Staying a few extra days

tige1979's Avatar
Looks like this post opens the flood gates! She communicated this to me before hand, it was ran by the other Mods and a decision was made.

Can't make everybody happy. Originally Posted by CupOfJava
Instead of starting a threAD in coed why don't you let her just place another ad in the correct section? Seams like it would be easier so you don't open the flood gates.
Instead of starting a threAD in coed why don't you let her just place another ad in the correct section? Seams like it would be easier so you don't open the flood gates. Originally Posted by tige1979
As 6 himself should know, since he was a Mod, that tough decisions have to be made. I am also sure that even 6 himself had to make several tough decisions that people did or did not like. There will always be situations.

Traci, explained her circumstances to the moderators. I made a decision based off of that and discussing the situation with the other mods. Traci did NOT post another Ad, nor will that be approved. She did however, with approval, post that "she'll be here a few more days...." nothing else was said. However, All this banter about what we should or should not do is giving Traci all kinds of free pub! So, if anyone here is placing an Ad for Traci, it's the guys posting and complaining about it. So keeping posting your opinions and responses. I am sure Traci will appreciate it!

Sorry these tough decisions don't please everyone. I haven't had one PM from a gal about this. If a Provider has an issue with this I hope they do feel comfortable in PMing me or another Mod about it. I will be happy to explain my decision in more detail. I hope I will be able to help other guys and gals out with their situations. But the answer may not always be the one you want to hear.
txAustin202's Avatar
It's not what you said but how you said it. Calling it a "bullshit thread". Even when you have valid points, it's how you say it that gets under my skin and why we've gone at it at times. Just my 2 cents on your general demeanor.

I don't see how my comments were negative but rather pointing out something valid. You felt it was valid too because you consulted with the mods first. I know there are some providers who agree with me on this one but won't comment......

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Bbbjfan's Avatar

How about next time you hit the RTM button or PM a mod when you don't like something.

That should not be too much to ask.

Man, the way I see it, ALMOST every time a provider posts here it is a threAD...and you know what...I'm totally cool with that. It's entertaining. Like most I don't want all out classifieds in coed, I like to see a little more finesse. "Oh hey guys, I decided to hang around longer because I was sick and want to be a good little provider and make sure you all get a chance to smack this sweet ass" MORE than meets my requirements for finesse.

Or do you really believe that there are providers who really want to post questions about our favorite positions, or whether we like ice cubes with our blowjobs, or if they should wear perfume or whatever when every thread has the very real potential to include some bitter prick going off on a tangent about their fat thighs or messy incall? OK maybe they find it professionally interesting too, sometimes, some of the responses, but really Coed is all about customer relations and exposure.
Solemate62's Avatar
How about taking this topic in a different direction? Traci posted on P411 for visiting Tulsa later in August. I have aleays wanted to meet her and so, a few days back I did send her the the 'Pre-Screening Form.' Earlier this evening she wrote back to say that she is not much of a fetish lady and she thought we should not meet. She further went on to thank me for having a very open and complete Profile on 411. I have tons of respect for this lady and I wrote her back in private to tell her that and I so state it here for all to read! Classy woman IMO!
Thank you all so much for the recent comments. I'm glad to see the tone of this turn around, and that not everyone is so intolerant of a lady trying to get a handle on unexpected changes. I really do appreciate your comments.

CupOfJoe -- Thanks for that post. The free publicity from all the angry bumping was nice. You were very patient and understanding with me and I appreciate that a lot. You're a hell of a mod. They don't pay you enough. :P

txAustin202 -- Those were my thoughts exactly (and thank you for posting yours), but I'd rather not bring Sixx back into this since he has been decent enough to respect my request to leave this thread alone.

irishlad -- You grew up with women, didn't you? You have an astounding grasp on a provider's perspective. Thanks for your post, love.

Solemate62 -- I really appreciate you being so gracious about my answer. You're a gentleman. And thanks for putting a good word in for me.
sixxbach's Avatar
Ah too late for that Traci... I don't care if the WK brigade comes out in full force. I have never cared for what most think. I could care less how good you look from your showcase and I could truly care less what your WK reviews from DFW say. I will call out bullshit regardless from who it's from. It doesn't matter that I like the Austin mods on a personal level but your excuse for this threAD is weak and hopefully ALL providers will be able to use this lame excuse for future threADs. WhatNs good for the goose is good for the gander right?

sixxbach's Avatar
Traci your praises are lame and weak. As long as they agree with you, posters and mods are cool. I call BS. It's a good thing I or Space are not mods anymore. Your threAD would have been dumped in the recycle bin where it belongs.......

Sixx about the dow dropping over 600 points today?
A simple solution would have been to let her place the ThreAD and then lock it. No comments are allowed on ads anyways.
  • Vyt
  • 08-09-2011, 12:03 AM
I'm not going to close the thread for now but I think *everyone's* made their point and it's time to move on.

Posting ads in Co-ed is against the rules. This is not an ad. It would be unfair to other providers, visiting and resident, who can only post one ad a week, if she were to post two, or were she to be allowed to 'bump' it with an update. Trust me, those *DO* get complaints when they happen, loudly.

Trying to determine what a "threAD" is, were it even against the rules to post such (which it is not), would be entirely a judgement call. Some providers are more adept at "threADs" than others, and it can be difficult to say where flirting ends and threADvertising begins.

If you don't like "threADs", well, don't read Co-Ed. Because they'll happen.
Bbbjfan's Avatar
Sixx, if this stuff bothers you so much you need a different hobby!

I don't know you and I don't know Traci... All you have done here is CREATE and AD and make yourself look like an ASS!

At one time I thought you could be someone I might like to hang out with, but after reading your lame, drama filled posts over the last few months I would be thrilled if I never saw another post by you again.

Your attitude sucks, you bring nothing but drama and BS to the forum in my opinion.

Solemate62's Avatar
Sixx, WTF! a guy can write something nice about a woman or, as in the case where I wrote something factual - without being labeled as a White Knight! What's up with that?
sixxbach's Avatar
Sixx, if this stuff bothers you so much you need a different hobby!

I don't know you and I don't know Traci... All you have done here is CREATE and AD and make yourself look like an ASS!

At one time I thought you could be someone I might like to hang out with, but after reading your lame, drama filled posts over the last few months I would be thrilled if I never saw another post by you again.

Your attitude sucks, you bring nothing but drama and BS to the forum in my opinion.

BBBJFAN Originally Posted by Bbbjfan
And to think a few people thought I had lost my edge. This has really been the only drama I have been involved in since around April. Maybe your confusing the months. My attitude sucks? I don't think it does. I am a tad blunt. I am a product of my work enviroment in that regard. You have to have nerves of steel at times.

Keep in mind BBBJFAN, there are some posters who actually agree with the points I have made. They probably don't agree with how I said it but see merit in it nonetheless
