first page of posts are half a dozen legit posters explaining how impractical this idea is.

And if you've already gotten $1000 for two gypsy wagons, there needs to be pics of the finished products. At the very latest by the end of the year.
PeterBota's Avatar
Not true. You can set it up with a randomly named email, and that is all I will ever see.

Hell, you could even set up Google wallet on your RL email, transfer the money to your hobby email, then transfer it to whoever you want. The person receiving the funds NEVER sees your financial information.

I love that only the troll crew has something negative to say. *sigh* always someone. *rolls eyes* This isn't a scam, and while it sounds crazy to the Texas folks where it probably wouldn't actually be a decent idea, it is gaining momentum here in the PNW. Share in my crazy ideas or don't... bothers me none.

I already have funding for two. I don't actually need more donations right now. I can only work on one at a time given how much space is in my garage. And I would still need to find another person willing to experiment with this idea.

Work hasn't started just yet, I am wrapping up another project and waiting on delivery of some parts. Still need a few more pieces of input from the recipient. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Please don't generalize Texans.