Random Question: Lawyer Inquiry

I get a feeling that these apartments are not ran/overseen by the apartment association since he said "slumlord" which makes this sound more like a "landlord" rather then an apartment management company, so with that being said, her best bet would be lone star legal aid.

I'm guessing since you are pretty much brand new on the board, attorneys aren't going to be PMing you and offering her help, which makes sence, why would they "out" their self like that?

Your best bet on Eccie is to head over to the legal forums and divulge more details about where she lives and if it is a single person or a management company that is responsible for her apartment. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
The Apartment is part of TAA and HAR. The company is owned and managed by Indians (dot not feather). She's applied with Legal Sid as well as reached out to various entities such TDHHS, Attorney General, BBB, and all news channels but not making traction. The company has deep pockets and a contributor to many lawmaker, as they show some on their website. I appreciate your input, I'll let her know my findings.
If they are low income (or prove that they are) Lone Star Legal will represent for free. Originally Posted by bigstickdave6969
Thank you, I know for a fact she's applied and is waiting to hear back. She actually has great supporting documentation, just needs a shot at presenting to someone that does these types of cases. I've helped her a lot and we've found out that attornies are not lining up to take mold cases. Just angers me that this rich company has been able to pick and chose which laws to obey and ignores the oath they took to become citizens. Thanks again.
Oh and mediation will be no charge to her, it's free.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
"Public housing", like HUD huh ?
That she hasn't done and until now, no one has suggested. Thank you
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Just angers me that this rich company has been able to pick and chose which laws to obey Originally Posted by ElPipiGrande
I know exactly what you mean. I see stuff like this happen all the time to what most would describe as underprivileged women.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You should be able to step up and help her out since yall are clearly
. If you cant help by being more useful and resourceful she should consider kicking you to the curb.

you're welcome Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

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Legal forum.
Maybe she should fry some chicken the old fashion way on the stove top. Turn that burner up a half notch too high.....Get about halfway done and run to the store for some fries.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You say this because you know me or know anything about this situation.
What do you think I'm doing dumb ass ? What makes you think I'm a loser like you and just talk shit and hide behind a computer. Not everything is about fucking you idiot, there are people that at times need a hand. And we already have too many of you, always needing something in return in order to lend a helping hand. It's because of miserable, self centered, arrogant closed minded fucks like you, that this country is going to shits. Originally Posted by ElPipiGrande
Awwwe sweetie....Do you feel better now that your rant is over?

Sounds like she's living in squalor in 2017 and your basic ass dont seem to have a clue by coming here of all places for advice..I didnt call you a loser you outted yourself fo sho...and now trynna get mad..your friends apt cant cost all that much a month get off your ass stop trying in vain to show me your a tough macho guy and go provide your friend some real help..coming on here all you're doing is being self righteous trying to make yourself feel good...so you can go back to her say a few words to make yourself appear to be helping when your not..just trynna stay cool with her so you can get more pussy..I see through you based on your OP....so open your wallet and help the poor gal.. if not she ought to kick your ass to the curb. Now get mad at that ok tough guy. ;-)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Maybe she should fry some chicken the old fashion way on the stove top. Turn that burner up a half notch too high.....Get about halfway done and run to the store for some fries. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
and burn down the place and potetially kill her neighbors...you get smarter by the second I swear.
TryWeakly's Avatar
You talkin bout det Section 8 ? I know bout det Section 8 Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Or are you talking about the old "section 8" where one receives a dishonorable discharge due to being "unfit for service" .... akin to being a "flaming homosexual" .....

Champagne Brown's Avatar
"Public housing", like HUD huh ?
That she hasn't done and until now, no one has suggested. Thank you Originally Posted by ElPipiGrande
Not public housing, I said it wrong and corrected it. It's the apartment association and I put a link in this thread..

Call them first let them know about her situation, they will tell you,you need to fill out the document 1st so they can set a date.

Here link again below..


Oh and sorry if I sound stupid, but I don't really no what HUD housing is, heard of the name before..

You're welcome!
  • pxmcc
  • 12-14-2017, 01:03 AM
El pipi i dont wanna get involved, but search on Martindale-Hubble AV rated, "slumlord" plaintiffs attorneys, and you'll hit the jackpot. steer clear of anyone who claims to do it all. Mitchell Katine comes to mind right off the bat. He's one of the best real estate/real property attys in the city. In any case, focus on attys who specialize in landlord/tenant and real property cases, not the jokers who "do it all."

one of my buds did nothing but class action statutory slumlord infractions at like 500$/infraction. shit paid out like a slot machine. lol. he made way more money than my buds who went to top firms right outta law school..

like i said, i dont wanna get involved, but suffice it to say, your friend has an out-fucking-standing case. ask your attys in screening about the "implied warranty of habitability;" if they don't launch into a diatribe, cross them off your list n on to the next. good luck to you.

and btw, wrong forum, sorry.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
A lease agreement is a legal contract between the owner and the tenant. The lease should spell out exactly how to handle issues such as this. If the person has not followed this path, they will win every time in a court of law. I am guessing that since she has contacted all of these people with no success it is probably because she has not followed the legal path that is required. You can complain, bitch and moan, call everyone you can to let them know, talk to management, it all does not matter if it is not done in the manner that is called out in the lease agreement.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Sounds as if she's not a citizen...I cant imagine that in ~2018 people who've lived here most of their lives dont know how to handle this...and if she's here illegal then she wont get far...unless someone with money helps her. Doesnt sound like she can afford much based on her living conditions... OP should step up...
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Can anyone tell me what exactly is HUD?
LexusLover's Avatar
Hoping it's ok to post this here and ask a quick question. Originally Posted by ElPipiGrande
The Houston Bar Association has a Referral Service which will recommend a referral to a lawyer or more who have been screened (and I mean actually "screened" not the cursory look on here) for the area of law for which they are referred. They are "insured" also.

Look up their number and call them: Ask for several recommendations in the area of town in which your "friend" is located (or nearby) so you don't have to drive to BF Egypt to see them or pass through SissyLip's neighborhood on the way.

Recommend to your friend to gather all documents to take the lawyer (get copies made just in case so he/she doesn't have to give up originals ... FedExpress/Kinkos does color pics, so does Walgreens .... and LISTEN to the lawyers..... not hookers and johns on a hooker board.