Chris Christie a Cowboy fan..or just a homo?

You live by the call, and die by the call.
Murf76's Avatar
Did anyone else happen to hear Aaron Rodgers calling out "New York Bozo, New York Bozo" as an audible????

And, yeah, as a Packer fan, I've always hated that "control of the football throughout the catch rule......until today!!!! Karma's a bitch.....I'm sure that Detroit and the Lions are laughing tonight!
Did anyone else happen to hear Aaron Rodgers calling out "New York Bozo, New York Bozo" as an audible????

And, yeah, as a Packer fan, I've always hated that "control of the football throughout the catch rule......until today!!!! Karma's a bitch.....I'm sure that Detroit and the Lions are laughing tonight! Originally Posted by Murf76

Yep, or something really close to that
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck Dallas. Raw.

If any team deserved to lose because of a flag today, it was Dallas,

Last week, the NFL admitted they fucked up in Dallas-Detroit. Today they argued that the call was correct and produced the rule that was followed.

Cowboys were owed a fucking. NFL got 'Em with a makeup call.
Wonder if Jerry voted for that rule?