Go FUND yourself

A2theb2thec's Avatar
Thanks for the extensive research you've been gathering. Truthfully your chances of getting any of these diseases which are associated is multifactorial and I think the best advice to anybody would be moderation. Too much of anything whether thought to be good or bad is usually not good. So understand what has been shown to be healthy and follow recommendations. Going over what is adequate may bring about other issues which may not be pleasant.

Key is moderation with anything in life. Keep things in balance.

As far as prevention, BCPL. Prevention is the holy grail with medicine. You don't know how much scientists would like to prevent cancer and other diseases. We have eradicated polio with a lot of effort but it is still out there. And the vaccine is live though attenuated. Very difficult to prevent. We are good at suppressing and treating. But curing cancer is not a cure.. It's a temporary condition. Cancer is a game of chance. Some of us are unlucky and will be more prone. Some of us will be exposed to more radiation and likely come down with it. There's a lot of factors in play with genes environment and our activities that determine when and how we will get cancer and other diseases we are exposed to. Once we understand cancer we will probably be able to prevent other processes we aren't particularly fond of.

But for now, how can you prevent cancer? Stop your own conception.

How do you prevent nonaccidental trauma? End the human race.

In other words, prevention is extremely difficult. Stopping something from happening when there is always a likelihood of it is nearly impossible unless you take that likelihood out. So as you said, preventing motor vehicle accidents, take out the motor vehicles. Preventing death, don't get conceived.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
The fact is, we are not meant to live past 40, and doing so on the regular is a relatively recent phenomenon in the history of the species. If you live long enough you WILL get cancer or heart disease eventually, provided you don't have the good common sense to die of something else first. Dying peacefully of "old age" is just a bullshit euphemism for having a heart attack in your sleep.

I read a study once a few years ago that every man over the age of 75 had at the very minimum low-grade prostate cancer when they were autopsied.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
study once a few years ago that every man over the age of 75 had at the very minimum low-grade prostate cancer when they were autopsied. Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
but doesnt that make sense? older men have high estradiol and low testosterone..
but is prostate cancer a worry? yes, and no
prostate cancer is the most predominant cancer and #2 cancer causing death(1st is lung cancer)

besides odds of getting prostate cancer is about 15% but dying from prostate cancer are about 2.5%

so there are easy things to do to avoid cancer
I'm still confused about LpA and heart disease
the Vit C people say Lpa is more important risk factor for CAD than cholestrol
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19623058 and mainstream medicine seems to agree
basically it's like this
your arteries are hoses and made from collagen
as time/pressure goes on, the hoses need to be repaired
to repair them,. they need collagen
collagen, needs vit C
no vitamin C, the body will use LDL cholesterol, ie LpA

humans can't make vit C, animals can, animals dont have heart attacks
bears have cholesterol 300+ in hibernation.
Dr mercola(hack) explains it well
and dr Levy has written books on it

basically, take 10+grams vit C
lysine/proline(which bind to LpA and vit K to get ride of plaques you already have
keep estrogen 20-30pg/ml
and testostrone 500+(try to get a 30+ ratio)
grapefruit can help prostate
" Grapefruit's naringenin repairs DNA, may protect against prostate cance"
A2theb2thec's Avatar
All this supplement crap, let me know if it works out for you. I'm quite sure there is a little more to it all to decrease inflammation and thus minimize all this crap we eventually have the pleasure of. Anyways last time I checked, I'm not a bear.

Anyhow... I got a real question. We're off topic. But no one including me cares so does that mean it is ok (within forum rules) or is it a violation? I find that the some rules are only sorta guidelines and others are hard and fast. No pun intended. Just not 100% understanding of these rules.
I'm living to 120 at the very least.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I'm living to 120 at the very least. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
the goal isnt for quanity, but for quality
how many old folks in carts do you see and you want to be alive when you cant walk or remember what happened yesterday?
(yes, the older you, the faster time moves http://www.cracked.com/article_18708...han-death.html

A2-dont like to read stuff that would help you?
dont check out linus pauling book then
or Death By Calcium. by Dr. Levy

i bet providers would want to know about vit C, seeing as you need to have vit C to make collagen and more collagen makes skin nice...all the creams that are sold that claim help with collagen wont do crap unless you have the raw materials to make collagen.

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant drug that can be used topically in dermatology to treat and prevent changes associated with photoageing. It can also be used for the treatment of hyperpigmentation. Because it is unstable and difficult to deliver into the dermis in the optimum dosage, research is being directed to find stable compounds of Vitamin C and newer methods of delivery of Vitamin C into the dermis, dog.

A2theb2thec's Avatar
I'm not against finding information that could help me.

I'm just a funny quirky fucker. I do take supplements but I have little to no faith that they'll change my life in a significant way. Vit D, magnesium, Vit C, fish oil.. But I really don't have faith.. No studies have truly proven their effectiveness just that there seems to be some positive benefits.. Nothing is conclusive.

I take them because it doesn't hurt and if they work, so much the better.

I concur... it's quality not quantity... but why not both? hehe...

I would choose quality. Who the fuck wants to live to 200 as a vegetable since reaching 100?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I'm not against finding information that could help me.

I'm just a funny quirky fucker. I do take supplements but I have little to no faith that they'll change my life in a significant way. Vit D, magnesium, Vit C, fish oil.. But I really don't have faith.. No studies have truly proven their effectiveness just that there seems to be some positive benefits.. Nothing is conclusive.

I take them because it doesn't hurt and if they work, so much the better.

I concur... it's quality not quantity... but why not both? hehe...

I would choose quality. Who the fuck wants to live to 200 as a vegetable since reaching 100? Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
quantity is pretty much required for vit C 5-10grams
helps cardio function and helps skin, teeth, because vit C is required for collagen

I really help my parents with nutrition as I see to many people whoi cant walk, cause they are so fat
or are late 60s and in wheelchairs..WTF
(yeah, some areaccidents etc, but most health issues are because of fucked up nutriton
we are a top the fattest yet malnourshied nation

all this ranting has mad me hungry
I am heading to MCdicks for some mcgriddles and pig slices