Is ECCIE Management Engaging In Thought Control Via Censorship?

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-19-2010, 01:21 PM
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
That thread should have been, it got off topic only a about a hundred times. And the thread was not civil at all. Maybe you enjoy watching people go back and forth. I don't know... Im just asking.

Do you prefer the shit to roll around on the floor all day or just simply pick it up off the floor. I do think certain mods pick and choose who they moderate and strike heavily . So I just stay out the line of fire and hope for the best.

Just my opinion.

Have a great afternoon.
ANONONE's Avatar
It's a very simple question and you can't answer it. Originally Posted by Matador
I am still waiting for you to prove the accusation you made or retract it.

Oh and since you got banned, around the date of your last post to that thread, here is the Enonona handle created on 7/29, right after your Anonone ban, and banned on 7/30

So yes dude, to answer your question I do know what I am talking about.
Defamation of character isn't something to play footsie with.

Prove it or retract it--last chance.
Prove it or retract it--last chance. Originally Posted by ANONONE
You better watch out Matador! It's not like Anon is the eccie laughingstock and can be trifled with . . . or is it?
I'll make you a deal. Hit the RTM button and tell the staff how offended you are. The staff can then contact me or reply here, and not will I only apologize to you but I will do it in its own thread. Dude, there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that. I can assure you I will not feel diminished with such an act so I encourage you to report the post, it isn't a big deal. In fact, it will be good example of following the protocol of the board and obeying the expressed wishes by the staff. So please let's do this together, hit the RTM Originally Posted by Matador
I am still waiting for you to prove the accusation you made or retract it.

Defamation of character isn't something to play footsie with.

Prove it or retract it--last chance. Originally Posted by ANONONE
That offer above atands. I encourage you to hit the RTM. Click it more than once just to make sure. Not only will you get your wish, it will give me an opportunity to show I am not a hypocrite. After all, one of my main pressing questions here is why don't you show respect for the expressed wishes by the staff? I would be a total hypocrite if when asked by staff to do something as simple as offering an apology I don't do it. I am even offering your very own separate thread for an apology in the main forum. Forget about last chances, just do it.

For a guy who was tough on the other two threads, you seem a little shy on this one. I am asking a very fundamental question.

If you are not crusading, why not respect the wishes of the staff while they review the other thread? Why the need to throw the Censorship word out there and start not one, but two threads?
Defamation of character isn't something to play footsie with. Originally Posted by ANONONE
especially on a hooker board.
ANONONE's Avatar
Matador, please prove the accusation you made or retract it. . I will give you one more chance to deal with this.

If ECCIE management feels it is okay for you to use their site as a vehicle for defamation of character, that is their business.
notanewbie's Avatar
ban deerhunter.
Matador, please prove the accusation you made or retract it. . I will give you one more chance to deal with this.

If ECCIE management feels it is okay for you to use their site as a vehicle for defamation of character, that is their business. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Guy, you can continue to post the same deflection sentences as long as you want to, you already know the solution.

Now, answer the question. Why the fear? You and I both are hiding behind a handle "on a hooker board." , to partially quote Ansley. What is the problem?

If you are not crusading, why not respect the wishes of the staff while they review the other thread? Why the need to throw the Censorship word out there and start not one, but two threads?
Prove it or retract it--last chance. Originally Posted by ANONONE
But, later,

Matador, please prove the accusation you made or retract it. . I will give you one more chance to deal with this. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Matador, you'd better hurry up and apoligize! He's serious now! I fear for your safety!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Originally Posted by Mokoa
One of my personal favorites Mokoa! The OP is living proof.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
click it and get it over with already.
ANONONE's Avatar
Matador, you have accused me of wire fraud and internet theft of services. Please back up your accusation or retract it.

Board ownership, please investigate the handle ENONONA. Feel free to resolve this now with Matador, since he accused me of illegally hacking this site and creating that handle and engaging in wire fraud. If he does not retract his statement and you wish to handle this on your own, I will give you until Tuesday to make disclosure and clarifications before pursuing civil action.

After that, be prepared to surrender the account registration information for both that fraudulent handle as well as Matador's registration information so I can pursue civil action against him for the defamation of character.

If he doesn't want to fix this now, on his own accord, it will get fixed for him later in court. During discovery, I will instruct my attorney to subpoena as much of your records as needed to get this resolved.
shywantsome's Avatar
Wow, do they sell tickets to this dreamworld of entitlement you think you live in?
You're gonna sue ECCIE because Matador said you registered a sock puppet? LMAO! Where is Shyster John to comment when you need him? I can't decide if you're brilliantly funny for spoofing such a fantastically crackpot character or if you're real.