Just Call Me! - AlbanyBlonde

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You heard it first:
post #8

Sorry for it happening to you.

Date: 3/13/12
Provider: Autumn - AlbanyBlonde
Phone: unknown -she didn't give it!
Email Address: albanyblonde@gmail.com
URL / Website: none
City: Little Falls
State: New York
Address: "The" hotel
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Session Length: 1hr +
Fee: -
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: -
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: ghost like -she didn't show up
Recommendation: No Originally Posted by Sam54
  • Sam54
  • 03-14-2012, 06:24 AM
Thanks Jack and Quail for your responses of wisdom in this matter. I agree that I should have insisted and persisted on Autumn's phone number from a previous email request to her for one, but after confirmation and the day of, I didn't have any other recourse but to trust her for any communication between us since I had given her my number. The last thing I did before leaving home was to check one last time for emails ( I don't have a smart phone ). Because of my situation, I had to leave home early, and this being my first outcall, I thought that I would have the room nicely "ready" before Autumn arrived, since she had a considerable drive also. (BTW - I thought that the rooms were very nice for the rate - especially for an awesome king size bed for only a few $ more than (for Autumn's eyes) double beds) Even if I did have her number, the point is with only a few hours away from meeting, if she had only called or text-ed my phone instead of emailing, this whole fiasco could have been avoided. At this point, an email is as useless as snail mail for any communications between us. I don't hold any resentment towards her personally as I believe she had a legitimate excuse, and her reputation as being a respectable and desirable lady is most notable. Oh and yes Jon Colden, your thread did come to mind too as I was staring out into the parking lot at the hotel with that sinking feeling in my stomach, that this is not looking good! But as with life...time to move on!
Jon Colden's Avatar
I agree, Sam: these things can happen - to any of us - no sense letting it get to you.

Perhaps she'll see this and offer to make it up to you, somehow? That would be nice of her. Even an apology to you and an explanation would probably go a long way to soften the impact.

But, at least you had the chance to enjoy the unique beauty of Little Falls this time of year.

Better luck next time.
  • Sam54
  • 03-14-2012, 11:47 AM
Autumn and I have had an interesting day today, with back and forth emails.
I apologized to her for going "ballistic" on her in an email tirade yesterday, and she apologized to me after we discovered that she did indeed send a text message yesterday morning to my phone number - but, with the wrong area code. I understand that with a sick family member, she was attempting to contact me under a stressful situation. So if it is possible to WK your own negative review of a fine lady, here it is!
  • Quail
  • 03-14-2012, 03:25 PM
Autumn and I have had an interesting day today, with back and forth emails.
I apologized to her for going "ballistic" on her in an email tirade yesterday, and she apologized to me after we discovered that she did indeed send a text message yesterday morning to my phone number - but, with the wrong area code. I understand that with a sick family member, she was attempting to contact me under a stressful situation. So if it is possible to WK your own negative review of a fine lady, here it is! Originally Posted by Sam54

I am glad that the two of you have " resolved " this misunderstanding . As I said in my earlier post, everything that I have heard about Autumn shows her to be a classy, intelligent, honest woman who has consistently shown a history of great reviews.

You are showing that you are a reasonable, understanding man who was extremely disappointed that the much anticipated and planned out visit did not happen. Your first reaction was anger, but after you thought about it, you had the decency to post this follow up statement. Good job !!!

olderguy1948's Avatar
Sam54, an honorable thing to do. Thank you. I assumed that there was more to the story from my experience with Autum. Thanks for taking the time and effort to straighten this out. May you both have a better week end.
So if it is possible to WK your own negative review of a fine lady, here it is! Originally Posted by Sam54
skudd's Avatar
  • skudd
  • 03-15-2012, 07:58 AM
Bottom line, IMHO is that she owes Sam a free session. If not free then very deeply discounted. This poor guy sets the entire thing up, the date is a go, and she is an experienced provider...she HAS to know that he may not be able to view his email if hes on the road. Email to cancel at the last minute?? Really?? C'mon seriously. How tough is it for AB to text the monger or a quick call since they have already exchanged numbers? Shes 10000 percent in the wrong, and she should make it right.

Oops... just read that they worked it out. Glad to hear that.
  • Quail
  • 03-15-2012, 08:12 AM
Bottom line, IMHO is that she owes Sam a free session. If not free then very deeply discounted. This poor guy sets the entire thing up, the date is a go, and she is an experienced provider...she HAS to know that he may not be able to view his email if hes on the road. Email to cancel at the last minute?? Really?? C'mon seriously. How tough is it for AB to text the monger or a quick call since they have already exchanged numbers? Shes 10000 percent in the wrong, and she should make it right.

Oops... just read that they worked it out. Glad to hear that. Originally Posted by skudd

Yes , thankfully they both realized that this was a unfortunate incidenct and that errors were made on both ends. Now it is time to move on and enjoy life
Skudd, this sounds very familiar to another similar incident that I was involved in.
skudd's Avatar
  • skudd
  • 03-15-2012, 10:32 AM

Yes , thankfully they both realized that this was a unfortunate incidenct and that errors were made on both ends. Now it is time to move on and enjoy life
Skudd, this sounds very familiar to another similar incident that I was involved in. Originally Posted by quail
Yes.. it does.. lol
  • Quail
  • 03-15-2012, 03:13 PM
Yes.. it does.. lol Originally Posted by skudd
Will you send in my name for consideration for the Nobel peace prize ??
Will you send in my name for consideration for the Nobel peace prize ?? Originally Posted by quail
Mission accomplished.

  • Quail
  • 03-16-2012, 03:04 PM
Thanks Jack. Doesn't a large cash prize come with the Nobel award ??? Wow- just think of all the beautiful, exciting women from eccie that I could meet with all that money.
Doesn't a large cash prize come with the Nobel award ??? Originally Posted by quail
Actually, it's a cool 10 million Swedish Kronas, or about US$1.4 million.