Just gonna say it..

big boi terry's Avatar
PS: Thank you, BBT! This hobby sure does build the oddest friendships doesn't it? Originally Posted by babee
No thank you mylady! But you're right, who woulda thunk it lol.
Sorry BBT - but I was

https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/phot...eat=directlink <-clickit

through some of this

in the "Little Missouri River National Grasslands" (aka The Badlands), when I had to go potty, so I stopped at Teddy Roosevelt State Park/scenic point/rest stop and took a pic of

jumped back in the car to get back on I-94 when just at the end of the rest stop, in the dogwalk part, I see this BIG buffalo statue by the parking lot and (me being me) think to myself; "Self, get a shot of you sitting on the buffalo statue" so I back up, put the car in park and

https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/phot...eat=directlink <-clickit

damn I love my job.
Girl, you are sooooooooo right!!!! I love to show off my skills to these guy's and they love it even more. I think that we maybe get to use to our base clients and that is why we forget sometimes how good we really are. I love traveling and meeting new guy's, cause as was said in the original thread, I get my ego stroked and I lovvvvvveeee it, it makes me want to show off even more!!!!