Job application???

kcbigpapa's Avatar
Best approach (and this works in strip clubs, too):

In your next conversation with her, work the conversation casually around to you sort of complaining about being stressed (work, hours, whatever). Then volunteer that you're bummed because there's an escort that you've seen for years who you had an appointment with but she had to cancel because her kid was sick. Casually say that appointments with her are your much-needed stress relief, that you have the cash for her burning a hole in your pocket but you don't know what you're going to do now.

Then. . . leave the subject alone. All you have done is put something on the table and walk away from it. Very non-threatening. You haven't invited her to do anything. You haven't suggested anything. All you have done is complain a little bit, and mention a subject that she may or may not know anything about. She's then free to ask questions about that subject. Her questions, or lack thereof, will tell you everything you need to know.

If she's curious, she'll ask questions ("Escort? What's that?", "What do you do when you see her?", or "How much does she charge?") and the conversation can go from there. Sometimes they'll point-blank say they've thought about it (or even would like to try it) but didn't know how to get into it safely. Refer her to this website or some other review site if you want. At that point you can just roll with the conversation. Originally Posted by Racerunner
I would not recommend this approach. This has a great chance of working in strip clubs because the strippers are part of a sex industry, they just are not necessarily providers. A civilian on the other hand, would need a much more cautious approach. The problem with this approach is that JG may not want to be outed as a hobbyist. He may want more discretion. JG has met this woman in class and if the lady takes the approach you mentioned the wrong way, then she may report it to school officials. It doesn't matter that he never actually made a quid pro quo offer, they may see it as reason enough to expel him from the college.
I would not recommend this approach. This has a great chance of working in strip clubs because the strippers are part of a sex industry, they just are not necessarily providers. A civilian on the other hand, would need a much more cautious approach. The problem with this approach is that JG may not want to be outed as a hobbyist. He may want more discretion. JG has met this woman in class and if the lady takes the approach you mentioned the wrong way, then she may report it to school officials. It doesn't matter that he never actually made a quid pro quo offer, they may see it as reason enough to expel him from the college. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
It was my understanding (assumption?) that JG had a relationship with this girl that made such a conversation acceptable. If that's not the case, then you are absolutely correct.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
It was my understanding (assumption?) that JG had a relationship with this girl that made such a conversation acceptable. If that's not the case, then you are absolutely correct. Originally Posted by Racerunner
I think she is more of an acquaintance in a class he has.
john_galt's Avatar
Barely know her name but I overheard her saying that she is looking for a way to buy another car. Of course many women have a fast easy way to earn money. There is also the frequent claim by many providers that they are students. So you have to wonder...
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Either students or in need of car repairs....
BiggestBest's Avatar
Auto mechanics school ... $1000
Automotive Tools ... $2000
Benefits ... Priceless
dirty dog's Avatar
Dude just tell her she could make some money giving lap dances, if she shows interest tell her that you were planning to go to a club but if she would like you would love to pay her instead of a stripper, if she bites on that then during the dance let her know she could make more money if she was willing to do more and then take it from their depending on her reaction. If she acts repulsed them just enjoy the lap dance, if she acts like thats a possibility then take it from there, once you have done the doo with her than you can let her know how to round up customers.
ladylover4ever's Avatar
Intoduce her to Tiger Woods.
So anything happen here?
Camelhot's Avatar
JG: you certainly received some good advice and guidelines from members. Curious minds would like to know what developed, if anything. Good to know for future similar occasions.
john_galt's Avatar
Negative, operation aborted. She threw out some random comments that indicate she would not be interested. Too bad...
Longermonger's Avatar
told ya so
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
take her out let her cry on your shoulder get her drunk then to the hotel and then leave a enovlope on the table she should get a clue other wise i have friend that has dealership