Board personas and the hobby...

Wakeup's Avatar
The fact that you "had to be here" speaks volumes about those issues to which I was referring...

Again, for the cheap seats, if any board persona affects you in any help...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
....says the man who has to debase everyone he disagrees with. What does your ECCIE persona, and the need to express yourself so derisively, say about you? If nothing else, you evidently love playing head games.

You don't understand what I mean by "have to be here." It's marketing and strategy, research and development as any business person would do in any field. You have to know what you sell, what your competition is, who your clients are. But business can be ugly, and some work environments are harsh. I don't have to be ruthless, however, just observant. Sometimes I just sit back, watch, and learn.

If you're implying that this is the only job I can get, that's delusional. But it is what I've chosen to do at this time in my life, so why would I NOT have to be here, on what is arguably the most important board in the Hobby at present? To ignore it, and the trends that run with it, would be foolish.

Good thread, but goodnight.
Well said.

....says the man who has to debase everyone he disagrees with. What does your ECCIE persona, and the need to express yourself so derisively, say about you? If nothing else, you evidently love playing head games.

You don't understand what I mean by "have to be here." It's marketing and strategy, research and development as any business person would do in any field. You have to know what you sell, what your competition is, who your clients are. But business can be ugly, and some work environments are harsh. I don't have to be ruthless, however, just observant. Sometimes I just sit back, watch, and learn.

If you're implying that this is the only job I can get, that's delusional. But it is what I've chosen to do at this time in my life, so why would I NOT have to be here, on what is arguably the most important board in the Hobby at present? To ignore it, and the trends that run with it, would be foolish.

Good thread, but goodnight.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
As I've experienced from other forums, a person that's an asshole on the board does so because often times there are no real life consequences to deal with. Forums do tend to bring out a person's true persona (much like the way alcohol tends to do the same). That being said, I generally do make a very strong assumption of a person's character based on their behavior on the board. The only way this really applies to me is in regards to providers, because I have no desire to meet other hobbyists on this board. Not being a dick, just don't have the time.

When I see a provider posting threads and creating drama, especially the ones that try to create a divisive atmosphere (e.g. "so and so does this and that, blah blah blah"), it pretty much makes me lose interest in seeing them. Also, I personally abhor people that make no effort to punctuate, spell, or use basic grammatical guidelines in their ramblings. I understand people make mistakes here and there, but an absolute lack of effort is a turn off for me. Which explains why I try not to peruse the board too much, it just ruins it for me sometimes.

Short answer, yes it affects my decision :P
seeker7's Avatar
Homey don't do drama queens and we all know who they are. Probably drama queens in their non- hobby life, as well.
Wakeup's Avatar
on what is arguably the most important board in the Hobby at present? Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Heh, awesomesauce on toast right there...
pyramider's Avatar
Again, for the cheap seats, if any board persona affects you in any help... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Hey, my board persona makes the ladies wet. Now if I could that in person I would really be something.
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
The board persona will always give people a peek into someones psyche. That being said it will have a tendency to sway people one way or another towards seeing each other. I know it has caused me to contact some people and vice versa leading to some exciting relationships based on a feeling about them from their persona.
I believe that if you post it then it comes from your mind so there is really no separating yourself from who you are on here. In fact I would be willing to bet that who you are on here is far more likely who you are inside than what you are like in person. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I definitely agree with that to an extent.

Good luck connecting my screening info to this handle... Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Most of the providers I have seen would never know it was me.
On the other hand some do know, if I choose to tell them.
Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So just curious- Is there a particular reason you guys don't necessarily want people you see to know your board handles?

I don't know. Based on my "board persona" would you fuck me? Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Yeah, you're a fucking freak...there would be blood...

I always liked Dearhunter...his off the board persona buys lunch...his board persona is just a dick... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I'm coming to lunch next time

a rather unnatural lust for leprechauns; my closet full of 12W shoes threatening to avalanche and impale anyone passing by at the time on multiple 5-inch spikes; my fascination with dragons and draconian corsets that launch my boobs into orbit with Pegasus; my tendency to defend whales, turtles, lions, tigers, and bears, oh my; or something I typed while drinking too much Irish whiskey late at night. (Oops, she says, pushing the bottle away.) Oh, well. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Love the randomness factor here ^^, you crack me up love

Also, I personally abhor people that make no effort to punctuate, spell, or use basic grammatical guidelines in their ramblings. I understand people make mistakes here and there, but an absolute lack of effort is a turn off for me. Originally Posted by yf22raptor2
Complete turn off for me as well!
I mostly agree with EA. But all I care about is banging on my terms because because this is a hooker-john relationship which is meaningless dribble so who gives a rats ass about persona. That explains why I met Jemma, who thefuck would see her otherwise?!?! When I meet a civilian girl, personality is most important to me, more than physical appearance. Don't be fooled here, WU is a drama whore just like the actors in whale wars. Just because he says some funny snively comment and the whales are illiterate bumbling fools does not excuse him. It is very easy, just post something remotely cobtroversial and he will come running so fast just to say how lame and boring you are. It is quite predictable. That my lovely dear is an attention whore.
dearhunter's Avatar
I knew there was a reason I didn't like him
Heh, awesomesauce on toast right there... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

How is it awesomesauce Fo'Realz? ECCIE is a marketing tool for the ladies, and, for me, it is what replaces the water cooler in Corporate USA. Even with my other business I don't have the day to day interactions with a whole business sector that I used to have. I come here to relax, talk politics, have a good time and market. Free marketing I might add. The answer is that Fancy's comments aren't Awesomesauce; they bother you because she's right. ECCIE Awesomesauce is YOUR awesomesauce Fo'Realz. This shit is your life, and Fancy is a decent person - That kills you. Have ya noticed? No one's jumping on your bandwagon to try and hurt or belittle her.

So again, help us all understand what's behind your sarcasm, "facepalm" or one of your other bullshit, cop-out responses that are MEANT to belittle but do little more than betray your true, mean spirited character. Please feel free to fall back on your usual: hooker, john, fat, your feigned disinterest, your wife, stupid - no dumb - you usually use dumb not stupid, your pretend lack of emotion or perhaps something new. That would be interesting; it would at least give me something to play with. We could even lay odds on whether you can. Juzz keepin' it fo'realz fo' ya Homez; you know like how you do - AND ALL.

Everybody hold your breath....................Here it comes...................I'll bet he's going to fall back on his all time favorite ............................"M y wife can rip a ho"..........................L OL! Do it Baby; Rock it!
Absolutely. Board persona gives you lots of information regarding a person's education, command of language, ability to communicate, demeanor, sense of humor. If I see a provider's photos and I find her physically attractive, next up I read her posts to make sure there is no drama and get a sense of her personality. Since all of these posts are behind screen names or professional names, we are unconsciously disarmed, and the posts can be revealing of inner psyche. A few PM exchanges gives you a little more information as to whether this is someone you might have some chemistry with or not.
dearhunter's Avatar
Board personas are nonsense........I could come across any way I wanted......I could start over tomorrow and none of you would be the wiser......ijs.

Everybody hold your breath....................Here it comes...................I'll bet he's going to fall back on his all time favorite ............................"M y wife can rip a ho"..........................L OL! Do it Baby; Rock it!
[/SIZE] Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Ok you're gonna need to explain this one to me, I'm lost...How did I get dragged into this shit?