Lil Cotex WINS !! The 2016 ( NOT 206 !! ) DOTY poll !

Congratulation 3 time loser, BigKotex!
LexusLover's Avatar
Congratulation 3 time loser, BigKotex! Originally Posted by gnadfly
BigTitsIdiot2016 just is a sore ....

.. errr.............. LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor upbringing I guess.

It appears he's having ....

............something of a MELTDOWN!!!!!
Congratulation Originally Posted by gnadfly
I agree Turdy the Cum Guzzlin' Idiot Turdfly.

Congratulations are in order for LL The Cowardly Idiot for his narrow (but well deserved) victory.

"YES", the final results of the following DOTY (not DATY) Poll is "WORTH BUMPING!"


The final DOTY (Not DATY) poll results follow:

LLIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
LLIdiot ... 9 ... 90.00%
JDIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
COIdiot ... 7 ... 70.00%
GayReyIdiot 7 .. 70.00%
TurdyIdiot 7... 70.00%
DSKIdiot 7... 70.00%
And another BUMP to celebrate the true "winner " ( but actually a lying liberal loser ! ) of the ORIGINAL 2016 ( NOT 206 !!! ) DOTY poll ! Accept NO substitutes, folks ! Especially from a lying liberal that has a hero in Slick Willy " I did not... " Clinton ! Even without the 17 write in votes LIL COTEX ran away with the voting !!! So now he has 2 crowns , the IOTY crown, which HE won via write in votes and the ORIGINAL 2016 ( NOT 206 !!! ) DOTY poll. His reach around crew members can celebrate that , AGAIN ! , ONE OF THEIR OWN has run off with the DIPSHIT OF THE YEAR award ! A salute to the award winner : Mebbe we can get Steve Harvey to announce the winner between assup and Lil Cotex. Or mebbe, since they're of the swishy walking persuasion, Ricky Gervais !
Congratulation 3 time loser, BigKotex! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Guess that make Lil Cotex a "triple crown " winner on par with assups three consecutive DOTY crowns ! Who will be the first to garner 4 crowns !!!!!
I see that GAY REY has come up for air! Just in time to congratulate LL The Cowardly Idiot for his narrow (but well deserved) victory.

"YES", the final results of the following DOTY (not DATY) Poll is "WORTH BUMPING!"


The final DOTY (Not DATY) poll results follow:

LLIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
LLIdiot ... 9 ... 90.00%
JDIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
COIdiot ... 7 ... 70.00%
GayReyIdiot 7 .. 70.00%
TurdyIdiot 7... 70.00%
DSKIdiot 7... 70.00%
And LIL COTEX, AGAIN !, presumes to think HE knows why other's post on this forum and , like the lying liberal Slick Willy Clinton acolyte that he " IS " and tries to "duck and dodge " from his glory of winning the DOTY 2016 ( NOT 206 !! ) special election !!!
I see that GAY REY has come up for air from the BBBJ he has been giving his Patriarchal Idiot! And he did so just in time to congratulate LL The Cowardly Idiot for his narrow (but well deserved) victory.

"YES", the final results of the following DOTY (not DATY) Poll is "WORTH BUMPING!"


The final DOTY (Not DATY) poll results follow:

[SIZE="6"]LLIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
LLIdiot ... 9 ... 90.00%
JDIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
COIdiot ... 7 ... 70.00%
GayReyIdiot 7 .. 70.00%
TurdyIdiot 7... 70.00%
DSKIdiot 7... 70.00%
I see that GAY REY has come up for air from the BBBJ he has been giving his Patriarchal Idiot! And he did so just in time to congratulate LL The Cowardly Idiot for his narrow (but well deserved) victory.

"YES", the final results of the following DOTY (not DATY) Poll is "WORTH BUMPING!"


The final DOTY (Not DATY) poll results follow:

[SIZE="6"]LLIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
LLIdiot ... 9 ... 90.00%
JDIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
COIdiot ... 7 ... 70.00%
GayReyIdiot 7 .. 70.00%
TurdyIdiot 7... 70.00%
DSKIdiot 7... 70.00%
Originally Posted by bigtex
" I see.. " said the blind tranny LIL COTEX !No wonder Caitlyn Jenner is such a hero to Lil Cotex ! And ONCE AGAIN, LIL COTEX ATTEMPTS to LIE his way out of reality, where I posted a congratulations to LIL COTEX ONLY ! ABOUT HIS GLORIOUS WIN OF THE 2016 ( NOT 206 !!! ) DOTY POLL, EVEN WITHOUT THE WRITE IN VOTES FOR HIM !!! That makes 2 crowns he's won in these past few month's, with his stunning victory of HIS OWN IOTY poll !!!!! But we thank him for his bump of HIS special election win and his continued campaigning for the 2017 ( NOT 207 !! ) DOTY poll ! He can proudly, as the patriarch and founding member of the Austin reach around crew, show his reach around Klan, errrr clan members and his tranny "boy friends " his trophy and crown for winning the DOTY 2016 ( NOT 206 !!! ) poll. Sure hope Shrillary doesn't cry this much and try to deflect at her potential "win " ( or loss !! )
So consider this another BUMP of the election results for the REAL, TRUE winner of the ORIGINAL DOTY 2016 ( NOT 206 !! ) poll. Keep bumping YOUR victory announcement Lil Cotex !!! :cla pping: A " salute " to you on YOUR win :
I see that GAY REY has come up for air! Just in time to congratulate LL The Cowardly Idiot for his narrow (but well deserved) victory.

"YES", the final results of the following DOTY (not DATY) Poll is "WORTH BUMPING!"


The final DOTY (Not DATY) poll results follow:

LLIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
LLIdiot ... 9 ... 90.00%
JDIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
COIdiot ... 7 ... 70.00%
GayReyIdiot 7 .. 70.00%
TurdyIdiot 7... 70.00%
DSKIdiot 7... 70.00%
Another bump of the 2016 ( NOT 206 !!!! ) DOTY poll that Lil Cotex WON over the flaccid competition of HIS own reach around Klan, err clan ! A true "triple crown " winner in the span of less than 6 months hasn't been seen in THIS forum since it was started ! Mebbe in baseball and horse racing, but NOT here !!! " Triple Crown of HIS OWN ! IOTY poll, HIS DOTY " 206 " poll, and THE ORIGINAL DOTY 2016 ( NOT 206 !!!! ) poll !! Who would have thought that such a lying liberal, braying jackass, Slick Willy lovin', duckin', dodgin', and denyin' tranny could sweep all 3 polls !!! ? !!!! A salute for HIS wins :
I see that GAY REY has come up for air! Just in time to congratulate LL The Cowardly Idiot for his narrow (but well deserved) victory.

"YES", the final results of the following DOTY (not DATY) Poll is "WORTH BUMPING!"


The final DOTY (Not DATY) poll results follow:

LLIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
LLIdiot ... 9 ... 90.00%
JDIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
COIdiot ... 7 ... 70.00%
GayReyIdiot 7 .. 70.00%
TurdyIdiot 7... 70.00%
DSKIdiot 7... 70.00%
Another BUMP to congratulate Lil Cotex on HIS winning the IOTY poll, the Doty "206 " poll AND the ORIGINAL 2016 ( NOT 206 !!!!!! ) DOTY poll ! The "Triple Crown " WINNER !
LexusLover's Avatar

.did BigTitsIdiot2016 actually call you "gay"?

Seems to be a trend on here ... the "progressives" (liberals in a sheep's skin)

... who are self-anointed culture police ... using the word "gay" when referring to some in a ridiculing and insulting manner .....

... interest to say the least!

But I do recall that disparaging remarks using references to another's gender preferences on grade school play grounds during recess .....

perhaps BITTITSIDIOT2016 is having FLASHBACKS in his MELTDOWN!!! Or more likely he has never graduated from his grade school mentality!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I thought you were not supposed to come within 500 feet of a school playground, LLephantMan!