How are you surviving the Heatwave?

you will find me in the pool, with a cold one in my hand(s)

I *hate* when you get into your car and it takes 5-10mins for the A/C to cool the car down after being parked in the sun, or when the leather on your seats burns your ass because its so hot...or the metal on the seatbelt, or the steering wheel is too hot to touch haha, its awful!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-27-2011, 11:21 PM
I have been hobbying less these days. I am enjoying the heat, great workout weather since I have dropped 15 pounds since mid June. I have gone to a co workers pool a couple of times and played pool volleyball. Great to slam a beer, look at some thongs. Lots of sunscreen needed! I love sleeping in the cold though! Originally Posted by sixxbach
Congrats on the weight loss. Every bit helps.

Yes, I would rather have the cold as well.
SumNone's Avatar
I live about a 10-15 minute bike ride from Barton Springs. That helps a lot

Getting around mostly by bike means I stay used to the heat, and don't get bothered by it as much as most people. Just a lot of water and a dorky hat.
I abandoned the heat! Presently in our place in the mountains outside Ruidoso NM.....At 8 am it is now up to 65 degrees. It might get up to 85 degrees today! See y'all when it cools off there.

2.5 words: Slip 'n Slide.
runswithscissors's Avatar
I abandoned the heat! Presently in our place in the mountains outside Ruidoso NM.....At 8 am it is now up to 65 degrees. It might get up to 85 degrees today! See y'all when it cools off there.

G Originally Posted by Gentleman
That does sound nice....

I have been living in Germany, specifically Berlin, for the last 5 months; daytime highs were in the 60's and 70's....

I am having a hard time re-adjusting to Texas...
runswithscissors's Avatar
So the general consensus of the guys is:

Ladies; offer POOL SPECIALS, especially at night, with watermelon gin cocktails!! ( hint...hint...)
  • Haley
  • 07-28-2011, 04:06 PM
I find myself wearing substantially less clothing indoors, hence the small pile of clothe near my door. Also frequent trips to the pool with a refreshing beverage have made it somewhat bearable.
sixxbach's Avatar
I find myself wearing substantially less clothing indoors, . Originally Posted by Haley

  • Paven
  • 07-28-2011, 04:30 PM
The pool is a bathtub since the sun beats down on it all day long.

I'm keeping my freezer full of popsicles and drinking lots of ice water.

Oh and I got one of them new fangled Dyson air multipliers (fan) which is
so bitchen', it really puts out the cool air so my A/C doesn't have to work as hard.

I am missing the trade winds of Hawaii and balmy 82 degree temperatures.

The less clothing the better, skipping the bra cause there just so bleedin' hot!
Oh Fall where are you???

Looks like a trip to Schlitterbahn is in order!
Britttany_love's Avatar
I have been relaxing in my apartment. My ac works apartment sets in a good part of the building so its always freezing in here.
guest031812's Avatar
More trips to the pool!
Lots of Popsicle's for sure
& less clothes always makes me hotter!!!!!!!!!
budman33's Avatar
Y'all buncha pussies. I went to college and lived in Tempe AZ for 4 years. You go from AC to destination.. back to AC and when its dark its party time and all the lovelies are in short skirts or very inappropriate shorts. damn I miss college.

Arizona is where 2.0 GPA meteorologists go to work. " Today its going to be sunny and 100-sumthin" and they are suddenly 95% accurate.
coming home and collapsing with a bud lite lime.
my shop doesnt have a/c. 110 yesterday inside and 113 today
lotsa water! Originally Posted by knotty man
do you know how i know you are gay...cuz you drink bud lite lime...
knotty man's Avatar
i know your gay....cuz you listen to cold play lol
great to see ya back