LexusLover's Avatar
Natonwide: Arrests by Population Groups: Whites 69% Blacks 28%
Nationwide: Population by Groups Whites 78% Blacks 13%
As per the 2013 reports from the FBI and Census Bureau .... and the arrests do not include any traffic offenses, which were included in the DOJ investigation of Ferguson.

Compare the national figures to Ferguson:

Ferguson Population Black 67%*
Ferguson Arrests Black 93%

*There was no data in the report to distinguish between Black people from Ferguson vs. Black people from outside of Ferguson who were being arrested. It was reported in the news that Ferguson is surrounded by areas that have a higher % of Blacks than Ferguson, in which case it would more than likely increase the Black traffic into and through Ferguson, thereby increasing police contacts with those outsiders. (Many of the protestors were reported not Ferguson residents, as an example.)

It is obvious from the Report that a statistical "bias" can be shown, but to carry that to the level of calling the department "racist" is not supported by the report or the stats.

When nationally 2x's the Black population are arrested for non-traffic offenses, but in
Ferguson "only" 50% above the population % are arrested out of the total arrests, WHICH INCLUDES TRAFFIC.

The real point is that Wilson was exonerated of any racial motivation in his response to Brown by a finding there was no evidence to support such an allegation against him. That's what got this Ferguson Race accusation going .. and the "hands up" protests. It was Wilson being accused of shooting Brown because Brown was Black. There is no evidence of that ... by the DOJ,, Holder, the Grand Jury, and the DA.
3 firings doesn't = "the department is racist"!!!!

Some of you accuse others of being hysterical, then you are hysterical. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Get a clue. Seriously. I'm not sure you can fart and chew gum at the same time.
LexusLover's Avatar
Get a clue. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I don't need a "clue." I read the report and the recommendations.

The same program that brought you the conclusion that the Ferguson PD was racist, convinced you that ISIS was JV and the ACA would let you keep your doctor and your insurance as well as lower health care costs. You bought it.

Hook, line, and stinker.

If you believe that, and you are Black, then my recommendation is:

Don't drive through Ferguson. But if you just must. Don't speed, make sure all of your safety equipment on your vehicle work, give all the proper signals, don't follow too closely, or park in a handicap spot...unless you are physically handicapped (FYI: those parking spaces are not for mentally handicapped like you!) In other words .. obey the law, and if an officer gives you a directive like ... get out of the middle of the street .... please don't try to take his pistol.
I don't need a "clue." Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot does not need to have a "clue!"

The Patriarch of the Idiot Klan, errr Clan, is the self-appointed administrator of all things having to do with BULLSHIT.
  • shanm
  • 03-07-2015, 01:24 PM
HAHA! Look at the Idiots try to defend this! I think LLIdiot and his Klan are on the fast track to packing up and moving to ferguson!

And cite the page/paragraph of the DOJ report calling the Ferguson PD "racist"....

, Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Do they have to use those exact words?

A department email circulated back in 2008, saying that Obama wouldn't be president for long because:

"what Black man holds a job for more than 4 years?"

gotta say, that is funny!

One officer, responding to a question of "why the cities poor black residents were disproportionately charged with infractions and offenses?" said:

"How can you get blood from a turnip?"

95% of those who received illegal stops, excessive force and arrests for petty offenses, things like "manner of walking in roadway", were black.

Yes you heard that right. "manner of walking in roadway" is apparently a crime in Ferguson, Missouri. Or it could be. Depending on what color you are.

If you want more highlights and funny emails, go to this link:

I don't know if theres any black men on this forum (maybe well endowed hehe) but I would be pissed at Eric Holder and DOJ about now. As the first black man to hold that office, he has the ability to bring this into the spotlight and end it once and for all. Instead he and the "justice" dept pretty much just handed out a WIN-WIN to both sides with this report.
I B Hankering's Avatar
A 71-year-old Wisconsin woman was seriously injured after she brawled with a younger woman over a handicapped parking spot and ended up getting chest bumped to the ground, police said.

The fight outside a Walmart in Greenfield on Tuesday started when customer Kezia Perkins, 32, tried pulling into a prime parking spot near the store’s entrance — but couldn’t make the sharp turn quick enough...

The elderly woman needed five hours of surgery and a second hip replacement after the fall caused two fractures to her femur, police said.

Perkins has been charged with aggravated battery. Her handicapped placard was allegedly invalid, and her license was suspended, the report stated.

Read more:


"The racial makeup of Fergusson, MO., was 67.4% African American, 29.3% White, 0.5% Asian, 0.4% Native American, 0.4% from other races, and 2.0% from two or more races. Hispanic and Latino of any race were 1.2% of the population." (wiki)
Why don't you just read the report. Or would you rather have the pablum?
..... Originally Posted by LexusLover
I put Undercunt on ignore after I noticed his repeated counterpoint was "You need to read the article" without pointing out what was "missed."
LexusLover's Avatar
I put Undercunt on ignore after I noticed his repeated counterpoint was "You need to read the article" without pointing out what was "missed." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Good point. if I were to put everyone on ignore who countered with "read the article" there would be few on here to see, .... especially after they tacked on something about not being able to read ... or comprehend ... or .... .understand "english"!!!!

I'm actually beginning to understand Obaminable's conclusion about public education ... kind of like weapons inspectors ....

..... 12 years ain't enough ... they need 2 more years.

It avoids the question and task of improving on the first 12 to the point one deosn't need the next 2 just to get by. They can take the next 2 if they want to step up or open some doors not otherwise unlocked for them.

How many times do you have to tell the clerk how much change is owed to you? And the clerk has a gigantic calculator with paper tape coming out!!!!

95% of the time they just drop it into your hand with the piece of paper, and say ... "here"s your change"!!!

Like ..... "read the article"!
LexusLover's Avatar
"The racial makeup of Fergusson, MO., was 67.4% African American
Based on the national statistics I would expect arrests of Blacks in Ferguson to be around 130% of the total arrests, without factoring in traffic offense arrests ..

instead of the 93% reported by the DOJ ...

3 firings doesn't = "the department is racist"!!!!

Some of you accuse others of being hysterical, then you are hysterical. Originally Posted by LexusLover
One fired two quit you can't read for shit. One email fit for news. Stated (don't worry about Obama you know a black can't hold a job for four years.) guess the rest could not be put out on the air.
I read a synopsis of the seven emails...none would crack Russell Simmons "Def Comedy Jam" on BET on the level of racism.

It's a shame that the DOJ and FBI can't do as thorough of a job on the IRS and Hillary Clinton's servers as they can do on some podunk police depts servers.
Based on the national statistics I would expect arrests of Blacks in Ferguson to be around 130% of the total arrests, without factoring in traffic offense arrests ..

instead of the 93% reported by the DOJ ...

Originally Posted by LexusLover
I read a synopsis of the seven emails...none would crack Russell Simmons "Def Comedy Jam" on BET on the level of racism.

It's a shame that the DOJ and FBI can't do as thorough of a job on the IRS and Hillary Clinton's servers as they can do on some podunk police depts servers. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Frick (LL) Idiot, meet Frack (Smelly ol' Turdfly) Idiot!

Two Idiot Peas in the same Idiot Pod!
I read a synopsis of the seven emails...none would crack Russell Simmons "Def Comedy Jam" on BET on the level of racism.

It's a shame that the DOJ and FBI can't do as thorough of a job on the IRS and Hillary Clinton's servers as they can do on some podunk police depts servers. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Key word: synopsis. And how do you know the DOJ and FBI haven't looked? You the director now? I know when I want expert opinion and loads of facts, I come to Internet forums
LexusLover's Avatar
I know when I want expert opinion and loads of facts, I come to Internet forums. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well, that pretty much takes you "out of the information game"!!!

The bench is over there }----------

I'm still looking for an "expert opinion" on what constitutes racial discrimination. I suppose some Judge somewhere would "qualify" one, but since it would be asking for an "opinion" on an "ultimate fact" to be decided by the Jury, I think it would be reversible error.

Now Obaminable, he knows what it is. He's experienced it all his life. And ..

.. he's a Constitutional Law Professor ... so he knows. Just ask him.

Speaking of not reading the Report yet ... UnderCut .... have you read the Report yet?
I'm still looking for an "expert opinion" on what constitutes racial discrimination. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, it is too bad that your fellow Ex-Democrat, Senator Strom Thurmond is no longer around. He could provide meaningful council to you regarding his "expert opinion on what constitutes racial discrimination."

Yet another missed opportunity!