Impeachment Poll.. and Republican Lies

HoeHummer's Avatar
yep. 54% is a huge number .. of 1,003 respondents .. 542 people! (rounded up of course)

BAHHAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
By FOX???

LOLLING the dumbfuckery in this threads
  • oeb11
  • 12-17-2019, 08:25 AM
Thank you - YR-Hoe
HedonistForever's Avatar
I don't hear them say that. quite the opposite. I hear them say it is our solemn duty to impeach, regardless of consequences, we swore an oath, blah blah.

you believe Republican narrative over polls? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

The polls were wrong in 2016 weren't they? There is only one way to find out what the American people think, not a poll but a tally of the electoral college in 2020.
The polls were wrong in 2016 weren't they? There is only one way to find out what the American people think, not a poll but a tally of the electoral college in 2020. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The polls by election day were largely not "wrong" just within the margins of errors. It was the dumb fuckery of the pundits interpreting those polls into outrageous win percents for Hillary that was the problem.

As I tried to point out in this and other threads, when it comes to removal this polls shows 50% to remove, 45% to not remove, 5% unaccounted for, and a 3% margin of error. Basically split with a small lean to remove.

And when aggregated with other polls like RCP does, support for Trump has indeed swung his way during the House circus.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Chuck Shumer's hair is on fire. He's telling anybody that will listen, which isn't Mitch McConnell BTW that he needs more witnesses, he needs more evidence at the same time at least 218 Democrats have already said they have heard enough ( and that was weeks ago ) and will vote to impeach. So which Democrat is it exactly that hasn't made up their mind and needs more evidence? You would be hard pressed to name one.

One Democrat suggested that it wasn't them that needed more evidence but the American people so they can "understand" why they have to do this thing that they really, really don't want to do and have prayed about till their knees bled.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The only poll that counts is a poll of the U.S. Senate and you have to have 66% to make a difference. Aren't you the same people who thinks a popular vote wins a presidential election?
Redhot1960's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by Redhot1960

lol.. weekend at Ginsburg 2.0

Chung Tran's Avatar
Chuck Shumer's hair is on fire. He's telling anybody that will listen, which isn't Mitch McConnell BTW that he needs more witnesses, he needs more evidence at the same time at least 218 Democrats have already said they have heard enough ( and that was weeks ago ) and will vote to impeach. So which Democrat is it exactly that hasn't made up their mind and needs more evidence? You would be hard pressed to name one. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
you fundamentally refuse to acknowledge the different processes. impeaching (charging) (House) is much different than convicting (Senate).. the level of evidence and understanding is much lower to impeach.. that is why we send it to the Senate, for the REAL trial, to collect real evidence that matters, which your side does not want to do, because it will incriminate the King.
  • oeb11
  • 12-18-2019, 09:17 AM
Come off it - following the CNN propaganda - the Impeachment was decided by DPST's the Nov 2016 morning after the election - and has sought a "crime" ever since.

Schiff and nadler had 3 years to investigate and probe - and still there is no "crime" other than DPST collusion to impeach and instrument a coup against the legally elected POTUS.

The "Articles" are a sham - so put out the "Crime" you are sure Trump committed.
The DPST's are trying to foment a coup - toward their One Party socialist vision of America.
I pray I am dead before that vision comes to pass.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Come off it - following the CNN propaganda - the Impeachment was decided by DPST's the Nov 2016 morning after the election - and has sought a "crime" ever since.

Schiff and nadler had 3 years to investigate and probe - and still there is no "crime" other than DPST collusion to impeach and instrument a coup against the legally elected POTUS.

The "Articles" are a sham - so put out the "Crime" you are sure Trump committed.
The DPST's are trying to foment a coup - toward their One Party socialist vision of America.
I pray I am dead before that vision comes to pass. Originally Posted by oeb11
see, you don't really want transparency and fairness now, because you ASSUME the House was unfair based on what happened in unrelated events previously. you made your mind up.. Democrats bad, good Orange Man King.

and by the way, the Ginsburg meme shows how despicable many on the Right are, personally, yet you guys will say and post all kinds of shit about lefty's. remember the Clown who posted yesterday, now banned, who loved Trump like his own King? that guy is a reflection on many guys here, the nut-job right.
  • oeb11
  • 12-18-2019, 09:32 AM
CT - I respect your right to your opinion - but to defend the House Impeachment behavior as fair and non partisan is far too much a stretch.

To project on me that i do not want a fair, and transparent Senate trial becasue I reject the partisan house Rules is a DPST projection of your own desires to hang Trump regardless.

I recognize you will not change your opinion. Neither will i.

I pray that the DPST's do not prevail in their attempt to subvert Constitutional rights and process for all the people - and that all Americans retain the right to a fair and open trial before a jury of peers, the right to freedom of speech and religion, and the right to confront witnesses against one. all of which are under assault with the house rules and processes against Trump.

I do pray those rights are retained for CT - pray One never needs them in court.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I do pray those rights are retained for CT - pray One never needs them in court. Originally Posted by oeb11
thanks Nancy

when is the vote? I haven't watched anything today, I know the debate was for 6 hours.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Non-Partisan what a joke ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,its all politico
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous were expectings a dancing bear and trapeze artists, Rexsy? Or have you been hiding unders an emoji all these months?

Maybe yous would have preferreda a censure, or whatever your government does that isn’t impeachment?

Enjoys your joke. The whole world is watching you chortlings.