Boycott P411?

GimpyToe's Avatar
I would have no problem showing my ID if asked (covering up any info I wanted to keep private, with a trimmed post-it which I keep on the back of my ID).

I have never been asked to show ID to date, but there is already some level of safety for the provider and me since I always make the appointment through P411, and never give out my P411 ID through any other medium, such as PM or e-mail.

P411 makes it easier for all of us. I don't necessarily like the new level of annual dues, but it is relatively minor in comparison to my annual hobby budget.
Keeping it covered in masking tape is only one option. The other would be to simply cover what's unnecessary with your finger, as I have seen done numerous times, safely. It's really not a big deal.

If she's P411 and asking for your ID, it's not because she didn't do her homework. Quite the contrary, means she did her homework and now she's checking to make sure the answers are correct.

(and YES you have to deal with nut jobs, but to say you have to deal with just as many is not exactly true... unless you are seeing anywhere from 2-10 providers a day, five to seven days a week, depending on how high or low volume you are . And yes I would happily share my ID if a hobbyist insisted on verifying my age. Last name and address, no sharing. Birth date? Sure why not.) Originally Posted by Dannie
safety is a two way street. I'll show mine if you show yours.

If you only need to verify only the first name, then a credit card covering the last name should be fine.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-17-2010, 11:08 AM
safety is a two way street. I'll show mine if you show yours.

If you only need to verify only the first name, then a credit card covering the last name should be fine. Originally Posted by Tiger Woods
Actually, two pieces of ID are required to verify you are who you say you are...IF you have set up your account using correct information.

Example: Bob-31-a-0000
"Bob" will be the name listed on his drivers license.

"31" is the DAY he was born, listed on his drivers license.

"0000" will be the last four digits on another piece of Id that he carries in his wallet.
Hercules's Avatar
It is as naive to think a provider would have no harm planned for her john(s) as it is to think a john would have no harm planned for a provider.

If two guys are in cahoots enough to pull a stunt like this then how will showing four digits on a platic card help? They'd have thought around that already.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Before I show my ID, I cover up the personal info with clear scotch tape.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Actually, two pieces of ID are required to verify you are who you say you are...IF you have set up your account using correct information. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Sorry but that is not 100% correct as I noted in my previous post.

When P411 first started up in 2005 and I joined, my "digits" could be anything and they do not relate to any ID or other things I might carry.

It was not required back then. It was a suggestion.

Let's not make claims as if they are facts that someone filled it out with incorrect data if they have simply been around P411 as long as I have.
Due to a security issue, My P411 number is not one of my ID numbers. Was done specifically so I would not get in trouble if the persone had their way.

So, I would get turned away....

Just Sayin'

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-17-2010, 01:17 PM
I'm going off of what Gina has posted on AS*P before it died, AND what is posted on the P411 site itself for us providers.

Don't claim I am making something up...

Good thing you got in before the formula changed. Maybe Gina can explain what we should do in situations like that.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Gina actually DID comment on this very issue. If you have the time I'm sure you can find her post since she posts very rarely in either the ECCIE Coed or the ASPD/ERAPS Coed forums.
TexRich's Avatar
Gina rocks, P411 is the Gold Standard and anyone that want's to boycott P411 that's fine but you will won't be seeing me or anyone else that feels the same like I do about P411.
What a foolish way to sensationalize a valid topic, especially considering P 411 and Gina have done so much to help hobbyists and escorts alike.

My ID was from the early days, but I changed the last four digits to be my the last four of my hobby phone. Easily accomplished, and an aid if I ever have a lady ask to verify me. (I always carry my hobby phone in, just in case we haven't already talked with caller ID appearing.)

If a lady does her board homework, is active in the ladies forum, and uses P 411 there should be little else needed. If however, i was going to be required to show ID, I'd like to know in advance so I can either accept of decline those parameters. A lady's safety, and a gents safety as well are paramount here.

Of more concern to me is the ladies (a previously mentioned) who supposedly check your P 411 bit don;t show up in tracking or via email alert.

Let's face it. If someone wants your personal information fro clandestine reasons, license plates are an easy way to do that, after the fact.

BluesMan's Avatar
Just this past week, I went through this same decision, and decided to re-subscribe even though I don't hobby as much as I used to. To me, P411 just makes everything so much easier and convenient.
OverBought's Avatar
I guess there are different levels of security here. It's possible a p411 account number could be compromised if offered in an email, but wouldn't the probability be quite low.
However one would think compromise of verification of the individual when contact is made through the p411 account would be next to zero as it would mean a hobbiest had his password compromised.
That being said, if the situation arose where I was asked for ID, I would first offer my ID matching the last four digits. So I guess this verification of ID check covers even the most minute possibility of a compromised account.
I have never, ever had a provider ask me for my ID. It may or may not happen, but I have over 20 P411 OKs. Boycott? I don't think so.
RoDunn's Avatar
I think you are missing the point. The purpose of a P411 ID is not just for perusing your 'okays' and reading your all-too-frequently uncompleted bio. The number is used to check against the gentleman's id, and he can easily cover any pertinent information with a thumb. So I guess I fail to see why some guys get their panties in a wad over the ID thing. You know that is what it's for when you sign up, so spare me.

I think it's hilarious that some guys act like we just can't wait to get our grubby little hands on your precious information....Or that we are even capable of remembering it...or that we would even want to remember it . As though...of all the guys we see, YOU are the chosen one we are plotting against, LOL!! Funny stuff. To be quite honest, we couldn't care less about the specifics of your personal info, we just want to make sure you are not going to arrest or harm us. I know, it's terribly annoying, all this 'safety' nonsense. Originally Posted by Dannie
On occasion, I've had a lady ask me for my ID over the years and I've never had a problem showing it to her. I can't imagine how nerve-racking it must be to open the door and let in a stranger. I've never worried about a lady trying to remember my information for later use.

However, despite all the research I did on P411 before joined, I never found information saying that I had to produce an ID that contained all this information at the time of the appointment. I thought the information would be used to help P411 verify who I was. I mention this because I am sure others were not of aware of this before joining so the "you knew what it was for when you signed up" may not be true in many cases.

And, while I personally do not have an issue with showing my ID, I can understand why other guys do. You can never be too careful when the other party -- if they were so inclined -- could easily destroy your life. This doesn't happen every day, but it does happen.

The ladies should continue to request whatever level of information they need to feel comfortable. They should hold firm, but I would hold they have a little more empathy for their customers legitimate concerns. Just as I hope the gentlemen will understand the ladies concerns and quietly move on if the screening requirement are too much for them.