well you could always ask "him" to go freshen up first where you have directed "him" from your ad to leave donation in bathroom on sink or toilet after "he" comes out you go in collect payment return to room begin to get naked without discussion if he wanders about"payment" stop get dressed ask "him" did he read your instructions on website if "he" says no ask "him" to leave and review your website for directions concerning payment slip "his"payment back to "him"under door after he leaves or go back to bathroom and replace and have "him" get from there or if you want you could have "him"layout donation on nightstand or sink dont touch it or discuss it do what you're donation amount allowed whatever you do be safe have a happy holiday Originally Posted by kywelg6869None of that makes any difference whatsoever. Cops bust women for "looking" like prostitutes EVERY DAY in this country. It doesn't matter if the man crumples the money in little balls and throws it in the wastebasket, or EVEN IF THE WOMAN REFUSES IT. If a you show up at a prostitution sting, you are taking a ride downtown. End of story. Both clients and escorts need to get this through their heads, screen thoroughly and STOP TAKING RISKS.
Will L.E. show you their I.D.? i'm curious I've started asking to see I.D.s and am wondering if it even matters? Originally Posted by Britney_Jaye_Loves_YouLE has fake drivers license, pay stubs, work i.d.'s or whatever creative form of screening we may ask for in place of the already proven. But I've heard that these arent 100% proof either so be careful either way and SCREEN RELIGIOUSLY. Hope this helps.. PM me if you like...
When she went to court somehow she was able to prove that sex for money was never mention and the case was immediatly dropped.Well, to an extent it worked in the sense that her case got dropped and she doesn't have a record but obviously it still cost her a lot of time and money .
So the whole not mentioning money and sex thing... also dosen't work Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I have been told that undercover Officers will go as far as get naked, but they can not for obvious reasons go any further. However, most officer will not put themselves in a moral situation like that.
As far as the ID, I have started using a Private Investigator to do my screenings. Of course he is a client and as we talked he told me what he did and we have a pretty good relationship. It help that he has access to several background search databases, and I have saved alot of money with going this route. Originally Posted by samantharain316